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  The Lost My Stuff Group

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Lost Wedding Ring Set Reported - Burlington, North Carolina

Lost Wedding Ring Reported - Groton, Connecticut

Added 1 new member

Lost Bracelet Reported - Las Flores, California

Lost Wedding Ring Reported - Portland, Oregon

Lost Wedding Ring Reported - Houston, Texas

More of our Success Stories...

Lost Wedding Ring found June 2023:

(Lost Item #3394)

I received a lost item report on Saturday morning for a ring lost the previous Wednesday. I contacted the submitter who then put me in contact with the owner of the lost item. Speaking over the phone I learned that the owner knew exactly how and where the item was lost and that the ring was made of tungsten carbide -- all very helpful information to have.

I offered to bring an extra detector if he was interested in giving it a try, he stated he was, so we made arrangements to meet Sunday morning at the location to see what we could find.

Sunday morning the owner and I walked down to the field and he gave a quick reenactment of how the ring was lost. I set him up with my Deus 1 detector and a quick how-to demo and we began detecting.

I started by gridding out a square of the area with my Manticore. He began searching the perimeter, occasionally calling me over to confirm a solid target, most of which turned out to be the ever common sprinkler head. After about an hour the owner hit a solid low tone and called me over saying it sounded different than his others.

I gave it a quick check with my machine to confirm the target, turned on my pinpointer and went in for a closer look. Sure enough, there just under some matted grass but still on top of the ground we found his ring!!

Both of us were thrilled to recover his very sentimental item, and I may have created a new detectorist in the process.

A big thanks goes to lostmystuff.net for facilitating the connection. I appreciate being able to help others in unexpected ways and share my joy of metal detecting and treasure hunting in all forms.

Success !!!

Success !!!

The Found Ring !!!

Success !!!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Lost Ring found March 2023:

(Lost Item #3362)

In January 2023 I purchased a Minelab Equinox 900 after years of not participating in this hobby. I stumbled upon this Facebook group and saw that a week or two prior to me signing up somebody had entered a lost item report about 30 minutes from my house. So I signed up for the group and contacted the owner. He had lost a custom made ring that was made for his dad by melting down his deceased mom's gold. After his dad passed he was given the ring. It was another week before I could get out there. In the meantime the road side had been bush hogged!!!

My wife and I arrived about 10:30 a.m. and he had a general vicinity of about 30ft long and 5-6ft deep where he figured the ring could be.

We started searching with my detector's larger coil but there was so much trash that after a couple hours I ended up switching to my smaller one. We ended up having to take a break so I went and purchased a rake, then my wife raked & piled up the dead grass. I then searched through the dead grass and she put it aside. I started searching past his most northern marker and found it within about 3 minutes, 8ft North of where his marker was!!

The Found Ring !!!

Success !!!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Lost Wedding Ring found November 2021:

(Lost Item #3205)

This item was lost at the beach in Destin, Florida back in early October. One of our members managed to find it a few days ago.

Congratulations to Dan Ortiz !!!

The Found Ring!

The Found Ring!



Back with Owner!

Back with Owner!

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Lost Wedding Ring found July 2021:

(Lost Item #3168)

The ring was lost in the owner's backyard about a week ago. He felt it fly off his finger at the time but didn't hear it ding off the patio. He went and bought his own metal detector to try and find it but the thing barely worked so that was a bust, and then he filed a lost item report with us (Lost My Stuff).

I got there at 5:50pm with my Equinox 800, and we found it within 5-7 minutes, even though he'd been looking for it for a week and I still barely know what I'm doing, but the 800 is a great piece of equipment so even on the very basic settings I used it still worked like a charm! The ring was the second hit I heard. I had given the owner my pinpointer to follow along behind me and do a little digging in the mud since we've had a LOT of rain here lately, and he found it pressed all the way into the mud, probably 2 feet off the patio and an inch or so into the mud. (I believe it was buried in the mud due to him or someone else stepping on it while looking for it during the last week).

We were both very excited as he'd obviously been looking hard for days and I'm new to the group and it was my first time to go search and find something. I actually think I may have been more excited than he was! I was so happy we found it!

By the way, we did the whole search in the rain! I wanted to help him ASAP as I was sure missing your wedding ring must make both parties really sad and anxious, and who cares about a little rain anyways!

P.S. I really enjoy being a member of the Group. It's such a nice thing to be able to help people in such an "easy" and important way!


The Found Ring!

The Found Ring!

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Lost Wedding Ring found July 2021:

(Lost Item #3166)

The mans tungsten wedding ring was lost by the husband in the Poudre River in Windsor, Colorado while tubing with his wife, family and friends. He stated that the ring came off in shallow water while attempting to paddle around a deposit of cobble stones. He visually marked the spot and filed a lost item report that afternoon. I received the report, contacted him, and we arranged to meet the next morning at 9:00.

He brought along his father who was also on the tubing trip the previous day. When we met, our first challenge was how to get to the search site as the river bank was private property. After checking with a passing Windsor policeman we were able to find an available route to the site over public land. We arrived at the site and waded to the pile of cobble. He pointed to an area of about 20'x20', and said that he was concerned the ring had traveled downstream. I said that I thought it had stayed put, based on my years of gold prospecting and had probably lodged itself behind one of the coble stones.

The water was only about 10" deep over the cobbles but running very fast. I learned that the best way to swing the coil in running water was to turn sideways to the current, plunge the coil under the water upstream and let the water take it by me to the end of the swing, then lift it out, step forward and repeat. After about 15 minutes I got a solid 19 hit on my Minelab Equinox 800 reading only about 2 inches below the coil. The husband, using my submersible pinpointer, squatted down to recover the target, looked up with the biggest smile on his face, and his dad and I knew we had found the ring.

We all 3 stood there in the middle of the river excited and high 5'ing each other. We were back at our trucks by 10:15 and by 10:30 were on our way. It was a great recovery and I was able to help put smiles on some faces.


We Found It!

We Found It!

Happy Campers!

Happy Campers!

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Lost Wedding Ring found May 2021:

(Lost Item #3135)

I saw a lost ring report come through about mid-week. The location was a little over an hour away, but on Friday I made contact with Gloria and made arrangements to search for the ring Sunday after Church. She had told me another person had already searched, but I thought I'd still try to help her and her husband Dale try and find the ring anyways. After arriving at the softball field where Dale lost his wedding band I asked a few questions and started my search.

After half an hour or so Dale, Gloria and their son Nicholas had to leave. I said I'd stay and continue looking for awhile longer, and assured them I'd call if I was able to recover the ring. I made two more "down and back" passes on my grid search when I hit the low tone I was listening for. Nestled in the grass was the beautiful gold and diamond ring!

A quick call had the entire family turning around and returning to the park, this time including their daughter Natalie. Smiles, thanks and handshakes followed -- a true blessing to meet fine people and to help return such a precious item like a wedding ring.

Prayers were answered today.


The Found Ring!

The Found Ring!

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Lost Wedding Ring found April 2021:

(Lost Item #3127)

Good afternoon John --

I received the lost ring report last night. I emailed Ashley this morning and made arrangements to meet her and her husband after work. I met them at their house around 4pm today and they explained how and where they lost the ring. After approximately 5 minutes I was able to locate and return her husbands wedding band. They were very gracious and offered to pay, which I refused. I explained we do this for free.

The thrill of finding and returning another ring was reward enough!

Tom Durbin

The Happy Owner!

The Happy Owner!

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Lost Wedding Ring found May 2021:

(Lost Item #3131)

Hello John,

I contacted the owner while I was at the vet's office with my JRT. He reported that another detectorist was scheduled to look for the ring that morning, and provided me the details regarding the location of the loss.

Later in the day, he reported that the first seeker found the area too trashy (a grassy area about 200'x100', adjacent to a road and a supermarket parking lot) and that he had been unsuccessful. My wife checked the weather forecast for the next day and it showed heavy thunderstorms in the area. She convinced me to make the hour drive to the search area around 4pm today.

Once I got there I decided to concentrate on surface targets since the ring had been lost the day before. I tested a ring which I thought was tungsten (it wasn't) and got a distinct "double beep", 10/11 on the Nox. After eyeballing the area first but finding that the grass was too high and thick, I began detecting, taking out about 20 minutes to shoot the breeze with a friendly MD'r who stopped by to chat.

Luck was with me -- I got a clear 17 signal, no double beep, but something told me to check it further. I located the ring with my pinpointer. I think it had been stepped on and pushed into the surface.

I notified the owner and mailed it to him the next day. Very, very nice guy. I'm glad that I could help.


It's here somewhere

It's here somewhere

Found it!

Found it!

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Lost Wedding Ring found April 2021:

(Lost Item #3128)

Hello John,

The owner came out and showed me the area where he thought he lost the ring while throwing a tarp over the chicken coop. Because there was so much metal in the immediate area, I thought I should try to eyeball it before resorting to the metal detector. On my second or third time around the perimeter of the coop I spotted it half-hidden under a leaf. I was too surprised to take an “in situ” photo, so I replaced it near its original location.


Where to look?

Where to look?

There it is!

There it is!

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Lost Wedding Ring found November 2020:

(Lost Item #3063)


Chrissy indicated her husband was pulling bulbs in the garden and lost the ring somewhere in the garden bed or when removing the trash. I started searching in the yard and didn't have any luck so I started searching the garden. The second signal there I found it a couple of inches down in the tilled dirt.

Terry Pitman

The Happy Owner!

The Happy Owner!

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Lost Ring found October 2020:

(Lost Item #3038)

I drove up to College Station to try to find this man's ring. I got the report info, contacted him and we met. After a 2 and a half hour search, I finally found it with my pin pointer near the bar of a lamppost at center court of the volleyball court.

He was very happy!

The Happy Owner!

The Found Ring

The Found Ring!

The Happy Owner

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Lost Ring found August 2020:

(Lost Item #3027)

The ring was sitting on a ball cap on the sand, and when Ian put his cap back on he had forgotten about it being there.

It only took a few minutes to find it.

The picture is of Ian and his friend Levi.

The Happy Owner!

Happy Owner

The Found Ring!

The Found Ring

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Lost Ring found March 2020:

(Lost Item #2977)

The teenage daughter lost her gold chastity ring in their barn while feeding the goats. There was so much metal in the barn that I ended up crawling on my hands and knees with my pinpointer. I ended up finding it about a foot from the fence! The mom was emotional after because she purchased it for her and they have a wedding tomorrow.

This was my first ring recovery!

The Found Ring!

The Found Ring

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Lost Wedding Ring found November 2019:

(Lost Item #2942)

It is hard to express how grateful I am for your website and Eric, the volunteer searcher who helped recover my missing wedding band. I don't have a dramatic story about losing my ring. It's not an expensive item of jewelry. It does however have a sentimental value that I cannot put a price on. On Veterans Day, I took the opportunity to get some yard work done, and after heading inside for a cup of coffee, I realized the familiar feeling of my wedding band's presence was absent from my finger. Looking down at my hand confirmed it was gone. I covered a decent amount of ground raking and bagging leaves and cleaning and moving deck furniture back into our garage, which made the prospect of finding the ring daunting. Given the condition of our yard, grass, leaves, twigs, and wet ground, a visual search would be almost pointless. I tried for a bit in the dark using a flashlight, but I knew it would likely be unsuccessful.

I'm not exactly sure how I found your site, perhaps just googling something like "lost ring in yard" but I'm so happy I did. I reported a lost item, and within a few hours, I was contacted by three volunteers. Eric was available to come out the following day, and within 10 minutes of starting to search, he had located my ring. Amazing!

I can honestly say, this was the most endearing act of kindness a relative stranger has ever performed for me (no pun intended!). It just means so much, and it's something I will always cherish. It was one of those experiences that really restores your faith in humanity.

Cheers -

The Found Ring!

The Found Ring!

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Lost Wedding Ring found November 2019:

(Lost Item #2938)

I lost my wedding ring in my front yard on Saturday, October 26, it was lost under a few inches of snow, and I posted a report on Lost My Stuff on Sunday the 27th. A few days later, Greg contacted me, offering to help locate my ring. He came to my house on the morning of November 2nd, and I described the ring to him (tungsten) and how and where I lost it. He got to work, and within just a few minutes, he found it! What a relief for me (and my wife)! It was so wonderful that Greg was willing to volunteer his time and equipment, and we are so grateful to him and Lost My Stuff!


The Found Ring!

The Found Ring!

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Lost Ring found July 2019:

(Lost Item #2858)

Fly across country to attend a relic show and end up doing a ring recovery! The family of a young lady was staying at a quaint little cabin in the mountains of Tennessee having a family reunion over the 4th of July weekend when a ring given to her by her boyfriend went missing. This ring, a gold band, is not just a simple gold ring. This ring belonged to one of his great grandparents so it is a cherished family heirloom. The events of the day had the family playing volleyball in the lower flat area (a couple of acres of grass) about a hundred yards from the cabin. And then they spent some time around the firepit that night. The ring could be in either location or some place in between these areas. Potentially a VERY large search area. The ring search was set up by my friend Craig Nesmith after he had received a Lost Item Report from the Lost My Stuff Group,of which he is a member. We contacted the owner of the property who granted us permission to search.

Craig and I met the owner at the gate for the property and she let us in and showed us around a bit. I grabbed one of my detectors and headed out while Craig readied his equipment. It was getting warm so I wanted to get going sooner rather than later.

I looked over the site quickly and determined to start my search at the walkout basement door area and search towards the firepit. Within a few swings I heard a promising signal, I parted the grass and there laid a lovely gold ring. I returned to the car just as Craig was heading out to conduct the search. It was a quick search. I will be mailing the ring back to the owner ASAP.

Jeff Lubbert

And the email from the owner:

Dear Craig,

I am more then ecstatic that you found the ring. My sister-in-law saw the post first before I found out. She put it on our GroupMe page that the ring was found, and the texts went flying after that. Everyone was so excited! We were a group of about 50 of us searching for the ring and could not find it. My brother heard about your web page and had me put it out there.

The owner of the ring is my daughters boyfriend who is from Australia. It was his family heirloom that was passed down through generations. He actually cried when finding out the news!!

I cannot thank you both enough!!!!

Found It!

Found It!!!!

The Found Ring

The Found Ring

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Lost Wedding Ring found July 2019:

(Lost Item #2876)

My ring has been found!

I am so thankful for your website. John contacted me and said he found out my ring was lost via the Lost My Stuff Group. He found my ring in 5 minutes and was the coolest, nicest human!

Forever grateful for your website and it's purpose!


Jenn Vercammen

And a note from John Coppin who found her ring:

After about seven minutes of searching, I located Jen's husband's wedding band in about 5 inches of packed mud. He had lost it recently while laying a new section of sod in their yard. This ring meant a lot to her, as it had a carving of her heartbeat on the inside of the ring. When I dug the clump of packed mud... I knew it was in there, so I simply handed that to her and let her have the excitement of pulling it out.

Her look was priceless...

John Coppin

The Happy Owner

The Happy Owner!!!

The Found Ring

The Found Ring

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Lost Wedding Ring found June 2019:

(Lost Item #2843)

I emailed Keith, who had reported a lost ring in Mansfield, Ohio last week. He had already been contacted by another LMS member and they were planning to search for it that day. I sent a follow-up email the next day to make sure someone had searched for his ring and Keith stated someone had come by, but that the search was unsuccessful due to there being so much metal debris in the ground.

That being the case, we arranged for me to meet him at 4:30pm when he got off work to attempt a search for it. I arrived at 4:30pm as planned, but Keith wasn't home yet. He had stated it was lost in his backyard so I decided to go ahead and start without him. He did have a lot of metal in his yard, but I checked every possible surface target with my pro-pointer. After about ten minutes I located his ring, about ten feet from his rear deck.

I called Keith to see how soon before he'd be home and put the ring in my pocket. When Keith arrived I asked him to show me where he thought it was. He took me to the rear of the yard and stated it was around there. I then pulled his ring out of my pocket and handed it to him!!! I showed him where I found it, about 25 feet from where he thought it was.

He was very happy to have his ring back, and I was just as happy to be able to help him out!!!

Tom Durbin

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Lost Ring found June 2019:

I found this class ring last weekend at Topsail Island N.C.

I called the local ring representative for Herff Jones and he gave me the kids number. I called the school and they were in the middle of their graduation walk at UNCW. The student came by after graduation and got his ring back!!!

David Frazier

The Found Ring

The Found Ring

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Lost Ring found May 2019:

(Lost Item #2834)

I met with Darren and he explained where he had lost / flung his ring off. I started with the easy stuff, the grass and wood chips. Of course it wasn't there...

I told Darren that I'd left the flower beds for last, because I hate smashing down the vegetation. He gladly said to just go ahead, so I proceeded to search in the flower beds.

Maybe 2 minutes into looking in the plants, I looked at Darren and said "my work here is done". He said "what!!?" and I replied "I have your ring!"

Easy as that!

Mark Whipkey

It's right there!!

It's right there!

The Found Ring

The Found Ring

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Lost Wedding Ring found November 2018:

(Lost Item #2746)


I contacted the owner and went out and found it this afternoon.

Definitely a happy couple !!!

Mark Hobson

The Found Ring!

The Found Ring!

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Lost Wedding Ring found October 2018:

(Lost Item #2730)

After receiving a Lost Item Report from Lost My Stuff for Larry and his wife's lost wedding ring, I called him and made plans to meet at his house after work, which made it dark and cool out, around 40 degrees.

The ring had come off Larry's wife's finger while they were trimming brush in their yard. The game plan we came up with was to check in front of the brush pile first, because he and his wife had pulled most of the brush out onto the lawn and searched through it with no luck, and then put it back thinking that the ring may have been moved to the lawn. After that we checked the top and sides of the brush pile in case it was possibly hung up on a branch.

Next I went to the side of the pile where Larry's wife was when she had thrown some brush into the pile and the ring had flown off. I went about 5 steps with no signal until I ran my coil under the overhang of the pile where I got a solid +20 on my Whites DFX and told Larry that this was probably it. (I had told him we would know because of the solid repeatable signal and a almost zero depth).

I moved away the grass and leaves and there was the ring, glaring from the spotlight Larry had plugged in ready to use. I picked it up and said "Here it is" as I handed it to him.

We both were saying we coouldn't believe how easy it was once we checked in the pile. If it had got moved onto the lawn from the previous search and we started in the pile in the first place we would of been there for over an hour going through the briars and branches.

Long story, but quick find. I had called Larry at 6:10 Friday to tell him I was 10 minutes away and I was driving home at 6:45!

Thanks again for having this web site available -- it's as good for people who have lost things as it is for people who find them!

Mike Bailey

Very Happy Wife!

Very Happy Wife!

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Lost Wedding Ring found October 2018:

(Lost Item #2721)


I lost my wedding ring while playing football with my son and nephews. My entire family searched all over the grassy area in my parents back yard with no luck. That night I looked online to see if I could rent a metal detector. I then stumbled onto lostmystuff.net. I submitted a Lost Item Report that night and was contacted by Ray the next morning.

Ray drove from Leavenworth to Olathe to help me and was able to find the ring in no time at all. It was such a relief!

So much thanks to the group and especially to Ray!


The Happy Owner!

The Found Ring!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Lost Engagement Ring found June 2018:

(Lost Item #2616)

I lost my engagement ring last week but didn't know where I lost it. I thought I had probably left it somewhere in the kitchen area in my house, so my wife & I carefully searched the kitchen area and then the entire house several times, but we still couldn't find it. We even dropped a webcam inside the floor air ducts of every room!

Then, I thought I must have lost it in my back yard lawn area as I was working on removing some wild mushrooms which had grown up in the lawn. After all that searching, I suddenly remembered that John Hawken, who in the past was my supervisor (when he worked the in Johnson County; KS area) telling me that he was the founder of a website called lostmystuff.net which has many volunteers all over who help people like me find their lost rings & such. I contacted John and filed a lost item report on the website and in a matter of a few hours I had received calls from three (3) detectorists!

Since Mr. Robert Davis (Bob) was the first to call us and was only a few miles away, he volunteered to come and help in the evening after work. When he arrived I told him the probable areas where I must have lost the ring and he began detecting, carefully inch-by-inch and digging in the grass wherever he heard interesting sounds.

Bob told me he has been detecting since he was 9 years old. He was a very nice guy and had a lot of knowledge and experience on many different metal detector brands. Eventually, after 30 minutes he heard the right sound and found the ring under some 4 inch thick grass, where we could have never found it with just our eyes! It was in the area of the lawn where the wild mushrooms had grown and I must have dropped it there.

Finding the ring made me so happy, as that ring means a lot to me. My wife and I are really greatful to Bob, John, the volunteers who called us, and the whole lostmystuff team. You guys are awesome and selflessly bring happiness to the world. God bless you all!

Nitin & Deepti

Found & Returned!

Found & Returned!

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Lost Wedding Ring found February 2018:

(Lost Item #2539)


Back in January I reported my wedding ring lost in my yard. I live in Seven Hills Ohio. Well today a Lost My Stuff member came over and searched my yard and found the ring. I am so grateful. I thought the chances of finding it were very slim because I have a big yard. Jack indicated this was his first time doing this. He found the ring in under 90 minutes. I just want to say how grateful I am to Lost My Stuff and Jack. This has made me more hopeful and really brought me up when my health has been down.

Thanks again,


The Found Ring!

The Found Ring!

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Lost Earring and Wedding Ring found December 2017:

This Success Story was received from one of our volunteers who found both an earring and a wedding band for 2 of his neighbors:

My neighborhood chat room had a post from a woman looking to buy or rent a metal detector. Upon investigation I discovered she lives two doors down and across the street from me. She explained that in helping her second husband install a fence, while in the neighbor's backyard she removed a straw hat and it flipped one of her diamond earrings off. This was the last present she had received from her first husband before he passed away.

It was a small area and I thought no problem since she had the other earring as a guide. The AT Pro showed that wasn't true. The earrings were clip on type and the detector gave vary erratic sounds or no sound at all. I spent two days trying and on the second day the owner of the house came out and asked what I thought I was doing in her backyard. I explained and then she said she wished she knew me a year ago because her husband had lost his wedding band in their front yard raking leaves.

That night I studied up on my new XP Deus and discovered the gold nugget program. I decided that was the way to go for the earrings. As I walked across the street I turned on the detector and swing it in the front yard as practice as I made my way to the backyard. After 5 minutes I got a great sounding signal and there was the wedding band! I knocked on the back door to return it and the woman said "We are married again!"

I continued to the search area and after 20 minutes I was holding the earring also. I have received a pecan pie for the earring and a large pan of eggplant parmesan for the ring (he is a retired Italian chef).

What a hobby! What a good feeling! What a full belly!

Jeff Willcox

The Found Earrings!

The Found Earrings

The Earring Owner!

The Earring Owner!

The Found Ring & Owner!

The Found Ring & Owner!





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Lost Wedding Ring Set found August 2017:

(Lost Item #2392)

After receiving the lost item email notification from John at LostMyStuff.net about a lost wedding ring set, I gave Tamera, the ring's owner a call. She had lost her wedding set while swimming at Loveland Lake in Loveland, Colorado. Living in Elizabeth, Colorado, about 100 miles from Loveland, I made arrangements with Tamera to meet at the lake the next day.

Tamera told me she had tried to find her rings out in the water several times over the succeeding weeks after losing them, and had reported them lost to the lifeguards. Checking with the lifeguards on duty this day revealed that no one had turned them in.

Tamera was prepared to get in the water, so I asked her to show me where she had lost her wedding set. As she waded out into the water, I followed a few paces behind her, detecting with my Excalibur as I went. Only 10 feet from the shore, I got a nice signal, but by now, Tamara was a good 10 yards further out in the water, indicating that was about where she had lost her rings, so without digging the just detected target, I proceeded out to where she stood and began a gridded search.

45 minutes later, having found only a few coins and pull tabs, and believing I would not now likely find her rings, I had worked my way back close to shore and arrived at the point where I'd gotten that first signal. Yes, as I pulled my scoop to the surface, I could see the glint of gold peeking through the rocks and sand in the scoop. I motioned to Tamara to come out to where I stood and raised the scoop up for her to look inside. With a look of pure astonishment, she quickly retrieved her ring set (two rings soldered together) and immediately broke into tears - tears of pure joy and happiness. She reached up and gave me a big hug. Seeing this, her three young children who had come to the lake with her, all came over and hugged me. I guess they figured if mamma was hugging me, they should do it too. I've received hugs of thanks before when I've found people's lost items, but believe me, having four people hugging me all at the same time is a feeling I will never forget. And it's times like this that make what we do at LostMyStuff so rewarding.

Mike in Elizabeth, Colorado

Found & Returned!

Found & Returned!

The Found Rings!

The Found Rings!

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Lost Wedding Ring found September 2017:

(Lost Item #2407)


I found out about your website LostMyStuff.net a couple of days ago from a metal detecting blog. I was surprised to find someone in my area had posted a lost item a little over a month ago. The website showed this item was not searched for by area volunteers. I decide to volunteer and contact the owner Ken. Ken stated he lost the ring playing badminton in his backyard. He felt the ring fly off on a swing and watched it land in the grass. Ken searched the area with the help of three friends with no success and then posted the loss on LostMyStuff.net.

I reached out to Ken to see if the ring had been located yet. He said a few people had contacted him but no one had searched the area. I made arrangements to meet Ken and search for the missing ring this morning. He had a good idea as to where the ring was lost in the grass. I expanded the area slightly and began my search. Starting a grid search, I worked about 2-1/2 passes with a few targets, but no ring. In about another five feet, a solid target and a found ring! Ken was surprised I found the ring so fast. He was very appreciative and happy to have the ring back.

Thanks for the opportunity to volunteer and help find a precious item for someone.

Brad Z

Found & Returned!

Found & Returned!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Lost Pistol Slide Stop found July 2017:

(Lost Item #2318)

When I received notice that a pistol slide stop was reported lost in Toppenish, Washington I hoped I would have the opportunity to search for it. I live in the neighboring state of Oregon nearly 180 miles from Toppenish. However, my brother and sister live only 20 miles from where the item was reported lost and my wife and I were planning to attend a family BBQ there in just a few weeks. We would be passing within 3 miles of the lost item!

I contacted Tony, the owner of the lost piece, and we arranged to meet and attempt the search. Tony had been target practicing with his family when the small mechanism that ejects fired cartridges malfunctioned and fell from the handgun unnoticed. The terrain was pasture grass over 12 inches long and the small piece had disappeared in the tall grass. We searched an area about 10 feet by 10 feet. To make the search even more challenging there was a large number of empty brass casings scattered over the area. It was like searching for a needle in a haystack!

After nearly 30 minutes of searching we still had not located the missing piece. We decided to expand the search area. I went about 6 feet and had a solid signal. I used my pin pointer to penetrate the tall grass and locate the target. I was very relieved to recover the small 2" x 1/2" slide stop. Tony was pleased to have what had been lost and I felt satisfaction in another successful hunt.

Don Schell

Found & Returned!

Found & Returned!

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Lost Wedding Ring found June 2017:

(Lost Item #2313)

I cannot tell you how much we appreciate Mr. Mark Whipkey for finding my husbands wedding ring. Once our request posted we had several people call, but he was the closest to our house. Once he arrived he started looking and quickly found the ring in a flower bed under about 2" of soil. What a blessing this was for us, we were sure we would never see this ring again! Thanks again for this wonderful group of people!

Found & Returned!

Found & Returned!

The Found Ring!

The Found Ring!

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Lost Engagement Ring found June 2017:

On Saturday the 24th of June, shortly after arriving at the beach, in Surfside, Texas I was approached by a recently engaged young lady who had lost her engagement ring and she and her family had been sifting the sand for and hour with their hands. At the area she pointed to several spots it may have gone into the shallow water so I began to search, digging two trash targets and the ring was the third target. When I handed it to her she was so happy she cried for a moment before realizing she needed to call her boyfriend who thought it was gone for good. The family tried to pay me but I refused. It was a pleasure. I did give them my card with LOST MY STUFF.net on it and tell them they could make a donation to the group.

Beyond Words!

Found & Returned!

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Lost Engagement Ring found May 2017:

(Lost Item #2252)

I contacted Dustin, who told me his wife had lost her wedding ring near their home in Sequim, WA. He said they had been in front of their house playing and riding their ATV when she realized the ring was missing. Dustin said there had been some searching by others, but the ring had not yet been found.

I went and hunted the area that other hunters had not yet searched, including a portion of their front yard and an area across the street from their home. After about 2 hours of hunting, I found the ring in the ditch across the street, covered by leaves.

I was really excited when I brushed the leaves aside and saw the diamond, but not as excited as Dustin and his wife were when they saw the ring. Dustin later texted me "I'm still in shock, I don't know how to thank you....You just found the best memory of my life."

This recovery will certainly remain one of my favorite memories!

Sue Kaas

The Happy Owners!

The Happy Owners!

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Lost Wedding Ring found April 2017:

(Lost Item #2263)


When I received notification that a lost wedding ring had been reported I reached out to Robert. He had been doing some yard work and while pulling weeds in his backyard he discovered his wedding ring was missing. He was certain he felt the ring slide off his finger when tossing some pulled weeds. He immediately began searching for the ring. After nearly two hours of searching he reached out to the Lost My Stuff website. The next morning I arranged to meet Robert and assist with the search.

Fortunately Robert was certain to the exact area where he believed the ring was lost. I began searching the area thinking it would be a quick search. The home was built in 1906 and had been added onto and remodeled over the years. The area was filled with targets, mostly nails and a few coins. I had searched for nearly 30 minutes and was becoming concerned. I noticed a plastic basket container that had been filled with weeds that had been pulled. I thought perhaps the ring may have slipped off when weeds were placed in the container. I swept the coil over the container and got a solid signal. I removed some of the weeds and found a tinfoil wrapper. I swept the container again and there was no signal. I removed a large handful of weeds and tried again. This time a got a solid signal. I removed more weeds and nestled at the bottom of the container I located the wedding ring. Robert was very relieved and grateful to have found his ring. I was so pleased to have found the ring and return it to him.

Thank you Lost My Stuff for the opportunity to be a search volunteer and to be able to serve in this way. This was my second search and my second successful find. What a great hobby we all enjoy!

Don Schell

The Happy Owner!

The Happy Owner!

The Found Ring!

The Found Ring!

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Lost Wedding Ring found February 2017:

This Success Story was received from one of our volunteers who found a ring for someone who contacted him for help, without filing a Lost Item Report:

Some of you may not be aware that one of my hobbies is metal detecting as I've done it on and off since I was a teenager and in fact built my very first one from a kit. I am a member of our neighborhood forum so when I saw a post that read "Metal Detector Needed" I was naturally curious. I made contact with the homeowner and it turned out that he had lost his wedding band and was hopeful that I might be able to find it.

One of the cool things about this hobby is you get the chance to help people find things that have great meaning to them. The homeowner shared with me that he'd been married over 40 years and that he rarely took his ring off. It had become so tight that he had to have a jeweler enlarge it for him. That, combined with recent weight loss, contributed to the ring being lost in his yard as he was digging flower bulbs.

I went over today (33 degrees with rain/sleet/snow) determined to help find his ring. After about 30 minutes of searching I hit a good signal and found it. (it was jammed into the top layer of dirt). Needless to say he was quite pleased as I was!

David Stephens

The Found Ring!

The Found Ring!

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Lost Engagement Ring found January 2017:

(Lost Item #2212)

In the past 24 hours we experienced a very heavy snow storm dropping 6 to 8 inches of snow. Leaving work that night it was necessary for Erin to brush snow from her vehicle. When she arrived home she discovered her ring was missing. The next morning she returned with friends in an attempt to find the ring. They were unable to find it. Not only was Erin newly engaged, the ring was also a family heirloom with a great deal of personal significance. It was then she located Lost My Stuff and submitted a Lost Item Report.

I contacted Erin and arranged to meet her in the parking lot of her work place. She was very specific in showing me the area where she believed the ring was lost. It was approximately 20' by 20' and covered with 6" of snow. I turned on my AT Pro and began the search. I went about 20', turned to make a sweep in the opposite direction, went 3 feet, and got a very solid signal. I bent down to scrape the snow away. Erin quickly joined me and as I removed the packed snow, she reached into the hole and picked up her ring. It was a very emotional reunion. Through many tears she thanked me. She then confessed that she didn't think she would ever see her engagement ring again. She was thrilled and it was certainly the high point of my day.

Don Schell

The Happy Owner!

The Happy Owner!

The Found Ring!

The Found Ring!

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Lost Wedding Ring found September 2016:

(Lost Item #2102)

I lost my tungsten carbide wedding ring while in my backyard on August 27th, 2016. Somehow, it slipped off while swimming and I was sure it was somewhere around the deck in the grass. After spending all afternoon searching for the ring I had worn for seven years (including a year in Afghanistan) I decided to reach out online for help. I found the "Lost My Stuff" page and filled out a report. I spent many days on my hands and knees combing through the grass with my fingers and began to feel hopeless.

A couple weeks went by and I replaced the ring but I could not get over the sense of frustration I had knowing that my ring was somewhere in my yard yet, there was nothing I could do to recover it.

I was contacted by two members of the LMS group this week and they met me at my house on Saturday morning. After showing them the area I believed the ring was, they went to work. In less than two hours, I had my ring back!!!!! It was buried a couple inches deep on the opposite end of the yard that I assumed it had been.

Without Chad and Foster, I would have never seen my ring again. I cannot express in words the happiness and relief they brought me today. They were willing to take their personal time to help a complete stranger and in the end, they were rewarded with the satisfaction of returning my ring to me. Chad and Foster also gained new friends today and this would have happened regardless of finding the ring. Chad and Foster also had informed me this was their first expedition for the LMS Group and I know this will be one of many successful days they will share helping others reconnect with their lost valuables.

Thanks again to Chad, Foster and to the Lost My Stuff Group for finding my ring and for finding my family new friends!


The Found Ring!

The Found Ring!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Lost Wedding Ring found September 2016:

(Lost Item #2133)

I contacted Don Morton after receiving an email alert from lostmystuff.net. The ring slipped off his finger on Thursday while fishing at Lake Fork. He heard the plop and watched it flutter down in the water. I arranged to meet his friend at the location on Saturday since Don had a wedding to attend. His 5 year anniversary was on Sunday and he was very upset about the ring. I told him I'd do my best to find it.

I met up with his friend and followed him down to the dock near the area the ring was dropped and he showed me the general area. I climbed down the ladder into the water and turned on my Garrett AT Pro. My first signal was a can but after that I got a 50-53 signal. It took two scoops to get it but the ring was in the scoop! Took a total of 10 minutes to recover it!

Here is what Don sent me:

You know in 54 years very few things have left me at a loss for words besides the fact that I died in my driveway in November. I can not express my gratitude enough for your sacrifice of time and effort to help a complete stranger. It is people like you that give the human race a fighting chance against all odds. As I said before or maybe not, your an angel in big mans clothes.

Thank you
Thank you
Thank you

The Found Ring!

The Found Ring!

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Lost Necklace found August 2015:

(Lost Item #2070)


I initially contacted the person who submitted the Lost Item Report and set-up a time and day for him to take me out on a boat to the location where the necklace was lost. Something came up on his end and he had to cancel. I asked him to send me a drop pin on Google Maps and a picture of the lost necklace. Where the necklace was lost was along a residential main road with no public access to the water. On the weekend, I ended up just driving up the driveway to the closest house to where the pin was dropped and asked permission to use their property to gain access to the water. The people didn't even hesitate to say YES, so I was very pleased. Getting permission to detect anywhere or just have access to a property is one of the hardest things to do with metal detecting (my opinion).

This property had a dock with a walk-down ladder so it made it very easy to get in the water. A couple of hours later the person was able to get a boat and meet me in the spot where he lost it. This just verified that I was searching in the right location. He went over how he was just playing around in the water and someone tackled him and the necklace went flying off into the water. He brought food and pop with him, so it made the search a little easier. I searched the area for another couple of hours with no results and was ran out of the water by huge thunder storms that were rolling into the area.

I wasn't about to give up, so I went to look for it another day by myself after work since the house owner said I could come back anytime. He said he lost the necklace about 200 yds off shore and in the sandy area, not where there weren't any weeds. I spent most of my time in the deeper depths and it started getting late so I starting making my way closer and closer to shore. I hit the sand/weedy line of the lake about 75 to 100 yds off shore and BAM there was it was. It was a long signal not in the range of silver on my machine, so I thought I was just digging up a pull tap or can of some sort. In the scoop was the necklace. It was only the necklace though. He told me that there was a necklace and pendant that he lost so I searched the area again and 2 to 3 feet away I got another signal and pulled it up and it was the pendant. WOOHOO. I took a picture of the necklace and pendant in the scoop and sent it to him and he was ecstatic. By the time I got out of the water he was already only a couple of minutes away from the house that I had access too. I was able to return the necklace and pendant within minutes of retrieval. What an amazing feeling being able to return something to someone who thought they would never get it back. Love this hobby!

Matthew Collins

The Found Necklace!

The Found Necklace!

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Lost Wedding Ring found August 2015:

(Lost Item #2085)


I posted just yesterday that my husband had lost his wedding ring in Hull, Ma. After meeting one of your volunteers on the beach this afternoon, while we ourselves were trying to look, we received a call from your volunteer saying they had found our item!!! It means so much to us that this ring was found. Thank you to all the volunteers who use their talents and their time to help others!!

I will definitely recommend this website to friends and family should they ever need to find something lost.

It is so good to know there are kind people out there willing to help others.

Thank you,

The Found Ring!

The Found Ring!

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Lost Wedding Ring found August 2015:

(Lost Item #2078)


Within hours of posting my Lost Item Report I had two responses from volunteers willing to search for my missing wedding ring. The first response I received was from Trevor. He said he was familiar with the area and asked for a bit more info about where to look first. He said he should be able to search for it in the next day or two. I didn't want to get my hopes up, but it was encouraging to know there were eager volunteer searchers willing to help.

The next morning I got a call from Trevor with some great news, he found my ring! He had gone out before work and was able to find it after about 20 minutes of searching the area. Trevor was very accommodating and we made plans to meet up later that evening. My wife and I were so relieved to know that my ring had not been lost for good.

I can't thank you and Trevor enough for the time and effort you put in to helping others locate their missing items. What a great group of people you are a part of!


The Found Ring!

The Found Ring!

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Lost Wedding Ring found February 2017:

This Success Story was received from one of our volunteers who found a ring for someone who contacted him for help, without filing a Lost Item Report:

Some of you may not be aware that one of my hobbies is metal detecting as I've done it on and off since I was a teenager and in fact built my very first one from a kit. I am a member of our neighborhood forum so when I saw a post that read "Metal Detector Needed" I was naturally curious. I made contact with the homeowner and it turned out that he had lost his wedding band and was hopeful that I might be able to find it.

One of the cool things about this hobby is you get the chance to help people find things that have great meaning to them. The homeowner shared with me that he'd been married over 40 years and that he rarely took his ring off. It had become so tight that he had to have a jeweler enlarge it for him. That, combined with recent weight loss, contributed to the ring being lost in his yard as he was digging flower bulbs.

I went over today (33 degrees with rain/sleet/snow) determined to help find his ring. After about 30 minutes of searching I hit a good signal and found it. (it was jammed into the top layer of dirt). Needless to say he was quite pleased as I was!

David Stephens

The Found Ring!

The Found Ring!

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Lost Pendant found March 2016:

(Lost Item #1938)

Hi --

I just wanted to extend many thanks to all of you who volunteer your time and skill in helping people recover their lost items. This piece although not terribly expensive monetarily was a gift and holds such sentimental value! I was so upset when I realized it was gone!

3 people responded and offered to help within hours of my contacting your group. As luck would have it, Paul (pictured with me below) lives about 3 miles from me. He met me early this morning and I am most grateful for his help and keen eyesight!!


Janis Coburn

The Found Ring!

The Found Ring!

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Lost Engagement Ring found March 2016:

(Lost Item #1919)

John --

I received a notice from Lost My Stuff yesterday afternoon while I was at work. This was the closest lost item near me since I joined the group and I was eager to give it a try. I contacted the owner via email a few minutes later.

I was told the missing engagement ring was lost somewhere in their front or back yard on the first of March. Brandon told me he and his wife had torn the house apart and had spent several fruitless and frustrating days searching outside and in. He even secured a metal detector to look in the grass but the ground was so littered with contacts it was difficult. I gave him some additional search ideas to try while it was still daylight and offered to come out after work. It would be dark, but sometimes things are actually easier to find by flashlight. He quickly agreed and thanked me for coming to help.

Someone else was eager to help too. My 15 year old son recently received his learner's permit and jumps at any opportunity to drive. I asked if he wanted to drive and help and he was ready to roll once I got home around 7pm. We loaded the truck with my good old ACE250 and my baby - the AT Pro and all the usual stuff and headed down the interstate. Forty minutes later we arrived at Brandon's home and got together with the two of them to come up with a plan.

They had been tossing a rugby ball back and forth around the yard in an area of about 50x50, but had also spent some time in the back yard. She was certain it was on her hand before going outside and had ruled out all the places she went inside the home before she noticed it had gone missing. We recreated what they did and where they were standing, and after a quick check of some of the perimeter with flashlights my son and I started detecting the yard. The Bermuda grass was a few inches high and dormant so it was roughly the color of the white gold ring - making their prior searches even harder.

My son and I each swept our coils over her matching wedding band to get an idea what the engagement ring might ring up as before we started sweeping. The ACE registered at the bottom of the scale between foil and iron in all metal mode. My AT PRO registered it at 44 in pro zero mode. My son started searching the area closest to the street while I started in the middle of the yard at the point Brandon felt it was most likely lost. I found it on the third long pass across the yard. It was below the tops of the grass but just on top of the ground in the thatch. I only had the briefest amount of time between recognizing the sound and seeing a tell-tale sparkle under my coil before I blurted out, "Well look at that! There it is!". Brandon's wife had been walking with me, holding a flashlight to supplement my headlamp. She let out a whoop and called Brandon over. It was smiles all around for sure. My son and I each got a big thank you hug right then.

This is exactly why I joined the Lost My Stuff Group. The feeling you get from helping someone go from heartbroken to ecstatic is priceless. We went inside and I took a couple of photos. They offered a reward but I said it wasn't necessary. They already gave me one through their smiles and the hug. They did give my son gas money which made him smile even more! I've been detecting for 3 years now and I've found rings before, but this is the first time I had a chance to make a find after a loss report and return a special item to its owner. In fact, it's the first return I've made at all if it qualifies as that. The thrill of the hunt and the gratification of recovering coins and interesting things is always pleasing to me and it provides great stress relief, but I can now cross off making my first ring return from my MD bucket list.


The Happy Hunters!

Happy Hunters!

The Found Ring!

The Found Ring!

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Lost Cell Phone found February 2016:

(Lost Item #1904)

We Found It! Jeff Willcox and I met this morning to find a young man's wedding ring I had searched for on Thursday. He had lost it going to do some training at Fort Hood. With him getting married soon, we had good incentive to get him his ring back!

After about an hour and a half searching in very thick grass and emptying our pouches full of trash, we took a small break. As we were sitting there contemplating whether it was a lost cause or not, we decided to have one more go little further down the road before we called it quits. About 20 minutes later Jeff yells he had found it! We were able to meet up and return it a little later.

Kevin, Jeff & the Found Ring!

Kevin, Jeff & the Found Ring!

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Lost Cell Phone found October 2015:

(Lost Item #1856)

The lost phone in Boulder, Colorado has been recovered. The search was at night by headlamp, a Garrett Retriever and my XP Deus in 10 degree weather!

After a brisk snowfall followed by a hard freeze and a couple of passes by a snowplow, the phone was detected under a small block of plowed ice and snow in a street gutter about 100 feet from the owner's house, two days after being lost. Remarkably, the phone was intact and mostly dry.

The owner (Emily) immediately placed the phone into a bowl of dry rice overnight. The next morning, I asked out of curiosity and she replied "Yes, my phone is working 100%!! I'm quite shocked, actually!"

Chris Bechard
Longmont, Colorado

Chris, Emily & The Found Phone!

Chris, Emily & The Found Phone!

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Lost Wedding Ring found December 2015:

(Lost Item #1850)

Nate was out scouting for a deer stand in the Richloam Wildlife Management Area (WMA) when his 4x4 got into some thick mud. As he waded around in the mud he lost one of his flip-flops, got it back, but as he proceeded to drive on he realized that his wedding band was no longer on his finger. He went back and tried to find the ring but it just wasn't to be.

A friend referred him to a detectorist who had helped him in the past. That didn't work out so he posted to an online website for help. (Lostmystuff.net)

Lost My Stuff Member Paul Hill responded when he received the email alert and a time of 8am was established to meet at Nate's house the next morning. Paul drove from St.Pete to Zephyrhills and then they both proceeded to the mud hole in Nate's 4x4, which was about another 30 minutes away.

When they reached the site, Paul broke out his ETrac and propointer and headed out to the area where Nate was standing to mark the spot. After about 10-12 minutes Paul worked the third target to the back of the coil and used his taped up propointer to find the gold.

Nate was relieved and very excited to get his ring back!

Nate, Paul & the Found Ring!

Nate, Paul & the Found Ring!

In the Mud!

In the mud!

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Lost Wedding Rings found November 2015:

(Lost Item #1843)

A guy posted on Lost My Stuff that his wife lost her two platinum rings doing yard work earlier yesterday. I called the guy and it turns out we both work for the same company and sit about a two minute's walk from each other!

Anyway, searching a 30' radius outside of the house in 10" of snow was fun. I was serieously about to give up and I got it! My AT Pro rocked it out.

Happy people! (And they gave me homemade scones, too!)

The Happy Couple!

The Happy Couple!

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Lost Wedding Ring found October 2015:

(Lost Item #1825)

Travis lost his wedding ring playing flag football in Burlington MA on the 21st. He notified the site, and a couple people tried to find it but came up without the ring. Travis tried walking the field with family and friends, and even rented metal detectors without any luck. I decided to check the field yesterday morning, in an attempt to avoid the showers this morning. I began scanning the path onto the field, in case Travis lost the ring on his walk out but nothing turned up. I decided that I would sweep the entire field one path at a time. I finished my first pass in about 15 minutes, and turned around to start the second. My detector chimed, and when I looked down I saw the ring Travis described. I immediately smiled from ear to ear, and began walking back to my truck. I took a picture of the ring in my hand and sent it to Travis. A couple minutes later he called me and was extremely shocked as well as grateful. He was out of town last night, so I told him we could meet up tomorrow. Travis stopped by the house today, and as I handed him his ring I could see a weight being lifted off his shoulders. We spoke for a while, and before leaving Travis insisted on giving me a reward, for which I am very grateful.

The Found Ring!

The Found Ring!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Lost GoPro Camera found October 2015:

(Lost Item #1817)

This guy's GoPro was attached to his QuadCopter drone. He was flying it and it crashed. The crashsite was found in the woods and he picked up all of the pieces and parts and marked the site. The camera eluded his search efforts. I arrived 3 days post crash, spent about 40 or so minutes and my detector found it! It wasn't damaged, just the battery was drained. He recharged the battery and posted the crash flight on youtube. He gave permission to share the youtube posting so here's the link if you'd like to see it:

CX 20 Quadcopter Crash.

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Lost Wedding Ring Set found August 2015:

(Lost Item #1726)

From the LMS volunteers:

Friday night I received a LMS email report for a lost set of 3 interlocking wedding rings in my area. I contacted the owners that evening and arranged for my wife and I to hunt for the rings the next day. The area where the rings were thought to be lost was in some brush/brambles and had recently had debris from a large tree piled there. After hunting the lawn and area around the debris pile, we unsuccessfully tried to get a coil thru the dead tree limbs and brush to detect the ground below. Thinking that maybe a larger coil would help detect further into the thick pile, I changed to my 17" coil on the Minelab CTX. BINGO! Just a few minutes later the extra depth provided by the large coil rang in the 14k white gold diamond ring at a solid 12-04. Unfortunately further detecting did not yield the other 2 rings. We all decided that since we had a good handle on where the other 2 rings would be, the best course of action was to carefully remove the debris and rehunt the cleaned up area. My wife and I left, though with mixed feelings of success and of a job left unfinished. Little did we know that the motivated owners would immediately start clearing the debris away and, using a newly bought detector of their own, find the second ring shortly after we left. After that I was certain that they would find ring #3 the next day and that's exactly what happened.

THANK YOU John/LMS for helping everyone with your great site. This was my second LMS return (#981 was my 1st) and I look forward to helping more folks in the future.

From the Owners:

My husband and I would like to express our most sincere gratitude to the founder of the "Lost My Stuff Group", as well as to the volunteer LMS couple for taking the time to come and help us out. Without this group, I fear my wedding rings would have never been found, or at best, it would have been a much harder process. The volunteer searchers were very professional, offering ideas and tips to further our search after they left. They took this task very seriously, and have made my husband and I the happiest people on earth today! We will forever be grateful to people who offer to do this for the love of the hobby and out of the goodness of their hearts. It has inspired us to become members and volunteer, as well.

The Happy Owners!

The Happy Owners!

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Lost Wedding Ring found August 2015

(Lost Item #1700)

Dear John -

I'm happy to report that I recovered this ring (LMS Lost Item Report #1700) on 7 August! Fortunately, when the ring was lost on 3 July they were able to get GPS coordinates with their cell phone, which was a huge help. I first made a search on 16 July, but the tide and waves weren't favorable so I gave up after an hour and a half. Then came a period of summer company when I wasn't able to get out, but finally I had an opportunity to search again under better conditions.

I found the ring after a 2-hour search, in about 3 feet of water and near the location that was indicated. It was about 6" deep in gravelly sand. I contacted the owners and they came down to the Cape today to pick up the ring. As you can see in the picture, they were very happy, as this had been his father's wedding ring and it had great sentimental value. Although I've been able to find find and return rings before, this was my first opportunity with Lost My Stuff. Keep up the good work on the great LMS site!


The Found Ring

The Found Ring

The Happy Owners!

The Happy Owners!

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Lost Wedding Ring found July 2015:

Hi John,

While out water detecting with anothor LMS member today, I was approached by a nice couple who asked if I had found a white gold wedding band. I hadn't and had passed by where he lost it an hour before he lost it. We were on our return pass when they stopped me. He said it had only been missing about an hour and he said it had to be in a 20 x 50 area.

So I had my buddy start near shore and work a grid outward while I headed out to the far end and was going to grid inward -- I was GOING TO -- turns out when I set my coil down and swung my first pass, THERE WAS THE RING!

It had already sunk about 4 inches into the sand. The picture tells the rest of the story...

Mike in Panama City Beach

Found & Returned

Found & Returned!

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Lost Wedding Ring found June 2015:

(Lost Item #1659)


I just wanted you to know that Kevin Smith from Woodstock found my long-lost wedding ring! It was on a 35 degree slope behind my fence. I received a number of responses and was overjoyed when Kevin Smith found it. Mike Cavendar also came out and searched but didn't find it on an initial search.

Thank you so much for setting up your website! I never imagined being able to find my wedding band after it was lost in September 2001. I can't tell you how much I appreciate everyone's efforts!

Neal Anderson

The Found ring!!!

The Found Ring!!!

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Lost Rings found March 2015:

(Lost Item #1595)

This post could go into several forums, it's mind blowing and eye popping, it happened at the beach, but most of all, it was a Lost Item (referred to me as a "Lost My Stuff" member) that I get to re-unite with it's owner.

I hope I have the story correct here. The back story as I know it begins with two gold rings on a chain around the owners neck. She was here on vacation playing Rugby on the beach when the chain was broken and the rings fell to the sand but the chain stayed on her neck. She hired a local "for a fee" searcher and they looked for the ring for some three hours (a bargain given this searcher normally gets $100/hour) to no avail. This was on the 19th.

On the 22nd the loss got reported to Lost My Stuff and I saw the email. I contacted the phone number on the report and spoke with the Mother of the girl who lost the rings. She told me the story of how they were lost and then told me the story of the rings... They are replicas of the US Naval Academy Class ring 1922 and the US Military Academy 1925. They are wedding rings of the Grandmother and Great Grandmother of the girl who lost them and are family heirlooms. The owner had left Panama City Beach by the time I got the info (to return to Westpoint where SHE is a Cadet) so I got the best loss location info I could third hand and then received a very nice email from the owner herself a day later with a bit better location info (Turns out, she was DEAD ON ACCURATE to within a 20 x 20 area). So my hunting buddy and I hit the beach with our Minelab E-Trac detectors (and me wearing my lucky Minelab Owners baseball cap) at 7:30 today. By 8:30 we had both rings!!!

I found the first one with a barely audible warble of that sweet gold tone and a flicker of 14/23 Fe/Co reading at 10 inches. I dug gently with my Stealth 720i and after the first 3 inches of sand the ring rang in louder and still showed about 10 inches. I did two more scoops of about 3 inches of sand each time and on the third scoop full, up came the smaller of the two rings. Apparently the second ring came up in one of the three scoops full of sand because it wasn't in that hole after the first ring came up. All I can think is it was either right beside the first hole and I moved it enough to not be able to read it in the hole or I scooped it and lost it out of the scoop while shaking out the sand. Anyway, my buddy Craig was searching my "tailings" and found the ring down about 6 inches right beside the hole I was working.

So, I'm one lucky guy to get to help out getting a pair of nearly 100 year old rings back to their owner, and to get to serve a member of the US Military who is serving us.

The Found Rings!

The Found Rings!

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Lost Ring found February 2015:

(Lost Item #1578)

On Wednesday evening 2/18/15, a young guy named Zach and his girlfriend were playing in their backyard when he accidently tossed the Promise Ring he had given her over the fence and into his neighbors yard.

After a lot of unsuccessful searching they posted a Lost Item Report on Lost My Stuff to solicit for some help. I happen to live nearby so I contacted them that evening and arranged to come look for it the next day.

The search was simple. After scanning a small area about 10'x6' near the fence hearing nothing but deeper targets on my AT-Pro, I scanned a couple of bushes in an adjacent flower bed. We heard a few 'beeps' as I brushed against them and then Zach said 'I see it!' and picked it up. The ring had apparently been lodged in the bush and popped out when I rubbed the coil against it.

Zach really wanted to give me a reward but I declined and said all I wanted was to take a pic of him with his ring. We agreed and here it is.

The Found Ring!

The Found Ring!

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Lost Ring found January 2015:

(Lost Item #1538)

Hi -- This is Sudhir and here is my success story:

I lost my ring at the beach last week (01/12/2015). I was playing volleyball and the ring flew off my finger when I was serving the ball. My friends and I searched frantically for it through the beach sand but we had no luck, so I decided to get a metal detector and search for it myself the next day instead.

Meanwhile, my wife reported about my lost ring on this website and we were contacted by 3 volunteers literally the next day (01/13/2015)! Tom, who was closer to Santa Monica offered to help. By then my friends had searched with no luck and I already spent 3 hours searching using the metal detector with no luck either. It was tough to differentiate the sounds from metal detector and sometimes the tones would not repeat.

Tom showed up with his equipment and after I gave him the specifics of the ring along with how and where it was lost he started his quest.

Bam!!! Tom found the ring in less than 5 minutes!

I was shell shocked and so very happy that it was found. My ring (made of 24 karat gold with a Ruby on it) was gifted to me by my Mom a long time back, so it was very valuable for me.

We can't thank Tom and Lostmystuff.net enough for doing the great job they do by helping others find what they've lost!

Tom, you are awesome -- Thanks a lot!!!

The Found Ring!

The Found Ring!

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Lost Bracelet found October 2014:

(Lost Item #1403)

One of our Volunteers emailed to let me know this bracelet lost at the Saratoga Race Track in New York had been found. I asked if he had found it and he said no, but that he had helped. Here's his story:

John -- I guess I helped find it in a way. Access to the track area isn't allowed, but I emailed and called the race track office to let them know that the bracelet was lost. They said they'd look for it. I gave the number to the owner and she must have called to let them know that she was the one who had lost it and where. Well, someone found it and called her. She emailed me to let me know that with my help she now had it back!


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Lost Necklace found September 2014:

(Lost Item #1412)

I reported a lost ring of mine two weeks after it had been tossed by my ex-boyfriend after an argument! I searched frantically for it with no luck so I decided to search for help instead.

Chris Zidak contacted me literally the next day after I reported my missing ring. He set up a day to help me as soon as we were both available. The first time we met, we looked throughout my garden and found endless nails and other metals around the house. My ring is stainless steel, so it was pretty difficult to distinguish what exactly the reading on the metal detector would be.

We searched for about an hour with no luck until it started to pour rain down onto us!! I was about ready to call it quits but Chris offered to come another time to help. I gladly took the offer.

He came back this morning, about a month since the night my ring was lost, and we both had our doubts since we've experienced so many rainstorms here and the grass had been cut more than once. It just seemed pretty unlikely we would find it. I lost hope but Chris searched on, even checking places that I had not thought necessary. We searched for about an hour and we were both about ready to take a break when BOOM. He bent down with a smirk on his face, and scooped up something silver. It was my ring! I immediately starting crying of course and I was in utter shock that I had it in my hands again.

Chris was so sweet and helpful and I can't thank him and lostmystuff.net enough for doing everything you guys do for all of us clumsy people who lose the things important to us.


The Found Ring!

The Found Ring!

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Lost Cell Phone, Wallet & Keys found at Santa Monica Beach, California September 2014:

These lost items weren't reported to Lost My Stuff, but a Volunteer happened to be out detecting right near where it was lost at just the right time so he sent us the story... Great job Pete!!!

Ok -- So there I was detecting Santa Monica Beach. Right after my friend Bob said he was going back to the barn, a life guard pulled up next to me. He told me about a lady that had lost her keys, cell phone and wallet in front of his station. He asked if I could help. No problem, count me in!

He told me to hop in and he would take me there. At the time I was at the second life guard tower south of the pier. He took me to tower 26. When we got there I saw a lady on her hands and knees digging through the sand with tears in her eyes. Pat the life guard explained to her that I was there to help.

It took me twenty minutes, give or take a few. I asked her if this was what she was looking for -- the picture tells the rest of the story, and I'm sticking to it, LoL!!!


Thanks so Much!

Thanks so Much!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Lost Property Marker found August 2014:

(Lost Item #1388)

Hi John,

I had very prompt responses to my Lost Item Report, all from members who weren't in my town, much less in my vicinity. Folks who live miles away from me were willing and eager to come search for my property markers. I hoped that someone in bordering towns would see the post, and explained that to everyone. However, of the responding volunteers, the lady who lived farthest away actually persuaded me to let her to fit the hunt into her busy schedule and do the search. Her enthusiasm made me feel that it was I who was doing her a favor!

The hunting partnership of Kasey and Phil came early Friday morning, quickly balanced the detector and scanned a property marker in front, then went down to the area in back where my plat showed a marker should be. After some time, perhaps 20 minutes of hitting on nails, they got a hit that seemed false -- as they dug, they hit gravel and rock but no rebar. But Phil had a hunch, and they kept exploring until uncovering some pink surveyor's tape.

The marker was buried under a full six inches of silt, and was bordered by a couple of granite rocks, probably left there by a former owner to help locate the stake.

They also searched for the corresponding stake on the other side of the lot, but generous neighbors behind me have made that impossible with a dozen or so garbage bags tossed down the hill to the back of my property.

Sadly, I didn't think to take photos until after they left. Perhaps these snapshots will illuminate the difficulty of finding the stake.

Many thanks,

Success !!!

Success !!!

Way Down There!

Way Down There!

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Lost Wedding Ring found July 2014:

(Lost Item #1343)

To lostmystuff.net - Thanks so much for having a web site that links people, like myself, that have lost stuff, with very generous people who help them find it.

I was contacted by a number of members from your group. Mike drove close to an hour from his house to meet me and was able to recover my wedding ring in about 30 minutes. I offered to pay him for his time and travel expenses, but he refused to take any money. Not even gas money, which I wish he would have. I don't like that it cost him money to travel to help me out.

I really appreciate Mike taking his time to travel and help me.

Mike - you are a very generous guy !! Thank you so much for taking the time today to help me out.

Very Sincerely,

Bob Briggs

The Found Ring

The Found Ring

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Lost Ring found August 2014:

A Lost Item report wasn't filed for this lost ring, but one of our member's sent me his Success Story since he was asked to help and successfully found it:

A coworker of mine asked me to help find her daughter's James Avery silver ring that she had lost in her front yard the previous day. I showed up at her home and within less than 10 minutes of detecting, I had found the ring. Definitely made a young lady very happy!

Here's a picture of me and Bethanie with her ring in her front yard.

Johnny Guevera

Johnny & Bethanie

Johnny & Bethanie

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Lost Camera found July 2014:

(Lost Item #1394)

Hello --

I'm happy to report that Lost Item #1394 has been recovered! I contacted Desiree and Robert regarding their lost camera that accidentally fell out on a tubing trip down a river. I don't think any of us had high hopes of finding it, but luckily they had a rough idea of where it may have fallen out.

Incredibly after only about 15 or 20 minutes, Robert found their camera (luckily it was waterproof) and it was still in perfect working condition! It also had pictures from roughly 2-3 years ago of their children which was the key reason for wanting to recover the camera.

Although I wasn't the one to actually recover the camera, it was great to finally help someone from this site, since this was the first case that was even remotely close to my location. Robert and Desiree treated me to a soda afterwards and we chatted for a bit and parted ways.

Attached should be a picture of myself on the right, along with Robert and Desiree. I'm sure you can figure out which one is Robert and which is Desiree! I'm glad to be a part of this awesome Group and hope to have more opportunities to help in the future!!

Best Regards,

Desiree, Robert & Josh

Desiree, Robert & Josh

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Lost Engagement Ring found July 2014:

(Lost Item #1294)

I had the pleasure of finding a lost engagement ring this evening for a lady in Baton Rouge. She lost the ring June 15, 2013. Long story short, she threw it at her fiance after an argument. The ring flew from her hand, across the yard, miraculously passed through the boards in a fence, only to land somewhere behind the fence where there was a shallow ditch with water and a steep embankment of jasmine ground cover.

She filed a report on Lostmystuff.net and I made arrangements to see if I could help her. Denise had a pretty good idea where it could have been, but she and another metal detectorist were unsuccessful in finding it. The terrain was pretty thick and tricky to walk around, but I went to work and within 20 minutes found the ring. There was a three inch metal screw I found before I found the ring. I know to always check the area again when you find something and when I swept my detector again over the same spot I heard a tone that was in the gold area. I checked it with my pinpointer, scraped away some dirt and uncovered the $2,000 ring!

It was a good day for Denise and her husband (who have long since worked out the issue that caused the ring to be tossed across the yard and land by the ditch), and I was thrilled to do a good deed by finding and returning the ring.

The Found Ring!

The Found Ring!

The Happy Owners!

The Happy Owners!

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Lost Wedding Ring found July 2014:

(Lost Item #1342)

Hey John,

I would like to report a Success Story. I posted the lost ring from Olympia, WA today and with the help of your website and a volunteer we found my ring this morning! Here is my story:

I lost my wedding ring while I was tubing down the Deschutes River near Olympia, WA on Saturday July 26th. It slipped off my finger in about 2-3 feet of water in some pretty strong current. The bottom was rocky/muddy and after spending some time looking for it I gave up and continued to float down the river.

It was Monday morning when my wife found the lost my stuff website and I entered my info. We were amazed at how fast and how many people responded. Within the first hour 2 people had responded saying they could help look that day! Mike from Olympia was the first to respond and we both met where the ring was lost to begin our search. Mike brought along some great metal detecting equipment and was convinced that we would find the lost ring.

After about 45 minutes of searching (and finding 3 other rings) it started to look a little grim. Then in an area riddled with old fishing weights I reached down to grab something shinny and pulled up my ring!

I can't thank Mike and the lost my stuff website enough for pulling through for me in my hour of need. Sending lots of good karma your way Mike!

Thank you.

The Found Ring!

The Found Ring!

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Lost Wedding Ring found July 2014:

(Lost Item #1308)

John -- Here's how the story goes:

I found lostmystuff.net about a year ago because I wanted to be able to help people find their lost items with the help of my metal detector. Before I found the site I had already returned a few rings that I had found, and I was eager to try to help out more people.

Over the past year I had only seen a few items that were lost in Pennsylvania, and they were all 2+ hours away from me, until on July 5th when I checked the website (as I usually do a few times per week) I saw that someone had posted a lost ring just the day before at a lake about an hour from my house. I hadn't yet registered on the website, so I quickly did, requested a copy of the Lost Item Report, and called the person right away.

We arranged to meet later that evening at a store so that I could follow him to the area of the lake where he had lost his wedding band. He brought me out to the roped off swimming area where he had lost it, and showed me the general area where he thought it might be, though he had actually lost the ring 5 or 6 days before.

I was a bit worried that it may have been kicked around some, because he said that the lake had been pretty busy that week. He told me that his ring was made of tungsten, so I knew what reading I was looking for on my AT Pro screen. After about 15 minutes of searching, I got a signal and immediately knew that I was on top of it. Using my newly fabricated sand scoop that I had made at work, I took a few stabs at the target with no luck. On the 4th or 5th scoopfull of sand, I looked inside the scoop and there it was, his wedding ring that he had just got a few months ago after his previous one had just gone through too much wear and tear. Needless to say, he was thrilled to have the ring back on his finger, and I'm sure that finding it took a huge weight off of his shoulders.

There really is no feeling like being able to help someone out in their time of need, and to be able to return something that means a lot to them!

I've attached a picture. Codi (the guy who lost the ring) is on the left, and I'm on the right. Thanks for the e-mail and I hope you enjoyed my story!

Rob Nese

Codi & Rob!

Codi & Rob!

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Lost Wedding Ring found July 2014:

(Lost Item #1333)


When I went to search for this ring the owner had me searching in a couple of different places. A spot in the forest, a big area of freshly planted grass with straw on it, and a pile of dirt. The owner watched me search initially, but after I kept finding nails he went down to work on his boat.

About 15 minutes later while searching in the fresh grass I got a good prominent tone under the straw, and sure enough I had found the wedding band!

I went down to where the owner was and said "Well, I found a couple more nails" (showing them to him) and then said "and a ring." Then his face lit up!

The ring was lost only 30 minutes from my house so I wanted to attempt to find it for him, and this being my first "recovery" I jumped right on it.

Glad my first one was a success!


The Found Ring!

The Found Ring!

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Lost Wedding Ring found July 2014:

(Lost Item #1301)

While metal detecting at Clearwater Beach, a couple came up to me in the water and asked if I could help search for the husband's wedding band that had been lost that afternoon. They directed me to the area in the water they thought the ring was lost and I searched the area for about an hour without any success.

I talked to them further and suggested they post the lost ring on Lostmystuff. I also told them I would continue to look for it, and they pointed out where on the beach they were located in case I was successful.

A few hours later, in an area much shallower than where the ring was supposed to be, I located a pocket spill and while digging up quarters, I also got a wedding band in the scoop. The young couple had already left the beach so I couldn't show it to them to determine if it was their ring.

A few days later, the email from Lost My Stuff showing Lost Item Report #1301 arrived in my email. I had forgotten about finding the ring and read the request, and down near the end of the listing in the Additional Information Section it said: band has name (Madonna), and I knew right away that this Report was for the band I had found earlier.

After emailing the owner that I had found the ring, we met a few days later at the beach to make the return, and the Madonna ring is back home!

Philip & Cliff !

Philip & Cliff!

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Lost Wedding Ring Set found June 2014:

(Lost Item #1293)


Just letting you know that I (Joe Barnett) and a friend (Victor McGriff) went to Grenada and met this young lady and found her ring in the lake. We cleaned out a lot of beer tops & pull tabs but finally found it after an hour or so in belly deep water. It took us almost 2 hours to drive up & 2 hours back. She offered us money & I told her to make a donation to the Wounded Warriors Project, but somehow she slipped some cash in the console of my jeep. We had already left when we found it.

The look on her face with tears streaming was the true reward. It made our day special too!



Victor, Megan & Joe!

Victor, Megan & Joe!

Megan & her Ring!

Megan & her Ring!

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Lost Ring found June 2014:

(Lost Item #1289)

Ok, I'm not a great story teller, but it goes like this. I noticed the Lost Item Report for item number 1289 on my cell phone. I haven't had one close by yet that I could go look for and this one was 50 miles away. I had June 26th off so I asked my 4 year old if he would like to come help a woman find a lost ring. He was very excited to. I sent Jennifer (the woman who had lost her ring.) an e-mail, and we got in touch via text messaging. We set up a meeting time of 5:00 PM on June 26th.

When I meet up with Jennifer she was a very nice person. Jennifer informed me that she had lost the ring out of her pocket about 5 years ago while she was planting shrubs in a wooded area near her home. Jennifer wasn't sure where exactly she had lost the ring but did say that it fell out of her pocket. She went on to explain that the ring was a gift from her husband and that she had even tried renting a metal detector to look for it when she'd lost it.

Armed with my White's V3i and my 4 year old son who was running the digger and pinpointer, I began to do a quick random search of the area that Jennifer believed she had lost the ring in. I had noticed that there where a few random pieces of aluminum laying around so I wanted to see how many trash targets I'd be dealing with. My first swipe of the detector revealed a zinc penny laying on top of the dirt. 2 more minutes in, I had dug a piece of foil and a brass screw. About 7 minutes after that I had a really strong solid ring/foil signal and I told Jennifer that we may have just gotten really lucky or we were about to dig up a really nice pull tab. After my 4 year old played around a few minutes with the pinpointer, I dug about 2 inches down and out popped Jennifer's ring! I couldn't believe that the ring was recovered in 10 minutes! Jennifer was super excited about the find and couldn't believe that someone from a random website that she saw on Facebook came out and found her ring that had been lost for 5 years in 10 minutes!

It was a great day out with my son, and it was nice to be able to help Jennifer find her ring. I couldn't believe how lucky I got to swing my detector right over the ring while just doing a random check of the area!

What a great website Lost My Stuff is that we can help people like this!

The Found Ring!

The Found Ring

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Lost Ring found June 2014:

(Lost Item #1260)

I reported my ring as missing to Lost My Stuff on 6/8/14. I was shocked to hear from so many people so quickly, all willing to help right away. Robert Grattan was one of them. He came out the very next day and shortly after my tungsten ring was found! I can't thank him or this website enough!

Not only that, but I met a couple out on the lake right after I lost my ring, and they said a week earlier they had lost the husbands ring out there as well. While Robert & I were looking for mine, we came across a titanium ring. I quickly got ahold of the other couple and come to find out this was their ring, so Robert found two lost rings that day!!!

So I just wanted to say thank you again -- my wife and I appreciate all the hard work this Group puts in to help people!


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Lost Silver Cross found June 2014:

(Lost Item #1253)


Lost My Stuff has been a Godsend -- you helped me find my lost cross!

About 8PM Wednesday night, I was leaning over the fence to pet my neighbor's dog and I caught my chain in the fencing and broke it. There were two medals on the chain -- one was right in front of me in the neighbors yard. My cross was missing after a lot of looking.

I posted in frustration to Facebook -- and a friend posted a link to Lost My Stuff. I'd never heard of you before, but I filed a lost item report Wednesday evening. Before bed Wednesday night, I had TWO offers of help!

Friday at lunchtime, Dean Lewis (who works near my home) came out and found my cross in 20 minutes! (He also found an old water spigot handle buried in my neighbor's yard. LOL)

For 43 years, I had a gold cross given to me when I was baptized as an infant -- until my house was broken into and it was stolen (it was in my jewelry box because I was wearing the silver one just lost). Losing the silver cross after losing the baptism gift was making me a little nuts. I am SO HAPPY right now!

I asked Dean what I could give him -- and he asked me to just "pay it forward" by buying from the Boy Scouts the next time I see a popcorn or citrus sale or something. I'm only too happy to help in that way!


The Found Cross!

The Found Cross

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Lost Engagement Ring found June 2014:

(Lost Item #1245)

Emily was at the beach last Saturday when a wave in shallow water knocked her engagement ring off her finger. She and her spouse had been married just this past March on this very beach.

She contacted us to help look. We organized our team (we have a volunteer ring finder group in our club (www.srarc.com). The three of us (Tom Jones, Howard Metts and myself, Stan Flack) hunted for 45 minutes with no luck.

Then Tom started to hunt the wet sand in case it was now on shore from the low tide. When he looked down, there it was looking back at him! Yep, an eyeball find... You just never know!

That makes ring #50 for the year (July 2013-July 2014). Love your group - You do good things for people.

Emily with the Searchers!

Emily with the Searchers!

The Found Ring!

The Found Ring!

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Lost Wedding Ring found May 2014:

(Lost Item #1243)

I received the lost Item report in my e-mail regarding a lost wedding ring in my area and was excited to get a chance to help. I called, got the address, and and headed that way.

Upon arrival I was told that another person had already looked and failed to find the ring. I was also made aware that the ring was part of an inheritance from her Grandmother who had passed away.

I was shown the area they assumed it had been lost in. The area was around 60'x80' and was full of live goats! I decided to grid it off by dragging my feet as I walked so that I could see where I had been. About 40 minutes into the hunt I knelt down and pulled a huge white gold wedding ring from the ground! I was so excited that I had actually found it!

I presented it to the wife and husband and am pleased to say that I had goosebumps when she took the ring and placed it on her finger. She cried while her husband and I stood there smiling.

While leaving I stated to say "have a nice night" and the husband said "we already have". It felt great to help, and as it turns out they were the parents of a classmate of my daughters. I was telling my wife how it went and the doorbell rang. The wife stood there with $60 worth of gift certificates for my wife and I. The gifts were nice but didn't compare to the feeling of handing that ring to this nice lady and her husband.

Don't be discouraged if a lost item isn't found the first try. It could be YOU that ends up making someones day!

Thank you

Rick Bittle

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Lost Wedding Ring found May 2014:

(Lost Item #1212)

A gentleman from Nashville, Tennessee named Gary Boyd drove up to Louisville to help me out. My ring was lost in my aunts backyard for three years and every time I would visit I would spend time looking for it to no avail.

Finally a friend on Twitter, Bill from Lexington told me about your site and to give it a try. I thought "why not" it's a free service and these guys really seem to care about finding lost belongings for people.

Mr. Boyd reached out and offered his help. The day he showed up I had a family member in a serious accident and couldn't assist him in the search. I went home to get my thoughts together and at this time I'd totally forgotten about the ring and Mr.Boyd until he pulled into my driveway and said "Sean, I believe I have something of yours".

My heart dropped because in his hand was my handmade wedding ring from Ireland! For this brief moment in time everything that was bad was awesome! We talked for awhile about things and our interest in life including Jesus Christ. I truly believe that through your company and God that Gary was meant to be here 3 years later to help me not only to find my ring, but to help encourage me during what was a very difficult day! In the midst of all of this, Saturday was my wedding anniversary also!

The Found Ring!

Where it was lost!

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Lost Wedding Ring found May 2014:

(Lost Item #1233)

Thank you so much for creating this group!!

We noticed two men with metal detectors searching the next morning right where we had described losing the ring in our lost item report.

The first guy didn't mention your site (Lost My Stuff) but the second one did and he was super nice. The second guy was the one who found it and it was obvious he was doing this because he cared. We were happy when the second guy found it and we wanted to pay him for his time. He said just gas money would be great and said he would split it with the the first guy. That's how nice the second guy was! I wish I knew their names!!

Anyways, with the high winds and the tide coming in the ring barely moved from where my husband had lost it the day before. It was just buried and would have been impossible to find without their detectors.

Thanks again,


Where the ring was lost!

Where it was lost!

Happy Family with Found Ring!

Happy Family with Found Ring!

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Lost Wedding Ring found April 2014:

(Lost Item #1198)

This ring was found by one of our Volunteers after being posted on both craigslist and our website, but we just heard about it today...

Initially, I saw an ad for a lost ring placed on craigslist lost & found. The owner had posted a very accurate satellite shot of the area he had lost it in. I was out of town and wouldn't be able to search for it for a few days, so I emailed one of my local pals (Rich W.) with the details of it, and he contacted the owner to confirm the location and get additional details on the ring.

Within about 20 minutes of searching Rich found it with his Tesoro Sand Shark and mailed it to the owner. As you can imagine, he was quite ecstatic about getting it back and tendered a gracious reward!


The Found Ring!

The Found Ring!

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Lost Wedding Ring found May 2014:

(Lost Item #1217)

Yesterday I received an email from lostmystuff.net about someone needing help finding a lost wedding ring. Jason had lost his white gold wedding ring in the crawl space under his house while cleaning up trash and moving dirt around to level out the ground a bit. Jason is in the process of selling this house so the timeline for him was very important. Once his house is sold, he was afraid his ring would be lost forever. He was considering just purchasing a replacement when his wife suggested he try lostmystuff.net. At first he was skeptical but he decided to give it a try, after all, he had already lost his ring so he had nothing to lose.

I contacted him and gave my information, and we agreed to meet at his house the next morning at about 10 a.m.

When I arrived, Jason informed me that a termite inspector was under the house so we just talked about metal detecting while we waited for the inspector to get done. To see the detector in action, he allowed me to search the front of his house by the road while waiting on the inspector to finish. We dug 3 targets, a 1944 Wheat Penny, a 1942 Nickel and a square piece of cut fence. Once the inspector was finished, we began our search. I brought along 2 pinpointers and Jason decided to join me under the house to start looking.

At first we were just using the pinpointers, as they were easier to use than the metal detector in the confines of the crawl space, but after about 45 minutes, pulling nail after nail after nail, I decided to try out using the detector to find other than scratchy signals and look for a good solid midrange tone on my Garrett AT Pro. After about 10 minutes using the AT Pro I hit upon a solid 65 midrange tone. I dug down about 2 inches and there it was.

I told Jason he owed me nothing and it was my pleasure to help but he insisted on buying my Lunch. A great trade!

Gene Spradlin

Gene under the house

Gene under the house

The Happy Owner!

The Happy Owner!

The Found Ring!

The Found Ring!

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Lost Wedding Ring found April 2014:

(Lost Item #1190)

This was a quick one! It took longer to drive to the search site than it did to find the ring!

I received a Lost Item Report from Ryan who indicated he'd lost his wedding ring somewhere in his backyard while dumping stuff in his compost pile. He happens to work at the same place I do, so we talked and made arrangements to come by his house when both our schedules would allow.

A few days later my wife & I drove over to Ryan's to make the search, figuring we'd have a couple of hours to search before the sun went down. Upon arriving Ryan took me out in his backyard and showed me where he'd been, walking from his back door to his compost area, indicating he'd made several trips and though he'd looked around he not been able to find it. After asking a few questions to see if I could get a better idea where to start, I told him to go ahead and go back in and finish his dinner, and that I'd come knocking if I either found it or ran out of daylight.

I decided to start my search around the compost bin and hadn't swung 5 times before my At-Pro was beeping on a repeatable 58! I shuffled the dried up leaves with my Pro-Pointer and there it was!

I went out front, showed it to my wife, and then went and knocked on nthe door,and giving Ryan his ring back told him "Here ya go, you're married again!"

That's definitely the way I like searches to go... Less than a minute from start to finish!!!

John Hawken
Overland Park, KS

John & Ryan

John & Ryan

The Found Ring!

The Found Ring!

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Lost Wedding Ring found March 2014:

(Lost Item #1165)

Here are the pictures of Morelle C. and her recovered ring, along with my wife Nelda. Nelda and I went over to search for Morelle's ring on Tuesday March 18th. She had reported that it was lost in her back yard somewhere in or near the flower beds. Nelda and I split the area into two sections (one for each of us) and began searching.

In about 15 minutes Nelda and Morelle were jumping up and down with excitement, so I knew they had found it. Nelda is now hooked on going out with me and searching for lost items. You can see the excitement in Morelle's face about finding her ring. The ring has special meaning for her and her family, so she was thrilled when it was recovered.

Bob Forston
Colleyville, TX

Morelle & Nelda

Morell & Nelda!

The Found Ring!

The Found Ring!

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Lost Wedding Ring found March 2014:

(Lost Item #1182)

The story as told by the finder:

John, I live about 35 minutes from Cape Girardeau, Missouri. I was going to be in the area this weekend, so I called Bryan to get his address. Bryan had lost his wedding ring when he & his dad were raking up tree leaves in his backyard. When I got there we met outside and started searching the bags of leaves they had bagged up when he lost his ring. Nothing was found there. We then moved to back yard and searched a small area where he had helped his dad rake up the leaves. I found nothing at that location either. He then told me that he had the ring on his finger next to the steps of his deck because he was spinning it and it wouldn't be there. I asked if he told the same story to the detectorists before me and he said yes.

I went to the area anyways and started searching. The first surface signal was a pull-tab. I then walked a few more steps and got another surface signal. I pushed down on the ground where I had pin-pointed and the ring stood up on edge. I handed it to him and his wife came out the back door screaming "you're my most favorite person now".

We talked awhile about detecting and Bryan said he thought he wanted to get into it now. We shook hands and I left.

Bruce R.

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Lost Class Ring found February 2014:

(Lost Item #1088)

Here are the pictures of Dr. George Singleton and myself, and the rescue of his class ring at The Ridglea Country Club in Ft. Worth, Texas. It almost didn't come to pass because of his belief that the water was too cold and the fact that it had been in the water for over 15 months. If it weren't for James Collier's persistence, the meeting might not have happened. James is also a member of Cowtown Treasure Hunters Club and Lost My Stuff. He's the one who arranged the meeting and search and took the pictures of the hunt.

The creek had so much deep leaf trash you almost couldn't swing a detector in it. But, since he was able to provide a great scenario of how it got there, I got a signal quickly. Getting it out was the problem. The trash was so deep and the bottom was so slick, I had trouble getting the debris out. Once I finally got the target to move up higher in the debris, I reached in and felt it. I knew instantly that I had the ring. I pulled it up and handed it to him.

He was one happy "Graduate" all over again, from The University Of Arkansas!

Bob Forston
Cowtown Treasure Hunters Club
Lost My Stuff Volunteer
Colleyville, Texas

Where it was!

Where it was!

Trying it back on!

Trying it back on!

The Found Ring!

The Found Ring!

And here's a note from the Owner:

The story and pictures are excellent, Bob. They'll be part of my family scrapbook and journal. It was great meeting you. You're a legend to my children and friends who knew the ring was lost.

My daughter said, "Gee, Dad, why didn't you call Bob last year?"

Happy hunting!

George L. Singleton
Doctor of Business Administration
Fort Worth, Texas

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Lost Wedding Ring found February 2014:

(Lost Item #1119)

I received a notice of a lost wedding ring from Lost My Stuff about an hour and a half drive away from me. Thinking I might help, I contacted the owner and we set up a time to meet and he gave me the address. The next day I drove up and met Bryce out front of the address where the wedding ring was lost. We confirmed we had permission from the owner to be on the property and then went to search for the lost ring.

Bryce took me to the back wall and told me the story of how the ring was lost, having been accidently thrown over the seven foot high brick wall into the neighbors yard. He said he spent quite a while looking in the back yard, looking on and around the flagstones that cover the ground, but was unable to locate the ring. I walked over to the fence and asked if he had looked on the roof of the house? We both spotted the ring about the same time near a vent on the roof!

He asked the owners of the house for a ladder and permission to get on the roof, where he retrieved the ring. In his panic of losing the ring, he just didn't think about where it could have gone. When I got there and started asking simple standard questions of where and how the ring was lost, we were able to find it with a bare minimum of effort! We found the ring and I didn't even have to take my detector out of my trunk!!!

David C.

The Happy Owner!

The Happy Owner!

The Found Ring!

The Found Ring!

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Lost Bracelet found December 2013:

(Lost Item #1060)


Thank you very much for finding my gold bracelet today. I have attached a picture of the "find" and also copied the other members of the "Lost my Stuff" group who offered their assistance. It was a great pleasure to have met you today. Also to know that there is a dedicated group of people, who have a special skill, common interest and equipment who are willing to share their time to help others.

As an additional token of my appreciation for your organization, I have made a donation to "Lost My Stuff" through your website.


Bill Quinn

The Found Bracelet!

The Found Bracelet

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Lost Wedding Ring found December 2013:

(Lost Item #1035)

On December 3rd Lost My Stuff member Bob Forston found a Lost Wedding Ring for a man and his wife in Fort Worth, Texas. Bob received the below email from the owner:


I really can not thank you enough for coming out and spending your own time looking for my ring. It means so much to me and my wife. What a great service you and Lost My Stuff are performing!

Have a great one and here is a pic of the ring!



Brandon's Ring

Brandon's Ring

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Lost Wedding Band found November 2013:

(Lost Item #1031)

Good news,

Ken and I recovered Steve's lost wedding band in his yard on 11/24/2013.

We made contact with Steve this morning and headed down so he could show us were he lost his wedding band of 25 years. It was right where he said he lost it while doing yard work.

Good thing it was recent and didn't have time to get buried. Needless to say Steve and his wife are grateful. Thank you to the Lost My Stuff Group for giving us the opportunity to help!

Toby and Ken

Toby & Steve

Toby & Steve

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Lost Ring found November 2013:

(Lost Item #1014)


The ring was dropped by a one year old boy as his family took pictures in the sister-in-law's front yard on Halloween night. The area was less than 10 feet by 5 feet, mowed grass. The owners had searched with flashlights that night and in the daylight the next morning. I contacted them and used looking for their lost ring as an excuse for my wife (Susan) and me to visit our daughter and son-in-law in College Station. We scheduled Saturday morning to look for the ring.

I invited Norman Cooey, a fellow metel detecting enthusiast, and his wife, Cathy, to assist me in trying to locate the ring. Norman lives close-by in Richards, Texas and hunts Bryan and College Station regularly. I arrived Saturday morning about 10:15, in the middle of a rain shower. I got out my gear, unfolded one of those Garrett yellow ponchos (from its 2" X 3" pouch) and put it on as the boy's father drove up.

I learned his son hadn't dropped his Mom's ring, but had dropped his aunt's (his parent's sister-in-law's) ring. (I thought to myself, I'm here to get someone out of the doghouse!)

We stood and talked a few minutes while waiting for Norman to arrive, but since it continued to rain and my host didn't have a raincoat I started without Norman. The area was laid out with two strings stretched tightly accross the grass, tied to metel tent spikes. The point where they intersected was where the boy's father had told his brother-in-law (the guy I was with) the ring had landed. After swinging my IDPro over that point for a LONG time, I expanded my search area and heard a "RING" sound. It took the guy longer to find and pull the ring out of the grass after I located it with my pinpointer than I took to locate it. Everything was over in less than five minutes. I was taking the guy's picture with the ring as Norman drove up.

We were thanked profusely! Another successful mission accomplished!

Ronny Reed

The Found Ring

The Found Ring

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Lost Wedding Ring found October 2013:

(Lost Item #1009)

Hi there!

I just wanted to report that my husband's ring was found yesterday!

I found the Lost My Stuff Group by chance googling lost rings and filled out a report Monday night. I was amazed at how quickly I got a response - the very next day! Thank you to Mr. Richard Lyle for taking the time to find the ring. I am so relieved and grateful! Also, to the several others that responded to my email as well, thank you too. This is the second time he's lost it and luckily the first time he found it pretty quickly, and that was in the snow!

I will be sharing this website with all my friends and family. Thank you for providing such a kind service for others! I can't wait to see my husband's face when he comes home and sees his ring!

Thank you again!!


The Happy Owner

The Happy Owner

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Lost Wedding Ring found October 2013:

Although I've been a member of the LMS group from early on, I've not yet had an opportunity to do a search as a result of an LMS posting. This recovery was just a matter of happenstance.

A gentleman who saw me detecting at the beach came over and asked if I knew where he could rent a detector. He'd lost his wedding ring in his yard a couple of months previously; he'd been unable to find it with a visual search, and he'd not been able to find a place to rent a detector. I told him I'd be happy to search for it, and we set up a time to meet.

When I arrived, we went through the details of how it had been lost. He explained that he'd moved the ring to his pinky after an insect bit his ring finger while he was working in the yard and that the ring probably flew off when he was starting the lawnmower. I set a search plan, starting with the most likely area and working down the priority list.

After an hour or so, the first, second, and third search areas hadn't panned out, leaving the least likely to be done - a gravel driveway which they'd already visually searched in some detail. Within about 4 or 5 minutes working along the driveway, there it was! -- buried under less than an inch of loose gravel.

The owner was thrilled to once again have the ring he'd worn for 32 years, and I was delighted that I was able to find it for him. Aside from a quick find of a just-lost ring for a young boy at the beach a month or so ago, this was my first ring recovery and return.

It was a good day!

The Found Ring

The Found Ring

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Lost Wedding Ring found October 2013:

(Lost Item #986)


It only took about 3 minutes to find the ring, and according to her husband, this is the fourth ring they've lost.

I had a great time meeting them and helping out.


Catherine & Chris

Catherine & Chris

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Lost Wedding Ring found October 2013:

(Lost Item #985)

Tonight I went on my first "mission" as a metal-detecting volunteer with the group.

A lady had lost a precious ring in her own backyard just a couple of days ago -- her wedding ring in fact. I responded to the report soon after it hit my email, because the location of the lost ring was in the community next to my own. She lived only 15 minutes away, in fact.

I'm new to metal detecting, having redeemed points in a hotel affinity program in exchange for a Bounty Hunter Tracker IV just this summer. Besides the Tracker, I brought along my Garrett pinpointer.

I was a little worried because her ring was made of gold, and from detecting around a few parks near my house this summer I knew that the sound for gold on my detector is just like the sound it makes when it sweeps over worthless rubbish sometimes. I don't have a gold coil either.

My wife came with me tonight, and I used her gold wedding ring to show the folks that lost their ring the sound that the detector makes when swept over gold. I started sweeping their yard going down and back along the length of the yard. On my first return trip back "we struck gold." Pulling out my pinpointer I quickly zeroed in on her wedding ring and handed it to her husband, who raised it triumphantly, beckoning his wife to come over.

To say she was relieved to have her ring back is an understatement!!!

When I returned to my car where my wife was waiting, she couldn't believe I had found the ring. To be honest, I was a little surprised myself. The last time I used my gear to help someone else was when I took it up to Nebraska to help my parents find their buried lot-line property marker, and it took nearly all afternoon since I wasn't too familiar with how to work the detector.

I think this website is a remarkable thing. People get their lost stuff back, and metal detector enthusiasts get to use their skills in a way that has a positive impact. I'm looking forward to helping again sometime.


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Lost Engagement Ring found October 2013:

(Lost Item #981)

I contacted the young man shortly after receiving the Lost My Stuff report on 10/13/13. We arranged for me to hunt for the missing engagement ring the next morning.

Upon arriving we scoped out the area (fenced backyard) where his fiancee had probably lost the ring while tossing a football around. I backed up to the edge of the area and started by making a pass down the center where the grass had been mashed down the most (they had, of course, hunted into the night with flashlights for the ring).

Shortly after making my first turn I got a beep on my Minelab Safari at the extreme edge of my swing. Another swing confirmed the tone and I looked down to see the ring partially obscured by flattened grass. I guess my body language betrayed me as the young man seemed to know I had found it. I handed it to him and asked if this was the one we were looking for (it's a very pretty ring).

His first comment was that he couldn't believe we found it in only 5 minutes. He then took it to his fiancee who was naturally very happy to have it again.

Thanks John/LMS for allowing me to help this wonderful young couple out!

For you hardcore types: I hunted in low sensitivity(6), relic mode, hi trash. The 14k white gold woman's ring with a stone came in at a solid tone at 6. My coil was a 6x8 SEF. This is my first return after several years of serious detecting; I hope they all end like this!

The Happy Owners

Happy Owners

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Lost Ring found October 2013:

(Lost Item #964)

I contacted Sean on Wednesday morning to get info on where they were and what it looked like, and said that I would be there after work. I slipped out of work an hour early and went home to get my gear and my Mother (she MD's too!) and we set off for the school where the ring was lost.

When we arrived, school was just letting out and it was a zoo, so we parked under some shade until all the kids, parents, cars and buses cleared out. We got lucky and found a sweet parking spot right in front of our target area, so we geared up and started the hunt.

We both started in the same general area and fanned out from there, only to start finding a chopped up pop/soda can (can slaw). I must have picked up half of that can, getting a little frustrated, when I heard Mom yelling something. I took off my headphones and heard her saying "I found it, I found it!". And there it was in her hand, a white gold ring with an amethyst center stone and chocolate diamonds down the sides, just as described. Mom said it was under a clump of long grass, just sitting there.

The hunt lasted less than 20 minutes which made it really cool in my book... get in, find it and get out. Awesome!

I called Sean to tell him of our success, and he didn't believe me at first, saying he had searched for many hours over the course of 4 days armed with only a rake hoping it would pop up on top of the grass. Sean and his happy lady came over to the house to pick up their ring, and the look of relief on their faces was more than enough payment for us. Me and my Momma made somebody's day!

The Found Ring

The Found Ring

The Successful Searcher

The Successful Searcher

The Happy Owners

Happy Owners

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Lost Wedding Ring found August 2013:

(Lost Item #921)


I can't tell you how happy I am with your service. My husband lost his ring at a park over the weekend and we submitted a search request this morning. I hadn't checked my phone or email, so I wasn't aware that you guys were even out looking for it until I got a call from another mom in the neighborhood that there were guys with metal detectors in the park (I had posted on our FB page that we had lost it and were asking for help from neighbors) and low and behold they (Jim H) had already found the ring!!

This is such a great service that you provide! I'm so thankful to your team for finding my husband's ring. I'll be sure to pass your info along to anybody else who comes across a similar problem. I actually heard about you from another mom in our neighborhood... so I'll keep the word alive.

Elisha Grow

Jim and the Owner

The Found Ring!

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Lost Wedding Ring found August 2013:

(Lost Item #911)

I was contacted by "Lost My Stuff" that someone in Ipswich, Massachusetts was looking for help finding a ring that he lost about a year ago. He had previously searched for it but had no luck. My detecting buddy Jeff & I responded to the request and met up with Jeremy at the house where he lost the ring. The area where he lost it was very difficult terrain for detecting, mostly shrubs. He described how he was walking up the stairs and pulled his keys out of his pocket and was sure the ring flew out of his pocket at that time.

We discussed briefly how we should proceed and then I turned on my detector, placed it near one of the shrubs, got a signal similar to a gold signal, poked my Vibra Probe in the dirt, and saw a glitter of gold! I reached in with my finger, stood up and said "we're done here" and everyone was shocked! It has to be a Lost My Stuff record because it took less than a minute from turning on my detector to finding the ring!!!

Needless to say Jeremy was thrilled and probably in shock! Another happy result thanks to Lost My Stuff, and oh yeah, my great hunting skills :-)

Roger, Jeremy (the Owner) & Jeff

The Found Ring!

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Lost Wedding Ring found August 2013:

(Lost Item #898)

It was lost on 7/13 and one of my FB buddies contacted me on 7/14, and on 7/15 I went and looked for it. Rick told me he had very little info, just that it was Turkish gold and had 3 bands. The guy who lost it said he lost it 'behind the Chateau Resort' so I went and searched the dry sand to no avail. It was just last week that I got the Lost Item Report from Lost My Stuff and saw that the ring had been lost IN THE WATER, not in the dry sand!

So today I got probably the best water conditions of the summer so far -- clean, clear, and calm. I had no idea where he lost it, just that it was somewhere between the shore and the sandbar. That made the search area about 150 yards by 150 yards. I looked at the beach and decided to start in the middle, straight out from the rental booth and work an in-and-out grid pattern from shallow to deep and back. I had made 11 passes in and out and on the 11th pass deep end turn around, I got a solid hit and pulled up 3 quarters and a nickel in one scoop! Not 5 feet further on, I got another faint but solid signal and two scoops later as I shook the sand out of the scoop I could feel a 'clank-clank' coming from the scoop! I HAD IT! Someone really wanted this ring to get back to its owner!

The Found Ring!

The Found Ring!

And here's where it was!

Where it was!

Robby did a great job finding this ring!!! I'm Rick and it was my co-worker's son who lost it. He's USAF active duty, stationed in Mindenhal UK, and was here on vacation with his wife visiting his Mom. She told the me the story after he lost the ring (I too water detect), but Panama City beach is a 2.5 hour drive for me. I remembered that Robby detected out that way so I contacted him and gave him the little info I had and away he went to grid out and search the beach.

The rest is here for everyone to read... He made a friend in doing this and maybe even will get Brian into the hobby.

Thanks! A job well done!!!

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Lost Engagement Ring found August 2013:

(Lost Item #907)

Here's my Story:

I was on the beach for happy hour on Friday, and I went over to the water to rinse the sand off my hands... I bent down, stuck my hands in the water, and then bam, bye bye ring...

After numerous phone calls to the insurance agency, and lots of crying, we figured it was gone forever... We put in a claim so it would get replaced, but nothing could ever replace the sentimental value of the engagement ring my fiance had given me.

Saturday afternoon we thought we would walk down to the Surf City Police Department to see if anyone had turned it in. The gentleman there told me to look at this flyer if something was missing - which was a Lost My Stuff Group flyer. We got home and I decided to email you guys. It's funny because no one asked me for the specific location of where the ring went missing, or my address, so in the comments at the end I had added the info in hopes that someone would come by....

Not an hour later, Wayne, this amazing man, showed up at our doorstep asking for the person who lost their ring. I met him, gave him the story, and he immediately went to town looking for the ring with his metal detector... I seriously thought it was a long shot, and the tide was coming in, so I thought, there's no way he would find it.

About 20 minutes in, he asked my fiance Juan if it would be ok to come back tomorrow since the tide was coming in. He said sure, no problem... but Wayne decided to keep looking for just a little bit more...

5 minutes later he walked back over to Juan and said, hey, what does the ring look like? Does it look something like this.... and held up the ring... IT was 6 inches deep in the sand!!!! It was the best feeling in the world. He had found it!

I am so grateful for your website along with Wayne. Thank you for being amazing and helping me find my ring!!!!

Andrea :)

Andrea & Her Ring!

Andrea & Her Ring!

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Lost Glock Pistol found July 2013:

(Lost Item #899)

On July 21-2013, while doing some exploring of a creek/waterfall in the Carbonado River area, I realized that I had lost my Glock-26. The following day I filed a Lost Item Report on the Lostmystuff homepage. Thursday 7-25 I was called by Al, a member of the Lostmystuff group and a good friend. We made arrangements to meet Saturday July 27 in Tacoma to go looking for the pistol. Steve, and another friend and detectorist also came along for the search.

We spent @ 1-1/2 hours looking for the pistol at the waterfall, in the creek, and downhill on the path to no avail. The pistol was finally found on the uphill side of the trail.

The only thing I can figure out is a tree branch got ahold of the pistol and slung it up the hill. I WAS and am STILL excited that the gun has been found. And am fortunate to have had the help from such good friends and members of the Lostmystuff Group to help locate the gun.

Huge thanks to Al, Steve, and the Lostmystuff Group!

Wolf Konkel

Steve, Wolf (w/the Found Pistol), & Al!

Steve, Wolf & Al!

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Lost Ring Owner Found June 2013:

Back in January one of our Lost My Stuff Group members in Texas found a lost engagement ring that had been reported to the Group (Rpt #698). The owner of the lost ring was so excited and grateful that he related a story about him finding a ring a few years earlier in Florida and that he wished he could locate its owner. Jason volunteered to help, and with the assistance of another of our members they located the owner and returned the ring. So... as a result of the Lost My Stuff Group, not only did one ring get returned, but a second one was returned also!

Another group member wrote a story about these two rings which he titled "The Long and Winding Road", and it has now been published in the latest issue of Western and Eastern Treasure magazine!

The magazine is available at most all Metal Detecting Stores, and of course directly from the Western and Eastern Treasure magazine website (http://www.wetreasures.com/).

Well worth checking it out!!!

The Western and Eastern Treasure magazine article

Magazine Article

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Lost Engagement Ring found June 2013:

I was contacted by Rob a couple of weeks ago about an engagement ring his fiance lost while the family was in the front yard of their aunt's house. We made arrangements to meet at the house today and Rob described the area of the yard where he thought the ring was lost.

I made two trips up and down the yard and on the third trip I got a solid "foil" reading on my Fisher CZ-6 and called Rob over (he was using one of my other machines a few steps away from me). Using my Garrett Pro Pinpointer, I was working on locating the target in the grass and was spreading the grass blades open when Rob knelt down and just as he did he spotted the target and it was, in fact, the $1100 dollar engagement ring that had been lost and dearly missed three weeks ago!

Needless to say, Rob had an immediate smile on his face as he held the ring in his hand. He told me that two rings had actually been lost and that he had obtained a metal detector to try to find them. He had managed to find one of the rings either by eyeballing it or with the detector after several hours searching, but hadn't been able to find the second one. It was a successful 10 minute or less search and you can see by the smile on Rob's face in the attached photo that he was, indeed, happy to have the engagement ring back in his hands.

Roger H.

Rob & his Found Ring

Rob & his ring

The Successful Searcher!

The Successful Searcher

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Lost Wedding Ring found June 2013:

(Lost Item #837)

I went to La Jolla beach with a group of friends to do a kayaking tour. I had my titanium ring with me during the tour and I was constantly checking on it because it was cold that day and my fingers shrank a little. I thought it would be ok since I didn't plan on swimming in the water. However, when we surfed on the kayak back to shore, the strong waves made us loose our balance and we fell into the water. When I stood up, my ring wasn't on my finger anymore.

We tried to find it but of course we couldn't and I thought it was lost forever. When we were back at the kayak shop, our guide suggested that I leave a report at the guard shack in case someone with a metal detector found it, so I did.

That got me thinking... When I arrived home I searched and found 2 people with metal detectors around that area. I sent them an email and Michael C. replied. He happened to belong to Lost My Stuff and suggested that I report my lost ring on their website. A week passed and Michael D. volunteered to help me find it, but since I thought it would have moved within the water or be buried under the sand many feet deep, we never tried.

About a month later, I received a miraculous call!!! During a meeting held by members of the group, Albert brought up my report to the others' attention. Someone said he'd look for it amongst his findings, but that if he didn't have it, he'd ask a friend who searches that area a lot about it.

Well, a detectorist named Robert (aka my guardian angel), had found it. It might have been the same day or a day after I lost it. The inscription and material were the key for him to identify it among a big pot full of his month-old-findings. The members of Lost My Stuff put us both in contact, and that's how, a week before my 3rd wedding anniversary, I retrieved my wedding ring!!!

Thank you guys so much for all you do!!! Not only did I receive calls from volunteers to help me go find it, but you made sure I got it back, giving me one of the biggest surprises of my life. You helped me tremendously and made me believe in the impossible!!

Below is the picture I took right after I had it back.

Thanks from the bottom of my heart!


Irene's Ring!

Irene's Ring!

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Lost knife found June 2013:

(Lost Item #831)

I met with Shelly to attempt to recover her husbands knife which was dropped off a family's dock into the water of lake Livingston. It was a bit of a trip up there, but I was eager to attempt my second scuba recovery. After assembling my gear and doing my safety checks, she showed me exactly where in the water it dropped. I was expecting zero visibility, 15 feet deep, and who know what was down there. She warned me that a hurricane had moved all sorts of debris around and there could be some dangerous things. To top it off, the dock was covered so it would be dark.

I secured my equipment, took a giant stride off the dock into the water, and made my way over to the "drop zone". Inasmuch as she saw the knife enter the water, I suspected it would be an easy find. I gathered my thoughts, released the air from my dive vest, and slowly sank into the murky green darkness. I used one of the large wooden dock piers to control my descent and to give me some visual orientation on the way down. It's so easy to lose your bearings and get lost when you can only see the inside of your mask.

I touched bottom at 9 feet, much sooner than I expected. I was glad. In case of trouble, it would be much safer to do an emergency ascent. It wasn't as murky as I thought it would be either. I could just read my gauges if I held them up to my mask. I could also see light and dark, and an occasional fish silhouette swim in front of me. I even had a few sample my bare leg.

I powered on my u/w detector, put on the headphones, took a compass bearing to make sure I was pointed in the right direction, and started sweeping. The machine was acting erratic. I figured that would probably be the case. There was some electrical conduit pipe for an u/w light in front of me (somewhere). The constant bleeping and blurting was useless. However, the surface was a hard packed sand and it was fairly clear of items, so while I probed the space ahead of me with my detector in my right hand, I used my left hand to feel across the surface of the ground. It's kind of spooky when you touch something, because it could be anything. And most things are covered with slime. And you're just hoping that the next thing you touch doesn't move. Or worse, feel like it should be moving, but isn't.

After 10 minutes, I felt like I was fairly lost and probably had gone too far. I was fairly confident that there wasn't anything that was going to cut or entangle me so I decided to surface, check in with Shelly, and leave the detector on the dock while I continued my search-by-hand. I had in fact gone about 8 feet, much further than I intended. I went back to the pier and descended again. I started to sweep with both hands along the lake floor with opposing sweeping motions, keeping my fingers loose so as to not get cut or poked should I find something sharp. It took me maybe 30 seconds before I felt the small pocket knife. Yes! To celebrate, I just sat there at the bottom of the pier, examing the knife and listening to my bubbles ascend past my cheeks. I don't dive as much as I'd like to, so this was a rare treat, even if I couldn't see anything around me.

Back at the surface, Shelly was excited to have her husband's knife back. She was going to wrap it up and give it to him as a surprise Father's Day gift, as he wasn't aware that she had found lostmystuff.net and was having me search for it. I'm pretty sure she'll obtain wife-of-the-year status!!!

Tim with the Knife!

Tim with the Knife!

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Lost Wedding Ring found May 2013:

(Lost Item #803)

I'm so grateful for lostmystuff.net, for Chris, and for all of the members of the Lost My Stuff Group that were helping to try and find my husband's lost ring. I'm just lucky that it was a great human being that found it rather than someone who would try to pawn it. Thank you again. I plan on sending this to the newspaper after one of the English teachers at my work edits it!!

Sunday, May 12th my family was at Clearwater Beach throwing the football in the water and enjoying Mother's Day until Kyle, my husband, realized that he lost his wedding ring. As soon as he lost the ring I noticed we were to the right of Lifeguard Stand #1 and parallel to the second small danger sign by the jetty. We searched for two hours but the water was so rough that we couldn't even see our feet in the water, plus it was high tide. At that point I thought his ring was gone for good and that we were never going to be able to find it. We went back up to the condo and of course the first thing I did was search online for "Lost Wedding Ring Clearwater Beach".

I came across a newspaper article about a guy who had lost his wedding ring at the same beach, and had put up an ad on craigslist that resulted in a good samaritan finding and returning his ring, which gave me hope that there may be a good person out there who could find my husband's ring. I decided to post an ad on Craigslist and on Lostmystuff.net (http://www.lostmystuff.net).

We went back to the beach at low tide and searched for four hours until past sunset Sunday trying to find the ring, along with the help of four metal detectorists that I found on the beach. They wanted nothing in return for their time and effort. They wouldn't even take a meal on us for their help!! I kept on praying to St. Anthony and to family in heaven and it still couldn't be found. When I got home Sunday night I checked my email and had emails from five people willing to help try to find it in the morning.

The next morning at work I prayed for St. Anthony and for the metal detectorists of Clearwater Beach with colleagues in the chapel. An hour later I got the best phone call ever from an amazing person, Chris, saying he'd found my husband's ring right where we thought it would be, 4 inches deep into the sand. He had the ring all nice and polished when I met him Monday evening to get it. He said there were other people out there trying to find this same ring, all because of the Craigslist post and the Lost My Stuff Group Report. Thank you St. Anthony, my family in heaven, and of course to the great citizen Chris... We will be forever grateful!! Came to find out he used to live in Plant City and his wife subs at Catholic schools around Pinellas County.

So blessed!

Mrs. Erica O.

Chris & the Happy Owner!

Chris & the Happy Owner!

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Lost Wedding Ring found April 2013:

(Lost Item #797)

Yesterday while Jason and his wife were visiting friends and having an outdoor party, Jason was playing tether ball with some of the kids when his wedding band slipped off his finger and flew onto the grass. After spending several hours searching for it Jason went and bought a metal detector from a sport and outdoor shop the following day and spent a few more hours searching for the ring before his wife reported the lost ring to the Lost My Stuff Group.

After seeing the report stating that the location was near my home I called Jason's wife and agreed to meet with her husband and search for the ring. Arriving at the location I gathered my metal detector and pin pointer and was directed by Jason to the general area surrounding their tether ball pole. Jason believed that the ring flew several feet from his hand and had even searched the neighbors backyard thinking that it may have even flew over the fence.

A few minutes after beginning my search I was able to pull from the grass Jason's lost wedding band. Both Jason and his wife were very happy that the ring was found so quickly.

Mark S

The Found Ring!

The Found Ring!

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Lost Wedding Ring found April 2013:

(Lost Item #789)

Located this chunky wedding band with the E-trac for a very thankful Dad in Versailles, Kentucky after work yesterday. Had to hunt most of the lawn, but it was worth it as always. No reward or money accepted as usual -- just a good vibe for the hobby.

We first went over the lawn where the owner had been mowing and the area where he had dumped the grass clippings. After a fruitless search (I did find a few shallow coin signals which I assigned to his cute kids to dig up and they were thrilled!), I asked him where he might have taken a break, removed a sweatshirt or had a drink. As soon as he showed me that area I swung the detector no more than twice and bam -- a solid gold ring signal in the headphones. 10 seconds later his ring was back on his hand. It was already partially buried by turf and would have never been found by sight.

"Awesome! Now my wife won't kill me!" he exclaimed!

I'm glad to have saved a life!!!

Scott C.

Lexington, Kentucky

The Happy Owner!

The Happy Owner!

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Lost Wedding Ring found March 2013:

(Lost Item #759)

I was about to get out of work when I saw the lost item report come through for a zip code I'm pretty familiar with and fairly close to. I gave John a call within minutes of receiving the report in hopes to make this my second wedding ring recovery this year. He said that was the best news he's heard all day and I was at the place where he had lost it within the same hour.

He had been tossing out fertilizer on his yard with his wedding ring on, and it had slipped off into the grass. He had searched on hands and knees for a while and then went and bought a cheap detector. Even with the detector he still couldn't find the ring so he found the Lost My Stuff Group website and filed a report.

After he showed me the general 10'x10' area he had lost it in, I grabbed my detector and began to swing. Nothing on the first line, then two foil signals when I turned around on the next line, and then a solid 46 on my AT Pro at 2"!

"I bet this is it!", I said, as he closely watched me, and there it was!

I gladly handed it over to him and he was really grateful. He was extremely happy to get his wedding ring back and gave me many thanks!

By far this was my fastest recovery. I found it in under 15 swings of my detector and within the same hour it was reported lost -- woohoo!!!

The Happy Owner!

The Successful Searcher!

The Found Ring!

The Found Ring!

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Lost Ring found March 2013:

This ring wasn't reported to Lost My Stuff, but one of our members and a few of his friends went and made the search and recovery:

Back in February, an 89 year old neighbor of mine named Harold was throwing grass seed on some pasture ground near his home. His ring flew off his finger as he was riding his four wheeler and throwing the seed. I contacted several members of the Topeka Treasure Hunters Club I belong to and we went and looked for the ring that same day but couldn't find it. At the time it was very wet and cold.

Yesterday we decided to look again. The weather didn't help us any again as snow was falling. Three of us searched the same area as before for 45 minutes or so. We were about to give up the search at that point, but we spotted some more 4 wheeler tracks and grass seed and decided to follow them for awhile. The tracks were on the face of a dam on a small pond the owner had recently cleaned out.

While following the tracks I heard one of my friends say "What's that?", and there it was on the slope of the dam! It was covered in dirt, and only about 1/4 of the ring was visible. If much more time with spring rains and snow had passed it would've definitely been lost forever in the pond. We hadn't been able to search this area before because of very wet and slick muddy conditions.

Thanks to the help andefforts of my friends Dave, Russell & Jerry, the ring has been returned. Harold was very happy to get it back. He had it made over 30 years ago, having paid $125.00 at that time for the 1908 five dollar gold piece and $300.00 to have it made.

Thanks to everyone who gave up their time to come help!!!

Mike Garrett, Member of Lost My Stuff and the Topeka Treasure Hunters Club

The Happy Owner!

The Happy Owner!

The Found Ring!

The Found Ring!

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Lost Ring found February 2013:

(Lost Item #727)

I joined this Volunteer Group some time ago but due to other time constraints, distance, etc, I've not been able to help out in a search. But now, with plenty of available time (unemployment) and a nearby Lost Item Notification, I was able to make a FIRST FIND today, help a very nice family, and make new friends along the way.

Mary & I made contact yesterday and agreed to meet this morning at her house. My wife and I arrived to find her husband who gave us the rundown: Seems their daughter was in town over Christmas and after giving the dog a Frisbee workout discovered she was missing 2 graduation rings. The house is on 5 acres and, after searching as best they could, feared the rings gone for good. Sometime in January, after their daughter had returned to Boston, Dad happened to glance down while getting into his truck and next to the gravel drive spotted one of the missing rings. Since then, they have focused on that surrounding area and looked periodically for the other one, but to no avail.

A friend of theirs does metal detecting as a hobby and posts finds on-line. Mary told him that she wished he was in the area to help them out and he suggested going online. That's where LostMyStuff surfaced for them.

I asked them a few questions - rings on same finger (?), R/L handed throwing Frisbee (?), and began a search in the general area of the first ring find. Dug a target #1 but too deep for recent loss; Dug shallower target #2 - alum. bottle cap. As I cleaned up after the 2nd hole and started to move on, I caught a glimmer from the sun reflecting off what I thought might be morning dew. Reached down and lifted the corner of the grass/weed clump and THERE IT WAS!! A success story. Very COOL for all concerns!

Mom & Dad are happy and thankful; Daughter will be especially pleased to get her 2 keepsakes back they tell me; my wife and I feel grateful to have had a chance to help out. (Total search time +/- 8 minutes! - the best part - wish they were all that quick and successful!)

Bruce K

Bruce & Mary

Bruce & Mary

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Lost Wedding Ring found February 2013:

Today, I went to the beaches in Toulon (Southern France) even though it's not tourist season. After 3-4 hrs of detecting the wind increased and having only got limited results (small coins and junk jewelry), I decided to walk back to my car and go home.

This beach is lined with several restaurants and since it was lunch time, all of the outside tables were full of people. As I walked back to the car, I detected down the sandy beach passing one of the restaurants. Shortly after passing the restaurant, I heard a woman trying to get my attention. After removing my earphones, I listened to her story (in French) about her granddaughter (about 8 yrs old) who had just lost one of her earrings on the beach near the restaurant and she asked if I would try to find it.

We walked back to the beach area where the granddaughter had lost it (a 12x12 area of deep white sand) and I asked to see the other earring. It was soooo small.... what a challenge!! The earring was in a silver outline of a heart, just a heart on a post for pierced ears. You could see by the look on the granddaughter's face, she was really sad about having lost it.

I prefaced the search by telling the grandmother that the detector I was using (my BHID) was designed for underwater searches of items of a little more size but that I would try. I found several targets (junk) and sifted the sand as best I could with no luck. After about 10 minutes, I still hadn't found the the girl's lost heart. The Grandmother had rejoined her husband at the lunch table (not more than 15' away) as did the granddaughter. What pressure!!! All the patrons knew what was going on and you could tell that they didn't believe there would be a happy ending.

Shortly thereafter, I followed up on a rather good signal very carefully, as I was wearing rather bulky skin diving gloves (I had been detecting the water earlier). All of a sudden, I caught just a little glimmer of something shiny... I reached down and carefully moved some of the sand and there it was... A REALLY small heart shaped silver earring!

I interrupted the luncheon with, "Madame". She came over to me and I handed her (to her disbelief) her granddaughter's earring. The granddaughter was clearly pleased and I smiled. The grandmother immediately told the other luncheon crowd that I had found her granddaughter's earring.

A great way to end my day!!!

The Well Supplied Searcher!

The Well Supplied Searcher!

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Lost Ring found January 2013:

(Lost Item #714)

I contacted Kimberly who made the lost ring report earlier this week and met with her this afternoon. The location where the ring was lost was located about 10 minutes from my home. After searching less than 3 minutes in the grassy area next to a sidewalk, I got a very loud signal in the headphones of my detector. Reaching down into the grass I picked up the missing ring and handed it back to Kimberly. She was amazed and very happy to have her ring back on her finger.

Mark Sebesta

Cypress, Texas

The Found Ring!

The Found Ring!

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Lost Wedding Ring found January 2013:

(Lost Item #698)

I've had quite a successful 2012 finding rings, but not so much success in finding the owners. I guess people who lose things don't know where to look for people to help recover them or for people that have recovered items. I knew I could do more and wanted to help more people who had lost stuff so I decided to volunteer for The Lost My Stuff Group around the 2013 New Year.

The day after I joined, there was a report for someone fairly close that I knew I could help. I made contact and after a few phone conversations we set up a day for the attempted recovery. I had never done a water recovery before but was anxious to give it a shot. The lost ring owner borrowed some waders from a friend of his since I didn't have any and I met up with him on Sunday morning.

After 30 minutes or so of searching in the water, almost getting stuck in the mud in a few places, and only recovering a few fishing weights and hooks, I needed to get in the sun to warm up before I could continue. That water was really cold! On my way out of the water I was looking down and there was a nice sparkle barely sticking out of the mud just next to the water by a few inches. "I found it!"

They were very grateful for the recovery and many thanks were given! I couldn't have been happier to help them find it and I'm really glad it's back where it belongs. We chatted for a while afterwards and I made a new friend too!

What a nice start to 2013!

The Successful Searcher!

The Successful Searcher!

The Found Ring!

The Found Ring!

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Lost Class Ring found December 2012:

(Lost Item #678)

I signed up as a Lost My Stuff volunteer earlier this summer in hopes of being able to help someone find something they had lost. Checking the website daily, I waited and waited for someone to file a report of something lost in my area. Apparently, no-one in central Pennsylvania ever loses anything!

Finally a report for my area was sent and I quickly responded to it. Unfortunately, I knew this wouldn't be an easy hunt, as the Class ring was lost over 30 years ago!! Nevertheless, I was eager to try.

After talking back and forth with the owner's son, who filed the report and now lives in Florida, I set the date to go and they got permission from the now current homeowners. With snow flying and 40 mph wind gusts forcasted, I left early in the morning and arrived in Indiana, PA around 9am. I immediately set up my Minelab Xterra 705 and began sweeping a grid in the yard.

As the story went, the ring was taken off and placed on a small table at the corner of the concrete patio. The ring was supposedly picked up and carried into the yard by a young nephew of the owner. I figured it wouldn't be real far into the yard as the boy was around 3 years old at the time. I began near the porch working my way down the yard. I found a quarter, a nickel, 4 dimes, a dozen pennies, and 4 gold colored pull tabs, which made my heart race every time I dug one, making me think I found the ring!!

Being lost for 30 years, I dug every target whether I knew it was a penny or not. After 4 hours, I was at the very bottom of the yard and was really losing hope, thinking I had missed it or maybe over the 30 year period someone else had found it. I literally had 4 feet of yard left when my detector sounded off. It was reading close to a penny, but I dug it anyhow. As I flipped the dirt over I saw a little glimmer of gold. It took a few seconds to sink in that it was the ring. Seeing the date 1965 looking back at me, I quickly pulled it out of the dirt and held it up like a first place trophy! This is the first ring I've ever found and I'm so glad to return it to the original owner after 30 years.

Thank you "Lost My Stuff" for having this page and allowing me to volunteer on it!

Happy Holidays Everyone!

Jake S.

The Found Ring!

The Found Ring!

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Lost Wedding Ring found December 2012:

This ring wasn't listed on the web site. I'm a Lost My Stuff Group volunteer searcher and while I was hunting a local school yard I was approached by an older woman who wanted to know what I was doing or had I lost something. After some small talk about metal detecting she went home just across the school yard.

A few minutes later she returned and asked if I thought I could find her daughter's husband's wedding band that he had lost four years ago while he was cleaning gutters at his home. I said I'd be glad to look and arrangements were made for Monday afternoon.

Shortly after 3:15pm he was home and I was shown where he thought he lost it. After just a ten minute search I got a Screw cap reading on my detector, 68-71. I dug a small plug and didn't see it. With the help of my pin pointer I had a strong signal. Sticking in the digger again I pulled out a small plug and right there in the plug was his gold wedding band!!

The wife and kids were very happy, as was he. They offered to pay me but I told them to spend it on Christmas. I wished them a Merry Christmas and went home with a very good feeling about helping them find that lost part of their life.

They said they would send me a picture of the ring which is posted below. This was my third return of a wedding ring this year!!

Mike Garrett

The Lost Ring

The Lost Ring=

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Lost Wedding Ring found June 2012:

(Lost Item #416)

Dear John

(I've always wanted to start a letter that way)

Back on June 10, 2012, you helped me find my lost wedding band in Katy, Texas.

I took pictures and promised you that I'd send you one and write something up for the Lost My Stuff Group website.

Well, I forgot to do those things. Today, while browsing my old photos, I saw the old photo and was reminded that I hadn't kept my word.

You not only volunteered your time and energy to help me, you found my ring in less than 10 seconds flat after I had all but given up hope.

Please accept my heartfelt apologies for forgetting to e-mail you, and please accept my thanks for your generosity and expertise.

Sincerely, Scott Talafuse

Katy, Texas

Scott & John

Scott & John=

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Lost Ring found November 2012:

(Lost Item #661)

To: Lost My Stuff Owner

With the help of Stephen Sparks and Martin Larson (Martin actually was the one to find the ring), my wife Lisa's missing ring was FOUND on our property under some leaves.

Stephen and Martin were both the NICEST guys and they worked hard and were just a blessing, all the way around.

I admire folks like you, Steven and Martin, who help people. Imagine -- folks who just want to help other folks!!!

Your group must bless a LOT of people...

God's Grace,

Gus A. Wolman, III

Gus, Lisa & Martin

Gus, Lisa and Martin

Stephen, Lisa & Martin

Stephen, Lisa & Martin

The Found Ring!

The Found Ring

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Lost Ring found November 2012:

(Lost Item #662)

I'm a member of the Treasure Hunters Association of Pasadena (THAP) in Texas and a volunteer of the Lost My Stuff Group. Miguel had been in contact with another member of our association and was advised to contact Lost My Stuff. After setting an appointment for the following morning, we started our search for his ring.

After scouring the area for half an hour where he thought it might be without success and about to give up, he directed me to where his car had been parked. Sure enough, it only took a few more minutes before the prize rang clear from the detector!

What an awesome experience! (Finding something dear to someone). It was a silver ring Miguel had purchased in Portugal when he and his wife visited there and Spain. It held quite a bit of sentimental value.

It was so rewarding reuniting him with an important reference of his life experience!

Sincerely, Rex Owens

Miguel & his ring!

Miguel & his Ring

The Found Ring!

The Found Ring

And a note from the Owner...

I lost my ring on Saturday, 11/24 and after researching on online for tips on how to find the ring, I came across this website (Monday, 11/26). I filed a Lost Item Report and that same night I was contacted by a volunteer and had a scheduled appointment for the following morning with a gentlemen by the name of Rex.

After 30 min of setting up a grid we started searching with no luck... Just before giving up I asked to have a smaller section searched and within 5 minutes Rex found the ring!!!

I was extremely grateful and along with several thank you's and handshakes came a bear hug!

Thank you Rex and God Bless you and your Group.

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Lost Ring found November 2012:

(Lost Item #650)

Today was a fantastic day for my mom as she recovered her lost ring thanks to the time, skill and generosity of your group member Roger Barbrick. My mom lost her ring a week ago in her backyard when she was raking leaves. Both she and I searched for it with no luck.

When I was searching the web trying to find a place to rent a metal detector I came across the Lost My Stuff Group website and posted a lost item report. I was subsequently contacted by about 10 of your group's members, including Roger, with offers to help search for the ring. I was overwhelmed by the charitable volunteerism offered by your group - it was really wonderful!

Because Roger lives in Salem, the next town over from us, I accepted his kind offer to come by and search for the ring. He came today with a couple metal detectors and we set out searching my mom's backyard. After about an hour we had covered almost all the area where we thought it might be.

At this point, I didn't have much hope that we would find the ring, until I heard the exclamation of joy from my mother!!

Roger had found the ring with his metal detector and then plucked it from the lawn after seeing it with his eyes. I can't tell you how happy my mom and I are that Roger was able to find the ring as it contained a small engagement diamond that my deceased dad had given to her. She had been sick at heart at its loss but she is now so relieved and happy.

I want to express my deepest gratitude to Roger, your Group, and the other members who graciously offered to search for the ring. We wouldn't have found it without you. It's really a wonderful organization that you have providing such a valuable service.

Gratefully, Nicholas Arena

Roger and the Happy Owner

Roger and Happy Owner

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Lost Wedding Ring Set found November 2012:

(Lost Item #647)

My wife was working in her garden, removing old growth and preparing to plant the Fall/Winter crop of lettuce, broccoli, carrots and other veggies. It's nice to live in coastal Virginia, where you can grow just about all year. She came into the house in a mild panic, both her wedding rings were missing.

She has lost a good bit of weight lately, and had just commented this last week that her rings were quite loose. I had told her we should get them resized soon, and she moved them from her ring finger to her middle finger for the moment. She was quite sure that she had them on earlier in the day, and thought they must be in the garden.

Our garden isn't huge, but it's not small either, a raised-up cinder block type about 15 feet wide by 40 feet long. She had thrown two bags of fertilizer by handfuls into the garden, then had climbed in and was digging and mixing by hand down 3-4 inches. We spent an hour or more pushing dirt around with no luck, and darkness stopped us.

I decided to see if anyone in the area rented metal detectors, and somehow stumbled onto the "Lost My Stuff" website. I put in a lost item report at 6:32 PM, and when I checked my emails a couple hours later, I was surprised and happy to see that four of your members had responded within the first hour! I replied to all, and asked one of the closest how to schedule a visit.

This afternoon, Carl Fuller from Portsmouth met us at the house and within 15-20 minutes had found both rings!!! My wife is very relieved and happy!

Carl was very pleasant and personable, and of course refused any compensation, saying that re-uniting people with their lost treasures was enough of a reward in itself! What a great representative for your group, although I believe that the majority are probably the same.

So, thanks to you all for providing this website and your time. We are appreciative beyond words, lost rings back on finger within 12 hours... Amazing!!!

Randy and Sharon Curley, Chesapeake VA

The Found Rings

The Found Rings

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Lost Wedding Ring found November 2012:

(Lost Item #631)

On October 28, 2012 my husband and I decided to start the yearly task of raking our leaves. Hurricane Sandy was headed our way, and we wanted to get as much done as possible before it hit. Later that evening, while sitting on the couch, my husband noticed his wedding band was missing. We were married in St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands and that is where we bought our rings, so they were not only special, but hard to replace.

We immediately went outside and started searching, to no avail. We had 5 large bags of leaves and we quickly decided to put those in the garage and go through them when the weather improved. In the meantime, we contemplated buying a metal detector and it was during this Internet search that we came across Lost My Stuff.

I put a report out there even though I honestly thought nothing would come of it. Not a day later I was contacted by Luke who lives about 4 hours away. He immediately offered to come down to assist in our search. During the next week, I borrowed a metal detector from a co-worker, and e-mailed with Luke almost on a daily basis to keep him updated. We grew very frustrated with our search and he was very generous with his time and with his recommendations for going about our search.

On Saturday, November 3, we decided to give it one final shot. Luke advised us to take the leaves outside and spread them on a tarp and then search with the metal detector. If the ring wasn't found, he was going to make the trip to Roanoke to help us.

Within 15 minutes of starting our search, the detector started beeping and my husband looked down and saw the glitter of gold. The ring was found!!

A BIG shout out to Luke in Winchester, Virginia for all of his help and guidance and willingness to travel 4 hours to help someone he has never met.

Terry & his ring

Terry & his ring

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Lost Wedding Ring found November 2012:

(Lost Item #638)

Thank you, thank you !!

Lost wedding band found in 5 minutes in the dark. Your group is amazing and Brett wouldn't accept any reward.

Sincerely, Amy Goodwin

The Happy Owner

The Happy Owner

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Lost Earring found October 2012:

(Lost Item #630)

The story starts out 3 days ago. I was out at Pineapple Willy's with the Surf PI and the new Stealth 720. I had just done a grueling 4-1/2 hour hunt in the rough choppy water. My plan was to give myself a real workout with the new scoop in bad conditions... I succeeded!

I came up out of the water and a woman comes up to me and asks me to help her find a lost earring in a 20 x 20 area. Of course I said "Heck Yeah".

I gridded the area 3 different ways and got every pulltab and bottle cap in that area as well as 37 cents, but not the earring. I had her move one of their 2 beach chairs but not the other because she was pretty sure it wasn't under the chairs. She wasn't entirely sure that it wasn't up in their condo room though. I didn't end up finding the earring and I'd like to think if I wasn't so tired from the day in the water, I'd have had her move BOTH chairs. I told her that I was with the Lost My Stuff Group and to go file a lost item report in case I found it later on another hunt.

She filed a lost item report the other day, and I got the time to go look today after work. Well I couldn't remember exactly where she'd been sitting so I gridded about a 150 x 20 stretch of beach. As I neared the end of the time I had for the day, I hit an iffy signal just about where I remembered her chairs being right on the edge of the cut, so I went ahead and dug it.

WOW! What luck -- there it was in my 720 after I shook out the sand. I'm sure now that the earring was under the chair that I didn't have her move. I emailed her a picture from the beach and am awaiting her response.

Another happy Lost My Stuff customer!

The Found Earring

Mike in water at PCB

And a note from the owner...

Mike R. wouldn't give up. I lost a very simple and small silver earring down at the Shores of Panama last week. It wasn't expensive, but very important to me as it had been my mother's before she passed away. I wear them all the time. Unfortunately, I noticed it was missing, and wasn't quite sure where I could've lost it.

I noticed Mike out in the water with his detector, so I approached him and asked him if he could look if he had time. He did take the time but wasn't able to locate it. I figured it was lost forever (especially after an exhaustive search in our condo which even included opening the vacuum cleaner bag and sifting through that - yuck!).

Well, Mike persisted, made a larger grid and ended up locating my earring!!! I can't begin to express my gratefulness for his willingness to keep looking. Thank you so much for your group and their efforts. Mike was very polite and professional in his approach.

Again, thank you so much!

Crystal G.

A Happy Wisconsinite!

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Lost Engagement Ring found October 2012:

(Lost Item #513)

I just want to say thanks to John G. who found my wedding ring set. It was lost in Rising Sun, Md. After posting the ring as lost on the Lost My Stuff website I received quite a few emails but was kinda leary about having someone come to my home. I received an email from John and sent him one back, arranging a date and time to come look.

When John came by I showed him the area where I thought I lost the set and he got started right away. Within the first 30 minutes he found the outer half of my ring and about 10 minutes later he found the other half, so it ended up to be a very sucessfull find in about an hours worth of hunting !!!

John was very informative, kind and professional. I can see he enjoys doing this!

Thank you,

Debra Lloyd

The Found Ring!

Degra's Ring

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Lost Engagement Ring found October 2012:

(Lost Item #611)

I lost my engagement ring at an apple orchard. I was looking for some car keys I had lost while picking apples. When I finally got home I realized my ring was missing too! It really wasn't a very good day :P

Luckily I knew right where I had been picking, but even though I crawled all around the area I didn't find anything. The grass was pretty long and matted and it was hard to look well. Someone mentioned how useful a metal detector would be. An internet search helped me find a metal detecting group in Maine, and their forum mentioned the Lost My Stuff Group.

I filed a Lost Item Report on their website and was contacted by a Mr. Wright who was so helpful in finding a time that would work for both of us just a few days after I contacted the group. We met at the orchard and he found the ring in about 5 minutes!

It was actually the day after my wedding anniversary, and getting my special engagement ring back was definitely the best present I got this year!

Thanks so much to your group and volunteers like Mr. Wright for rescuing what seemed like a pretty hopeless situation!

Kristina W.

Kristina & her ring!!

Kristina & Ring

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Lost Wedding Ring found September 2012:

(Lost Item #590)

Ann H. of Foster City, California sent us the following story:

I was in the park 2 weekends ago to help setup for my niece's birthday party. I was helping to move some picnic tables around, so to safekeep my engagement and wedding rings, I put them in an outside pocket of my purse. About half hour later when I was thinking about putting them back on, I only found my engagement ring!

I didn't leave the area at all for about 6 hours. My husband, family, friends and I raked through the grass and even bought a metal detector to retrace my steps, but didn't find anything. I reported it to the Parks & Recreation Department and the Police but received no news.

I posted onto the Lost & Found on Craigslist and was contacted by a volunteer metal detectorist who works in South San Francisco but lives further away who spent a whole afternoon helping me look but didn't find anything. He knew about the Lost My Stuff website and recommended that I post a report so that other area volunteers could help.

Harry P. of Lost My Stuff contacted me on Monday morning and by Tuesday afternoon he had found it!

I have to say that I was very lucky to have met such nice people that were willing to help. In this economy, I had imagined the worst case of someone finding it and selling it. According to Harry, on Tuesday (the 2nd day he was looking), lawn mowers had gone by but fortunately not close to where he found my ring, which was near the picnic tables I moved in the first place, but hidden by the tall grass!

My husband and I went to pick up the ring from Harry yesterday, which happened to be our 1 month wedding anniversary, so it was the best present ever!

Thanks for everything and the quick response of your volunteers!


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Lost Wedding Ring found September 2012:

(Lost Item #578)

On July 7, 2012 I joined The Lost My Stuff Group. On July 8th I got my 1st assignment. On July 9th I rode up to Greenwood Lake and recovered a gold wedding band for a wondeful lady named Anne C.

On August 23rd I ventured out on a cross country motorcycle trip. On August 31st I received a call from Anne C. She was very embarrassed to tell me that she'd lost the same ring again at the same beach. I was in Arizona at the time so I told her to contact The Lost My Stuff Group and file a lost item report, as there are other volunteers in the area that might be able to help her before my return.

As things turned out, I got back to NYC on September 20th but Anne was away in Pennsylvania, so we finally got together on September 24th. I arrived at Greenwood Lake around 11am and slipped into my wet suit. (The lake water is getting cold and there was a little wind kicking that would have definitely given me a chill without protection). Anne showed up and pointed out the area where she was swimming when she first noticed her ring was missing. Anne is a very busy mom and had to go pick up her son Elijah, and promised to return in an hour with lunch.

I wasn't in the water a half hour and there was gold in my scoop!!

When Anne returned, I handed her the ring and got a nice warm hug in return. I took some pictures and Anne showed me a pretty substitute ring that she now plans to wear whenever she goes to the beach! I ate my lunch and we chatted a bit. I could sense how relieved Anne was to get her ring back, not once, but twice!! I got one more hug (I like hugs!) and Anne was on her way.

Today was my birthday and it was a good day!! I was able to recover and return a young lady's wedding band, and that was nice.

Greenwood Lake

Greenwood Lake

Anne's Ring -- Home Again!!

Anne's Ring

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Lost Wedding Ring found August 2012:

(Lost Item #476)

My husband lost his wedding ring while at the beach in Tahoe with our 2 kids. He had placed the ring in my bag for safekeeping, then got it out and placed it back on his finger as we were leaving for the day. He stood up, flung his hand behind him, and the ring slipped off.

Immediately we froze and began looking around. We knew the approximate location of the ring, but even after hours of searching, we couldn't find it.

I began looking for places to rent a metal detector, or if someone in the area offered the service, but I didn't have any luck. Then, just by chance I was linked to the 'Lost My Stuff' website through a message board.

I submitted all the info and received at least 5 phone calls and emails within a day all offering to help. I was very touched by your volunteers' willingness to help a stranger.

Volunteers searched on a couple of different occasions but the ring wasn't found. A third Volunteer named Rodney called and even though I told him a few others had already tried and were unsuccessful, he said he didn't mind and was still going to give it a try.

Rodney called me the next morning and said that he was pretty sure he had found my husband's ring! I was shocked! He then followed-up by sending me a picture and that confirmed everything!

The ring had been lost for over a month -- on a busy Lake Tahoe beach -- and now it was found!! Oddly enough, I had just ordered a replacement wedding ring for my husband no more than an hour before I got the phone call from Rodney!

Even though the ring wasn't found on the first or second try, it was found on the third, so don't give up hope! I had a feeling that the ring was still there, and I'm so grateful for your kind volunteers!

Thanks again!


The Found Ring

The Found Ring

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Lost Wedding Ring found August 2012:

(Lost Item #535)

Misty L. of Deerpark, Texas reported she'd lost her wedding ring to the Lost My Stuff Group on Thursday, 8/16/12. One of our members, Janie O. of Pasadena, contacted Misty the same day and arranged to meet her the next morning to search for her ring.

Janie was planning to go hunting with the Aubry V., the Co-Huntmaster of the Treasure Hunters Association of Pasadena that morning anyway, so she invited him to help search.

After they met up with Misty and determined the particulars of how and where Misty had lost her ring they began the search. Not 5 minutes later Janie heard Aubry shout "Got it!"

Aubry had found the ring!

Misty was really excited and happy her ring had been found and said she was definitely going to be telling everyone how much she appreciated Janie, Aubry & the Lost My Stuff Group!!

Misty & Aubry

Misty & Aubry

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Lost Class Ring found August 2012:

Today around 3:00, I met with a young lady named Lauren and her boyfriend in a local Galveston restaurant to return her Class Ring. She was very exited to get it back. Her story is as follows:

Just after graduating from college, she came down to Galveston with some friends to spend the day at the beach. They were in the water about ankle deep and started throwing around a ball. She caught the ball, and as she threw it to one of her friends, the ring came flying off. She saw where it landed and they tried to find it but were unable to. This was the 2nd time she had lost it, and she knew she would probably never see it again.

About a week later is when I made the discovery. It was about 10:00pm and I was hunting as the tide was going out. In the water near shore I found a hole and got a strong signal with my metal detector. After I dug a scoop of sand, I adjusted my head light and looked into my sandscoop and saw the familer sight of Gold! I could tell right away it was a class ring, and I knew I had to try and find the owner.

Her name was inside the ring and I passed the information on to my friend Jim. He was able to find Lauren thru the school she just graduated from and he put her in touch with me via email.

Lauren said right before they left if she ever loses it again she'll be sure to call me. This is the 2nd ring I've returned within a week, and its a great feeling to be able to return the rings to their rightful owners!!!

Scott P in Galveston, Texas

Lauren & Scott

Lauren & Scott

Lauren & her Ring!

Lauren & her Ring

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Lost Wedding Ring found August 2012:

(Lost Item #508)

I have been looking for my wedding ring for over a year and half. In my yard, while doing yard work, every weekend I would spend about 15 min to 30 min digging, raking and searching to no avail.

I even purchased a metal detector for around $75.00, but I just found a bunch metal scraps.

Then I found this group called The Lost My Stuff Group. I filled out the Lost Item Report and 24 hours later received an email and a call from Jim Doncaster. He came over 30 minutes later and found my wedding ring within 15 minutes! That was amazing!!!

Thankyou so much Jim, and also thankyou for this group.

Sincerely, Joseph Bruno Pelle

Joseph & Jim

Joseph & Jim

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Lost Wedding Ring found July 2012:

(Lost Item #500)

I called Andrea and arranged to meet her and her husband at the sandy "tot lot" where the ring was lost. When we met there, they were able to tell me specifically where the ring was lost. I searched that area with my metal detector and found the ring in about 10 minutes. They were very happy (and I think quite surprised) with the quick result!!!

Completed Monday, July 30, 2012, at 9 PM.

-- Tom

Alex & Cara & the Ring!

Alex & Cara & the Ring

And a note from the owner...

My husband Alex & I had gone to Cheviot Hills Park and were playing in the sand with our daughter Cara. Alex took his ring off and gave it to me to hold. I placed it on my thumb, figuring it would be safe... still loose, but okay.


When I went running after Cara, it fell off, into the sand. Alex and I spent almost 3 hours looking but no luck. He was convinced it had been picked up by someone and was gone. I was convinced it could be found but had no clue how!!

When we got home, I typed "lost my wedding ring at a park" into Google. Lostmystuff.net was one of the first hits and the philosophy seemed right on... "We do it because it's the right thing to do" sounded like something I'd say and something I'd teach Cara.

The next night, Tom met the three of us at the park and, after a few candy wrappers and other such junk, got a good hit on his metal detector. He sifted the sand, grinned, held up a shiny object and asked, "Is this your ring?"

It WAS!!!

When my husband asked how he could thank him, Tom replied, "You just did".

Thank you for being here!!!!!


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Lost Wedding Ring found July 2012:

(Lost Item #498)

After receiving an email about a lost ring from lostmystuff.net, I knew it was my chance to help a young lady out and find her lost 10th aniversary diamond ring. I received the email on Saturday and the soonest I was able to search was Sunday morning.

The lady & her husband (Wendy & John) had left the Galveston area and so they couldn't meet me at the search area. John contacted me and explained the general area where the ring was lost, and also texted me a good picture of the ring.

I only had about an hour to search Sunday morning and the tide was high. I hit the water about 10:00am, and only found some change and pull tabs before I had to leave. I was determined not to give up, so around 4:00pm the same day I headed back out for another try.

As luck would have it, the moon was full and the tide was way out. I knew this was the perfect opportunity I was looking for. I started searching by doing a "grid pattern" in the area I was told to seach. It was almost dark and while doing a cross pattern on the grid, I got the signal. After digging about 4", out came the ring. I held it in my hand and knew this was it! It's the best find I've ever made!

I contacted Wendy & John and they asked me if I could meet them on the beach where it was lost the following weekend. I gladly said yes, and after meeting with them, I gave Wendy back the ring. She was so happy, as was I, and I'm glad I was able to help them out.

Scott P.

Scott & Wendy

Scott & Wendy

The Found Ring!

Scott & Wendy

And a note from the owner...

The ring lost was a 10 year anniversary band I bought for my wife not 2 months ago... It was lost on 07/24 while my wife was on a getaway in Galveston, TX in the Gulf of Mexico. The devastation of losing the ring made my wife sick to her stomach.

To have someone go out and spend their spare time and return the ring with no questions asked and no reward expected restores my faith in humanity.

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Lost Wedding Ring found July 2012:

(Lost Item #477)

On Tuesday 7/17/12, Myles W. was teaching his son how to swim at Greenwood Lake when his wedding band slipped off. His Aunt Dee, who had been present on 7/9/12 when I recovered a Wedding band for Anne C. at this same lake (see Lost Item #462 below), approached Anne and asked her about getting in touch with the guy who recovered her ring. Right there on the beach, in this day of gizmo's and gadgets, Aunt Dee sent a Lost Item Report to the Lost My Stuff Group from her Smartphone!

On Saturday 7/21/12, another Lost My Stuff Group member (HG) and I joined forces to search for the lost ring. Upon our arrival at the lake we met Aunt Dee, and she pointed out the area where the ring was lost. Her nephew Myles works nights and couldn't meet us personally. After about an hour of pulling bottle caps and pull tabs, the glimmer of gold once again appeared in my scoop! I asked HG not to say anything to Aunt Dee until we had our cameras in hand.

Aunt Dee and Myles's cousin Nikki were in disbelief that we had found the ring so quickly and started calling everyone on the phone. We took some pictures, exchanged pleasantries, and HG & I moved on to the local ballfield where we were hoping to find a lost Baptismal cross and chain (Lost Item #466).

The Lost Ring!

Myles' ring

HG & Kevin

HG & Kevin

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Lost Engagement Ring found July 2012:

(Lost Item #485)

I just wanted to say thank you so much to lostmystuff.net for the great service I was provided when I was in a state of panic from loosing my engagement ring.

Yesterday I realized it was missing, and after retracing my steps I realized I must have left it on my kitchen counter. I recently got a new puppy and thought for sure he was the thief who took it, since I knew my ring was sitting next to some new shavers I just bought which ended up being dragged In my back yard by that sneaky devil.

After I checked everywhere, I knew I had to figure something out, so first I took my puppy to the vet for an X-ray, and it came up negative for my ring. So then I started searching the web for metal detectors thinking it must be in my backyard. At first I contacted a different site, and after waiting a long time I finally received an email from them saying they found someone to help but I had to pay, and they couldn't come till Saturday.

I was crushed because I just dropped $80 for my dogs X-ray and there was no way I could wait till Saturday. So I kept searching online and found lostmystuff.net and saw their services were free, so I reported my lost engagement ring on their site.

In a verrrry short time I got a response back which I was pleased about, and then I was connected with Mike! Mike came within an hour of us talking to each other to help search for my ring. He was so nice, very positive, extremely thorough and went straight to work on hunting for my ring.

Well, after about 20 mins of watching him do an amazing job, my nerves got the best of me and I needed to get up and keep looking for myself. It then hit me that the only place I hadn't checked already was in my trash can. Sooooo about half way through my digging, there was my engagement ring in the plastic bag my new shavers came in!

I realized I must have scooped my ring in the bag when I was cleaning the counter. I ran to tell Mike and my fiance who couldn't believe it. I told Mike over and over how sorry I was for wasting his time, but he was so nice about it all and just happy for me that I had found it.

Even though my ring was in the trash, I'm still so impressed with the service I received from lostmystuff.net that I will refer them to all my family and friends that ever need some help hunting for their lost treasures, but only after they've checked their trash cans first, I promise!!!

Brittany with her Ring!

Brittany with Ring

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Lost Wedding Ring found July 2012:

(Lost Item #462)

Well, Saturday I decided to join some of you guys and volunteer my services with the Lost My Stuff Group. I signed up to receive Lost Item Reports for any items lost within 50 miles of my home. Sunday I was informed that Anne C. of Greenwood Lake had lost her wedding band while swimming at the Village Beach on Saturday.

I called her and asked for a few details and directions. It's bad enough when someone loses a wedding band but to make matters worse Anne's loss occurred on her 11th wedding anniversary. I told her I would be in Greenwood Lake today.

I left my house early and arrived at 10:30am. It was a little frustrating, not taking any chances I dug everything. It went on for 7 hours with a lot of Anne's beach friends wondering if this guy from NYC was really going to find her ring. They were also impressed with the fact that with Lost My Stuff there's no charge for the service.

After pulling scoop after scoop of nails, screws, bobby pins, bottle caps and pull tabs, I finally walked out of the water past where Anne was sittng to get my camera to take a picture of the look on her face when I handed her her wedding band, a nice heavy yellow and white gold band. I also had her son Elijah help her put it back on her finger!!!

It was a nice ride home although I must admit my back is a little sore and I may not have put on enough sunscreen. The pretty glow of gold in my scoop, the joy in Anne's face and the happiness that her beach friends shared with her made my little physical discomforts nothing to complain about.


It's out there... somewhere!

Greenwood Lake

Anne with her Found Ring!!!

Anne & her son Elijah

And here's the email we received from the owner:

The whole story... It still seems unbelievable to me...

I lost my Wedding band on Saturday 7/7/12 in the lake. I went to catch a ball my son threw and it hit my ring finger and my ring flew off with the ball. Ironically it was my 11th Wedding Anniversary.

On Sunday Morning I went online to research purchasing a metal detector, while perusing I happened upon a forum about Treasure Hunters, which then led me to the lostmystuff.net website. I put my info in on a whim, not really thinking I would get any response. Three hours later I received a call from a man named Kevin. He lives in NYC and had a day off. He said that he would like to come to my beach and try to locate my ring. I gave him directions to get here.

I got down to the beach at 9am, waiting for his arrival. He showed up at 10:30am. I showed him the area in which I believed it had fallen off. About 3 hours in he had asked if I was absolutely positive that I had lost it in the water. I said yes and the hunt continued. After 7 hours and many failed scoops, many bobby pins, bottle caps, glass, screws and a few other misc. items he walked out of the water, at which point I thought he was done and totally grateful for the time and effort he had put in. He walked over to his bag to retrieve something, then walked over to me and said he wanted a picture of me holding MY RING!! I cannot beleive that he found it!! I thanked him again and again, gave him a big hug and promised I would share the site info with all my family and friends.

I also need to add that he has been treasure hunting since the 1970's and only joined the website as a member on Saturday (the day I lost the ring). I was his first official find. I am so very LUCKY!! So if you have ever lost an item that you need to retrieve with a metal detector, please visit the site lostmystuff.net. There are stories about people losing things years and years ago and being found finally after all those years. This is a group of hobbyists that don't look for any monetary reward, just the thrill of the find!!

Thanks to all who wished me well in finding my wedding band. Someone asked him how long he was going to look and he said "as long as it takes"... and he did... Anne

and No, I won't be wearing my ring to the beach anymore :)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Lost Wedding Ring found July 2012:

(Lost Item #454)

After 2 weeks of being a Lost My Stuff member, I had my first chance to locate an item. The post for the lost item was on July 4th in the Fort Wayne, IN area. The item lost was a white gold wedding band. It was lost while swimming in a pond 3 to 7 feet deep. I responded to the post that same day and volunteered my services to attempt searching for the ring. This was my first water attempt.

The owner (Joe) & I corresponded with a few emails about time, location and the necessary tools needed to get the job done. Joe was very nice and was very thankful for my help no matter what the outcome would be. I finally made the 6 mile car ride to Joe's destination on July 5th. I got to the location and met with Joe and he showed me the location where he felt he lost his ring.

I gathered up my detector, threw my water shoes on, grabbed my mask and in the water I went. I started out on the shallow end sweeping back and forth. Had a few hits but nothing ring related. Then I picked up a good solid hit in 5 feet of water. My AT Pro was coming up with a 45 signal in the foil range. I told myself this is it! I searched and searched with aggressive bluegill biting my ears. Finally I go under with my scuba mask on and locate the ring. I put it on my married finger before I came back up. I said "Does this look like your ring?" Joe was puzzled at first, and then a big smile and a sigh of relief came to reality!!!

The search took 1 hour. His family and children were out there as well. Joe thanked me many times and wanted my address. I said I didn't need anything, especially money. He said his wife will probably want to send me something. I said a thank you card would be all I could accept. We shook hands and away I went.

Thank you lost my stuff, this was a fun opportunity for experience and good karma.

Rudy & Joe with his Ring!

Rudy & Joe

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Lost Wedding Ring found July 2012:

(Lost Item #458)

Today a fellow approached me while I was detecting on the beach and asked me to help find his wife's wedding ring, saying he knew exactly where she was when it fell off. Even with that it had been 30-45 minutes since it was lost and the current, while not as bad as yesterday, was still really strong. Being pretty new with the PI detector still, and not really knowledgeable about wave action on small rings, I was pretty dubious about finding it, but I told him "what the heck, let's give it a try".

I first grid searched from farther out than she was straight into the beach for a width of about 20 yards. Then I did a 90 degree cross grid of the same area to no avail. I decided to do a 45 degree grid and on the 7th pass I heard a signal that I just KNEW was a ring. I scooped it gently and and looked inside and there was a very small white gold and saphire lady's ring. I asked him to describe the ring his wife lost and he did to a "T".

Total search time... maybe 45 minutes. I was extremely pleased with my new PI and I now feel like I'm becoming one with it!!!

Mike searching at PCB

Mike in water at PCB

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2 Lost Rings found in Italy June 2012:

A Lost Item Report was never filed for these rings, as our Volunteer happened to be at the beach detecting when they were lost. Our first find & return in Italy!!!

On the way back from vacation, we stopped on the coast of Italy. I decided to take my White's BHID 300 with me in case I had a chance to do some detecting. We were in a town called Sanremo near the French border and the weather was great.

While 'tecting' at several small beaches, many people were asking about the detector, apparently not many are seen in this area. This was somewhat of an inconvenience since they spoke italian and I only speak English and French... I came upon a small beach and while just starting to do some water 'tecting', 5 young men there were acting very excited and some of them were laughing. They motioned me to come over to their area indicating they had just lost something... Being somewhat suspicous, I merely smiled and went the other way, thinking they were just trying to pull a fast one on me. This happened twice. Then, one of them came up to me and tapped me on the shoulder and after some difficult problems with communication, finally convinced me to come search for 2 gold wedding bands they had lost.

Well, as many of you guys know, searching for rings in the water is sometimes not as easy as it sounds, especially when the "known location" isn't accurate. After nearly an hour, finding many coins but no rings, one of the group urged me to a different location. He thought the others were incorrect on their "site", and he was right!

Within 2 minutes or so I found one of the rings, and then it took only a couple minutes more to find the other one!!! Needless to say, the entire group (plus MANY onlookers on the shore) were very happy to have their rings back, and I was happy as this was my first gold find!!!

Larry & his detectors

Larry & detectors

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Lost Necklace found June 2012:

(Lost Item #445)

I saw the Lost Item Report email come in after a very long day in the water with my new PI detector and two hunting buddies. I was a bit disappointed that it hadn't come sooner when we could have had the three of us to go look. I was scheduled to work the next 4 days and was afraid I'd have to pass on this one as right now my wife & I only have one vehicle running, the other is in the shop. She works nights and I days, so I'm without wheels while she's at work.

As it turned out my hunting buddy Jim is so addicted that he offered to drive so that I could do the search while he hunted the beach! So I contacted Laura and learned that the lifeguard had seen someone with a metal detector working the beach after she had lost the necklace. Laura gave me some outstanding info, she even had GPS co-ordinates for where she thought the necklace was lost. She also sent a picture of the necklace. So with that info Jim picked me up after work and we headed to the beach.

After about a 30 minute search gridding the beach based on her starting point, I had the necklace in my hands!

Mike with the Necklace

Mike with Necklace

The Found Necklace

The Necklace

And a note from the owner...

I had recently lost a very special necklace at the beach in Panama City Beach, Florida.

Because of your website and the kindness of your volunteers, I was able to get it back. I couldn't believe it when Mike called and told me that he had found it. He went out there to look for it immediately after hearing about it, traveled 20 minutes each way from his home and spent 40 minutes looking for it!

It made me realize that there are still good people out there who just want to do good things for others.

Thank you so much, you all are awesome!!!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Lost Keys found June 2012:

(Lost Item #437)

SUCCESS IN 30 SECONDS!!  I just wanted to let you know that your Volunteer Lisa B. just found my wife's keys! She was very nice and wouldn't even take a cold drink, and it's a hot day today in Texas! I've attached a photo I took of Lisa holding the keys. :-)

If you could suggest a metal detector, I might just return the favor by helping someone else find their lost stuff!


Howard Geffen, Plano, TX

Lisa with the Found Keys

Lisa with keys

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Lost Class Ring found June 2012:

(Lost Item #408)

A few days ago I was reviewing the website Lost Items Report list and noticed an Aggie Class Ring had been reported as lost in Webster Texas a couple of weeks ago and that no updates had been received indicating whether a search for the ring had been attempted or not. I contacted the owner (Rudy) who indicated one person had spoken with him by telephone but said he lived too far away and that he hadn't been contacted by anyone else. With that, Inge and I decided we'd take the drive and give it a try.

We got to Webster and (with the aid of Google Maps!) found the house around 5:00pm or so. Rudy explained that the ring belonged to his wife Andrea, and that on a cold morning 2 winters ago she had rinsed the ice off her car windshield with their garden hose, and after shutting off the water and putting the hose back down next to the faucet, she had shook her hands to get the water off and the ring had flown off her finger. The two of them had done a lot of looking, they even rented a metal detector, but in the end they couldn't find the ring and eventually had written it off as gone.

We started the search with Rudy helping hold the shrubbery to the side and after about an hour of beep, dig, beep, dig, beep, dig, and uncovering LOTS of pop-tops and nails, I finally looked up at Rudy & said "I found it!"

Neither Rudy nor Andrea could believe it but I put the proof in Andrea's hand and as our searchers always say, the look in the owners eyes makes the whole hunt worthwhile!!!

John and Andrea

John and Andrea

The Found Ring

The Found Ring

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Lost Wedding Ring found June 2012:

(Lost Item #432)

I had almost decided not to go to the beach today, I had just gotten off work and was whipped. But after getting home and having supper, I decided, Why Not? So I headed to a different beach than I normally hit in the evenings when I hunt.

I got to the beach and it was still crowded so I start swinging along and after 20 or 30 minutes I come across 2 guys, one older and one younger. The older guy had an MD and was searching a small area at the waters' edge. The younger guy was watching intently and I assumed there was a "this is how a metal detector works" lesson going on. As I approached the pair, they turned around and looked at me so I greeted them one MD'ist to another. We chatted for a very few minutes and I learned that the younger guy had lost his Tungsten wedding ring and they were actually looking for it. He was afraid that it might actually be in the water (what a day for me to have brought the trusty old ACE and left the Surf PI at home!).

The older gentleman was being a good Samaritan and helping out while he waited for his wife. I of course offered my aid and together we both started searching again. In pretty short order the other MD'ist's wife showed up and they went on. I worked a grid pattern in an area about 40 feet long and about 25 or 30 feet wide. After several false alarms with the owner of the ring and his father looking on (and holding their breath every time I pinpointed and dug), on my 5th pass down the search area, I got a sound that I just knew was his ring, AND SURE ENOUGH IT WAS!

So the owner of the ring and the ring were re-united after what I'm sure seemed like an eternity to him. I got some 70 odd cents that I found while searching and Lost My Stuff got another believer and good friend.

Mike in PCB, Florida

Mike and Owner

Mike & Owner

The Found Ring

The Found Ring

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Lost Class Ring found June 2012:

Ring was lost for 40 years!

(Lost Item #419)

Last December one of your volunteers found my college ring which had been lost since 1976 (Lost Item 242).

Today the same young man found my high school ring which had been missing since 1972 -- 40 years!

Both rings were in the family swimming pond and he had looked for the high school ring before locating the college ring last December.

Your volunteer (Brandon) is active military and was deployed overseas after finding the college ring and I promised him that I wouldn't have any one else search until he returned. Several other volunteers had contacted me to offer to look, but I waited for him to return.

He contacted me recently and planned to meet this morning at the pond which happens to be dry because the present owner doesn't maintain the spillway.

I showed him the area where the ring was lost and left to tend to other business while he and his son searched.

Less than two hours later he called to inform me the ring was found near where I had told him to look.

This is amazing and I can't thank you and him enough. Once again he refused any compensation. Your service is great and your volunteer searcher Brandon is amazing.

Thanks very much for your site and thanks again to Brandon.

James Green

Orangeburg, South Carolina

The Found Ring

The Found Ring

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Lost Wedding Ring found June 2012:

(Lost Item #415)

I lost my wedding ring! During the hottest time of the day I had decided to go outside and do some lawn maintenance on my yard. I made it to the backyard with my palms and fingers all sweaty. I had finished with over half of the yard when I felt a small pinch around my ankle, then another, and another... ANTS!!!

At this point I had at least fifty ants running up my leg, and I'm allergic to ants, so I began swinging and slapping the ants off my legs and my tungsten wedding ring goes flying off into the grass. I stopped the lawn mower and the search was on. Now I knew I saw the ring fall right in front of me, but when I looked it wasn't there. So then I grabbed my weed eater and began chopping down my freshly cut and plush grass to the roots hoping to find my precious ring!

I found nothing! My wife and I searched till the sun went down but luck was not on our side. Shortly after dinner that same night I started thinking that I needed a professional to find my ring. Should I rent a metal detector? I had no clue how to even begin to use one of those. So the search was on once again. I began to search Craigslist for metal detecting services. This is when I stumbled across the "Lost My Stuff" website. I filled out the lost item report on the website and John called me back within 10 minutes. John came to my home June 9 and searched for two hours in my backyard. After an hour and a half I started to give up hope. Thirty minutes later John said those words I'd been waiting to hear -- " I found it!!"

Words can't explain the joy and look on my face when I was back in possession of my ring. Thanks John and all the Lost My Stuff volunteers. You guys are true life changers.

Before John found my ring my mood and life was so depressed. John came in and flipped the script and helped me find something more valuable than the ring itself... the memories that I had when my Wife and I wed!

Thanks I Lost My Stuff!

Steve and John

Steve & John

The Found Ring

The Found Ring

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Lost Wedding Ring found May 2012:

(Lost Item #395)

On May 26th, 2012 I had just finished working in my yard in Needville, TX. I had come in and cleaned up to take a shower, usually the only time I take off my wedding band, when I looked down and noticed it was gone. My first thought was that I left it on the kitchen counter, not there. I start to panic, because these are the only 2 places I put it when I take it off. I frantically searched all of my clothes, the sink drains and the garage, no sign of it. Now I'm really panicked because it must be in the yard somewhere. Looking at the 1.5 acre yard I just finished mowing and cleaning up I thought for sure it was lost forever. I had thrown some fertilizer out in the back yard after the spreader broke, so I thought that was as good as any place to start looking. I must have walked the yard 50 times before giving up.

After pouting about it for a while, I thought to myself the only way I was going to find it was with a metal detector. I decided to send an email out to my co-workers and ask if anyone had one I could borrow. One of them responded that she had a neighbor that did detecting as a hobby and she would ask him. Soon after I received another email that he was out of pocket, but that I should visit www.lostmystuff.net. They were a group of hobbyists that would search for lost items for free.

I decided to check it out. If nothing else it might point me in the direction of a metal detector rental. I browsed the site and read a number of the success stories and noticed they operated in and around the Houston area, so I gave it a shot. I filled out a lost item report and within about 15 minutes received a call from John. It must have been fate as John said he was planning a hunt and had just logged on to see if anything new was posted when my request came through. Anyway, John called and we discussed my situation. We went through all the normal questions and retracing my steps. At the end we both concluded there was a good chance it was out in the yard. So John agreed to come out the next morning and take a look.

John and his support team (his wife Inge), showed up around 8am and again we reviewed my activities from the previous day. We both agreed the backyard where I had broadcasted the fertilizer was the most likely place to start. John started making passes around the fence line, which was made more difficult by the aluminum fence, but John had his gear dialed in so we could ignore the beeps made by the fence. About 15 feet in to the yard we had our first hit. I thought to myself, wow that was fast, this is great! Well after further investigation we discovered a piece of aluminum can. Wasn't the find we were looking for, but we knew his equipment was working. Another foot or so and we had another hit. Yet again another piece of can. John continued to work his grid and as he was coming back around the same spot as the previous hit, we had another. Again another piece of can. We surmised that one of my dogs must have gotten hold of a can and chewed it to bits. We probably spent the next half-hour to 45 minutes sweeping back and forth and found every bit of that can, but no ring. Shortly after we had another hit outside of the coke can grave yard and again I was let down when we found a screw. John continued to work and we found another screw, some foil and other odds and ends. Around 11am John had a hit near my patio. When he dug up a lighter, again my heart sank and I knew the chances of finding my ring were starting to diminish. We were already halfway through the yard and had no luck. Then just as John stood up he had another beep. He probed around until he could locate the strongest signal and bent down with his hand wand. Just then he looked up at me and said "Jackpot!". In disbelief I replied "Really?" he opened his hand and there was my wedding band. What a sigh of relief! I couldn't believe he had found it only about 15 feet from my back door!

I can't thank John and Lostmystuff enough. I thought for sure my ring was lost forever. I'm sure there are a lot of skeptics out there, but I can tell you this group is legit. They do this for the passion of hunting and the satisfaction of helping others find their valuables.

So thank you John and good hunting!

Kevin Hebert, Needville, TX

It's out there, somewhere...

Kevin's Yard

The Found Ring!

Kevin's Ring

John & Kevin with Found Ring!

John & Kevin

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Our 4th Wedding Ring found in April 2012:

(Lost Item #343)

A week ago Monday my husband and I took our kids (3 and 5) fishing for the first time at Dreamland Lake (really a pond) in Fairview Park. After fishing for about 20 minutes my little boy's line got tangled with some old debris and fishing line. I helped my husband untangle the mess and as he tossed my son's line to the side out of the way we heard the dreaded "plop." My husband looked at me and said, "That was my ring."

I ran home and got his wading boots and a magnet (unaware that gold is not magnetic) and he waded in and felt around among the rocks and moss to no avail. As darkness started to fall we went home crestfallen and just knowing we would never see the ring again.

After I got the kids to bed I got on the computer and Googled, "Help! I lost my wedding ring in a pond!" One of the first results that came up was for lostmystuff.net. As I read through the success stories I felt a glimmer of hope. I filed a report and waited to see if anyone would respond.

Within a few hours I was contacted by James who said he was willing to travel nearly 2 hours with his equipment and look for the ring. This morning my little guy and I met with James, took him to the pond and showed him the approximate area where the ring fell in. He searched and searched for nearly 3 hours. Just when I was about to give up hope and about to have to leave to pick up my daughter from school, James asked me if I would like to have a big smile on my face and pulled the ring up out of the water!

What a joy to be able to call my husband at work and surprise him with the good news!

James is our hero! Thank you all SO much for providing this service to people like us. We would have never gotten the ring back if not for your group of volunteers, specifically James. I'm telling our story to everyone I see and all are amazed.

Oh, and while James was searching in the pond he located a missing brick from the landscaping wall and took the time to replace it. Two good deeds in one day! James told me he believes in karma. I do too, James, so I think good things are coming your way for payback for today. :)

Jim the Searcher!

Jim in drysuit

The Found Ring!

The ring

The Happy Owner!

Rodney with ring

The Replaced Brick!

The Brick in the wall

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Another Lost Wedding Ring found April 2012:

(Lost Item #350)

One of our Volunteer Searchers in Kansas sent this report:

I contacted Jim C. Saturday night after reading the Lost Item Report for his wedding ring and we arranged a time to meet. He was very glad to see me and I started looking right away. He thought he had lost it in one of several flower gardens where he had recently put down new mulch. After 30 minutes of looking we found his ring!

He was very thankful to have it back!!!

I didn't get a picture of Jim, but here's a picture of his ring!

Mike G.

Jim's Ring!

Jim's Ring

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One Lost Ring of several found April 2012:

(Lost Item #364)

A tornado leveled a home in Andover, Kansas in April of 1991. The owners had been delaying the putting in of a new lawn, wanting to first search the yard for several pieces of jewelry that had not been found during the post-tornado cleanup.

Several of our members searched the yard, and below is a picture sent in by Brad H showing one of the rings he managed to find, along with several other items that he returned to the owners.

Items found so far...

Brad's Finds

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Lost Wedding Ring found April 2012:

(Lost Item #342)

Hi --

My name is Brittney. I had invited my family over on Good Friday to BBQ and swim and fish in lake Conroe. We had all went out to swim in the lake right in front of the pier near my home. I was talking to my newly engaged sister-in-law and noticed she was wearing her engagement ring. I pulled my hand out of the water and said "I can't believe you're wearing your ring", and then I tug on mine thinking it would stay on my finger and plop in the water it went :/

I started panicking and swimming around looking. My mother-in-law went to find some goggles and my neighbor let me borrow her snorkel set. I searched for about 2 hrs and found nothing. I went upstairs and cried and googled what to do until gosh maybe 1 am. Then I found this amazing website!!!!!

The next morning a nice gentleman named Damon came out for about 2 to 3 hours and searched with his metal detector underwater wwth no luck. He was so nice and his kids were super cute. I also talked to a gentleman named Tim who made plans to come over Sunday on Easter! He got here and I showed him where I thought it was and he jumped in the water and put his ear phones on and lifted up the sifter and on the first sift of muddy lake water found my ring and said "Piece of cake"!!!

I cried and gave him a big hug and took some pictures. He was so sweet and I am So Thankful for both men that came out here and God is so good. My husband bought that ring and proposed to me on the beach where he and I both played in our early childhood years. That ring is a one of a kind limited edition and I know I can't take my jewelry to heaven, but I'm so grateful I have something to pass on to my babies and wear as a reminder of the promise I made to my husband before God and all my family.

Thanks so much!


Tim the Searcher!

Tim in yard

Everybody's happy now!

Tim & Brittany

Back where it belongs!!!

The Ring on Brittany

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Lost Wedding Ring found April 2012:

(Lost Item #339)

My husband lost his ring at his cousins house this weekend. After playing with Ace "the black lab" he realized it was missing.

After only 1 day my husbands wedding band has been found!

All thanks to this website, a volunteer named Josh and our neighbor who told us about this Group. Josh actually saw the ring on the ground while walking back to his truck to get his metal detector!

Thanks so much! It has restored my faith in the kindness of others. There are still people out there that are willing to do a good deed for a complete stranger for nothing in return. Needless to say my husband is getting his ring resized ASAP. :)

With gratitude,

Katie and Ryan

Ryan and his found ring

Ryan & his ring

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Lost Wedding Ring found March 2012:

Found 5 years later!

(Lost Item #330)

Five years ago my husband was raking leaves at a friend's house. They were dumping the leaves into what was to become the pig pen. While he was raking he realized that his wedding ring was missing. The ring was given to us by my grandmother, passed down from my great grandmother - a thick gold ring with a 1900 inscription from my great grandfather to my great grandmother. Despite their best efforts, they couldn't find the ring.

For years I thought about finding someone with a metal detector, or renting one. I offered my friend's boys a reward if they found it. We bought a cheap replacement ring. For our seventh anniversary I decided to make an effort to at least try to find the ring. I started researching renting and using metal detectors when I came across the Lost My Stuff Group online. I contacted them and heard back from a few people last fall, but with weather and schedules nothing worked out. I contacted them again this spring and heard from several people. John and Sue responded quickly to my post and I began planning a time to meet them without letting my husband know.

We met at 10am on a sunny Saturday morning at our friends house. Another couple from our church had stopped by when they saw us all outside. We all prayed, including my 2 year old boy, that God would help John and Sue find the ring quickly. After walking around and retracing the day of raking, they put on all their gear and started looking. John had woke up that morning with a feeling that the ring must be in the pig pen. He made his way over there, poking in the dirt here and there as he went. Then we heard him laughing. He walked over to his wife with a grin. We all thought he found a funny toy one of the kids lost, but it was the ring! He found it in less than 15 minutes! It could have been anywhere on their 2 acre lot, but he went right to it in the corner of the pig pen. Thank you, God! Everyone was amazed and grateful. Sue and John seemed so glad to help.

I thought about keeping the ring a secret until our 8th anniversary in July, but even if I wanted to my three year old got home and ran up to my husband saying, "It was in the pig pen, daddy!" We were all too excited to keep it in. Thank you so much for your generous service, John and Sue!

Good work!

A Good day for All!!!

The Ring

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Lost Wedding Ring found March 2012:

(Lost Item #329)

I received a Lost My Stuff notification of a lost wedding ring in my area. I called Corinne and spoke with her, getting details on the lost ring. She explained the it was her husband's ring. He was throwing ball with his daughter at the local ball field. When he removed his glove from his left hand he noticed his ring was missing.

I wasn't able to meet with either of them due to conflicting work schedules, so I went to the field on my own with the information Corinne had given me. I started to detect from the catcher's position out across the infield. When I reached the area between first base and the pitcher's mound I got a good hit on the detector. Digging down only an inch or so out popped the gold mens wedding ring!

When I got home I called Corinne at work and told her I had found the ring. You could hear the excitement in her voice over the phone. She explained that this was the second ring her husband Rodney lost. The first one was lost when he was throwing a ball at the beach. The ring had flown off his finger and went into the surf never to be seen again.

It took a few days for Rodney and I to meet so I could give him his ring. They offered me a reward but I explained that I do this for free.

The Happy Owner!

Rodney with ring

The found ring!

The Ring

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Lost Engagement Ring found February 2012:

(Lost Item #309)

To anyone who has lost any valuable, meaningful piece of jewelry, you've come to the right place! This group of amazingly generous people helped me find my engagement ring after being lost for about 2 days!

I lost the ring on Sunday, February 19 at my mom's house in Crosby, TX. My husband and I had gone over to my mom's to pick up our 2 kids and surprise my mom with a little belated birthday dinner. When we arrived I carried in some food and went straight to the kitchen. After cooking some and playing with my kids I noticed that my engagement ring was gone from my finger, leaving only my wedding band that I NEVER wear by its self.

I immediately panicked and began searching for my ring. My mom and I turned her house upside down looking for it. I looked outside, in the car and everywhere imaginable. I even checked the same places over and over. After a few hours of searching it was past time to get the kids home and in bed so we had to leave. A very long night passed as well as the next day. I kept waiting for the phone to ring to hear my mom say that she'd found my ring. Monday evening I even searched in the desert I had made the previous day using a strainer but still no luck.

I decided that the next day, Tuesday, I would take off work to go back to my mom's to search a little more. After the ring didn't turn up we sat down to eat some lunch and look around on the internet for any information about lost jewelry - we were DESPERATE!! I even thought that maybe I hadn't worn it to my mom's and lost it somewhere else. What if someone had found it and was trying to sell it on Ebay or Craigslist??

During our search on the internet my mom came across this website called lostmystuff.net. There was a link from a TV news story about how this group of people volunteer to help those in need looking for lost items. I read the success stories and thought it was definitely worth a try. So I answered a few questions on the lost item report and within 30 minutes I was contacted by John who asked me a few more questions and said they'd try and come out to us that day. I was happily surprised at how eager these complete strangers could be to help me find something so important to me!

John and his wife Inge arrived at my mom's house ready to search a little after 2 o'clock. I couldn't believe that they drove all the way from Katy to Crosby to help us out! They immediately got to searching with their metal detectors and kept searching for about 2 hours, only to find a few nails, screws, coins and aluminum. We regrouped and decided maybe it had been caught in the tire of one of the vehicles and could be laying on the side of the road. We looked along the road but still nothing.

I mentioned that we had kept a bag of trash from my mom's on Sunday and my husband also kept the bag of trash from our house that day. To me it was worth a try to dig thru some trash to look for my ring. John and Inge agreed! We emptied bag number 1 from my house onto the grass and picked out a few cans and aluminum and John began scanning over the trash with one of the detectors. Wouldn't you know it went crazy right next to a diaper! I became very excited on the inside and said to myself "I know it's in there!" I picked up the diaper and John yelled out "There it is!!!" For a split second I thought this couldn't be real but it was! There was my ring, caught in the fold of a dirty diaper! How in the world did the ring get in a diaper in the trash at MY house, when I was so sure I had lost it at my mom's??? We all laughed and yelled with excitement and exchanged many hugs! I couldn't have been more excited and I couldn't quit smiling!

Well, after much thought I figured out what happened. While at my mom's house, before I realized the ring was gone, I changed one of my children's diapers. When we got home that night he was asleep but needed another diaper change so I carefully did so, in the dark. I folded up the dirty diaper and threw it in the trash (the trash that my husband insisted we keep, even though I KNEW it couldn't be in there). The ring had to have fallen off into the clean diaper I put on him at my mom's house. So the whole time we were frantically searching around that night, the little guy was carrying it around in his diaper with him! Can you believe he didn't say a word?!? He's only 1, but still! He could have given us a signal or something, right?? I guess that's too much to ask from a 1 year old!

To say the least, I was and am still ecstatic that we found my ring. I will be forever grateful to these kind-hearted folks who helped even though they didn't have to. Without them, who knows where my ring would be.

HUGE thanks to John & Inge & Lostmystuff.net!!!!

Melissa White

P.S. I will not be wearing the ring until I have it resized! My husband and I will be sending a donation your way for your generosity!

John & Melissa

John & Melissa

The Found Ring

The Found Ring

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Lost Watch found January 2012:

Well Folks, I was able to do my good deed for the day today.

Long story short -- I've been metal detecting at an old farm site for years now. A few months ago I met a young gentleman that deer hunts on the same property. We've run into each other a few times, shot the breeze, and exchanged contact info.

About a week ago he asked me if I would mind looking for his bosses watch that he had lost while planting azalea bushes and laying out pine straw at their place of employment. It had been lost for about a year and a half now. They had previously borrowed a detector and tried to find it, but had no luck in doing so.

Today we met at his work and he showed me the general vicinity where he thought it may be. I had three strikes against me going in: (1) I was getting electrical interference from something around the buildings, (2) Azalea branches are not too easy to get a web type coil around, and (3) there was a good 5"-6" of pine straw on top of the ground as mulch.

Fortunately I like a challenge, and have been pretty lucky in the past finding lost items for people.

After about 15 minutes of working my way around the shrubs I was starting to lose hope. Then that "BEEP" we all know and love appeared! After digging through the pine straw I saw the round face of the watch. I'm not sure if Ray or I had the biggest grin, but we were both happy to see the watch. Sure enough the band had come apart at one of the pins. After a closer look Ray noticed the watch was STILL RUNNING!!! I couldn't believe it.

Ray is going to surprise his boss with the watch tomorrow. I'm glad I was able to help!!!

The Watch -- Lost 1-1/2 years & Still Running!!

Doug with Watch

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Lost Ring found January 2012:

(Lost Item #296)

Today Sandy and I went to see if we could find a lost ring. The gentleman told us he lost it 2 years ago last May, so about 3 years now. He stated he lost it in the front yard while sitting on the porch. His wife said he lost it in the back yard...

Well, after me looking in the front and Sandy looking in the back, he should have listened to his wife...

I'm glad Sandy came with me cause if it wasn't for his Sniper coil on his F2 it wouldn't have been found. A cable ran right in the area where his wife said he lost it and the At Pro didn't like it at all. Sandy came around front and said unless we're finding some good stuff in the flower bed we can stop because he found a ring!!!

I Went to take a look and it was about 1 to 2 inches deep next to the stepping stones and right next to the buried cable. Sandy said he was about to give up due to the cable till he got a little different signal and decided to investigate it further. Well, what do you know, a shiny Gold and Platinum wedding band!!!

Guess what I found!

Matt in yard

There it is!!!

Ring in the dirt

Yep, that's it!!!

Lew looking at his ring

Back where it belongs!!!

The Ring on Lew

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Lost Wedding Ring found January 2012:

(Lost Item #271)

Mark S. -- one of our members in Louisiana -- found a lost wedding ring for a couple in New Orleans. We received the following email about the find:

My wife hugged him.

I hugged him!

She cried.

It isn't a big planting bed and he found it in fifteen minutes! Mark would take no compensation, despite my wife's pleadings and tears. What a group y'all are!

Best -- Andrew

Andrew Liles AIA LEED AP
Tulane School of Architecture

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Lost Ring found December 2011:

(Lost Item #261)

Once again Lost My Stuff comes through!!!

I got home from work late last night, had supper and checked my email. I saw a Lost Item report that was placed at 9:25pm. It was 11:30pm at this point so I emailed the poster and told him I would call in the morning and see if we could connect. I called and spoke with Daniel at about 8:30am and he advised that he had lost his ring at sunset and he and his wife had gotten on hands and knees looking for the ring but had given up. They had considered renting a Metal Detector but while looking for a place to rent one they stumbled onto a link to Lost My Stuff Success Stories and actually read MY success story from back in July.

My wife and I met with Daniel and his wife about 11:00am and by 11:30am his ring was back on his hand where it was meant to be. It really wasn't a bad search area, in fact he put me almost on top of it to begin with. I even scored a bright shiny quarter in the process! After chatting about detectors and life in general, Daniel offered to buy lunch for Rita and I for coming out and finding his ring and we accepted.

So, Daniel got his ring back, Lost My Stuff has 2 more supporters who will help spread the word, and we made some more friends!

It's Here Somewhere!!!

The Volleyball Court

Mike Giving Daniel His Ring

Mike & Daniel

There it is!!!

The Ring

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Lost Class Ring found December 2011:

Ring was lost over 30 years ago!!!

(Lost Item #242)

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

One of your volunteers named Brandon from Sumter SC came today and was able to locate my college ring which was lost in 1977.

Brandon is active US Air Force and a former marine who took his personal time to help look for my ring.

He was successful locating it after digging many pop tops, pieces of wire, bullet casings, bullets, and other debris.

Brandon represented your group extremely well and refused to accept any compensation for his help.

I am extremely grateful to your group and Brandon for all the help.

The Found Ring

The Found Ring

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Lost Ring found December 2011:

(Lost Item #234)

Dear LostMyStuff....

Let me take this opportunity to tell you MY success story in dealing with your GREAT group!!!!!

In mid-October of this year (2011) I was working as a volunteer exhibitor at the annual Hot-Air Balloon and Wine Festival at Long Branch Farm in Millwood VA. Specifically I was with the Plane Crazy RC Model Aircraft Club doing flying exhibitions and working at their display tent. Somewhere in the course of that morning while walking between the (flight) field we were using and the display tent, a "class-style" ring I own disappeared from my hand. The ring is actually a sales award for achievement at my place of employment -- Grand Home Furnishings. I was crest-fallen! Not only did the ring have significant value monetarily but I always wore it with great pride so there was significant emotional value as well. I looked around the fence-line that separated the two areas I worked in to no avail.

The next day I contacted the main offices of Long Branch and told them my plight and also posted a "Lost" ad on Craigslist. Staff workers at Long Branch conducted a visual search with no results and a few weeks went by with no replies to my Craigslist posting. I was resigned to the fact that my precious ring was gone for good.

Just the other day, however, I was contacted via e-mail by two members of LostMyStuff.net. I had never heard of the group but they explained that it was a group of volunteers, essentially hobbyists, that search for valuables and artifacts with metal detectors. Both individuals offered to go out to Long Branch and conduct a search with their detectors. Since of the two of them, Luke lived closest to Long Branch, I readily gave him my permission and a general description of where I thought the ring had left my hand, and he agreed to go there on Saturday to see what he could find.

That Saturday morning I was paged to the back office at Grand Home Furnishings "to help a customer". When I got there Luke introduced himself and said, "Well, I went to Long Branch and didn't have a whole lot of time to conduct a search"... he paused and smiled... "but I didn't need it because"... and proceeded to hold up my FOUND ring!!!!!!!!! You can't imagine my sheer amazement and utter joy!!!!! I asked if there was anything I could give him and he shook his head and said not at all, that it was all voluntary and they enjoyed searching for the pleasure of finding stuff!!

My deepest and sincerest thanks to Luke and to LostMyStuff.net !!!!!

Stephen E.

P.S. You can expect a donation to your group/website in the near future!!!!!!

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Lost Wedding Ring found October 2011:

(Lost Item #222)

I got the email on Wednesday from Lost My Stuff that a guy in Pataskala, Ohio lost his wedding band while raking leaves. I called him and told him I could make it Friday.

Well, Friday morning I drove to his house about an hour away. He showed me the area where he thought it was lost and I started checking it. I wasn't sure where it would ring up on the vdi. I did hear a lot of iron and pulled out a pull tab on the ground under about 8 inches of leaves. The next target was reading 46-47 and when I stuck the propointer under the leaves it hit on a surface target. I pulled back the leaves and there was his ring. I handed it to him and he couldn't believe how easy it was to find it! Total time was about 10 minutes MDing to find it.

Inside I was estatic that it was my first LMS find and I could help someone out. He asked if he owed me anything and I said no, we do this for free. He said he wanted to at least pay for my gas, I told him that I didn't expect him to. He insisted and handed me more than what I spent for gas. I told him that was too much but he insisted I take it. He did state that he just got an email from another hunter and I told him to go back to the LMS site and report it was found. He was a nice guy and was really glad I made the trip to help him out.

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Lost Wedding Ring found October 2011:

(Lost Item #213)

On Wednesday night I was outside in my backyard talking on the phone with my mom. I was giving her some surprising news, shaking my hand very hard as I was so excited, when I felt my beautiful engagement ring fall off my finger. Neither my fiance nor I could find it and we were so desperate that we decided to trim the grass. We continued searching for it that night and the next day but without success. We looked for some help online and we found the "Lost My Stuff Group" and immediately placed a report.

John called us that same day and we arranged a meeting for the next day in the morning. He came and after searching for about an hour he found my ring!!!

We were very surprised and extremely happy. We want to thank John for having found my ring and we want to congratulate the "Lost My Stuff Group" for such an amazing job in helping people from the kindness of their hearts.

This ring has not only a monetary value, but a very large sentimental one for us also.

Thank you John!

Andrea & Her Ring

Andrea With Ring

The Found Ring!!!

The Found Ring

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Lost Wedding Band found September 2011:

(Lost Item #181)

I received an email from one of our Volunteers letting me know a wedding band that had been reported as lost had been found. I contacted the lady who had filed the Lost Item Report to confirm all was well, and here's the email she sent:

Yes! The ring was found by our neighbor neighbors daughter. It wasn't where we had been searching so I was so happy that she happened to spot it.

I want to let you know that I think your group's mission and it's members are wonderful! I can't explain how much I appreciated all of the support I received. Two of the many members who contacted me were willing to travel over an hour to graciously come help me look for the lost wedding band! I got more offers from volunteers than I ever could have imagined. Thank you so much and keep up the good work!

I will indeed be making a donation to the group and spreading the word about who you are and what you do, it's the least I can do!

Thank You,

Amanda S.

The Found Ring!

The Found Ring

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Lost Class Ring found August 2011:

(Lost Item #149)

Clayton called me last week. We agreed he would come this morning to look for my class ring which I lost 6 years ago. He searched from about 8:30 until almost 10:00.

He found the ring!

It was on the edge of the pond behind our house on the golf course. The ring was about six inches in the mud, maybe two feet from the water. His son was with him and he helped with the excavation.

Of course I'm overjoyed to have my ring back. Clayton is quite a guy, very patient, meticulous, and obviously knows what he is doing. So this was a success!

I would be happy to recommend your group and especially Clayton.

The Search Area

The Search Area

There it is!!!

There it is

The Found Ring!

The Found Ring

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Lost Necklace found August 2011:

(Lost Item #131)

After almost 2 hours of diligent searching the gent that came to help me search (Jeff) was unable to find my necklace. We found mostly pennies, bottle caps, odd bits of metal and pop tops from cans. He willingly kept looking and we had no luck so we gave up.

There were so many possible things that could have happened including the possiblity of squirrels running off with it. I was just about ready to start tearing the house apart in the hopes of it being lost somewhere inside. Sure enough when I looked in the floor vent of my bedroom there the necklace lay!

Thank you for your website, your Volunteers (especially Jeff!) and their willingness and diligence even when they know there's only a 50/50 chance of finding the missing item!

The Found Necklace

Tina's Necklace

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Lost Graduation Ring found August 2011:

(Lost Item #103)

I lost my graduation ring while playing pool volleyball at a friend's house a few days ago. I didn't realize I had dropped it until about halfway through our game and once I had, everyone scoured the pool looking for it. I had gotten out of the water a couple of times to get the volleyball so that opened up the possibility that my ring had fallen into the grass at some point.

My mother and I looked into renting a metal detector and ended up on this website through a recommendation. The website's coordinator, John, listened to my story and gave me several tips over the phone about checking pool filters, etc. He told me that if I didn't have any luck finding my ring in the pool, that he and his wife would come over with metal detectors to aid me in my search. I couldn't find it in the pool filters and had scanned the surrounding ground area a few times. I called to let him know that I had yet to find my ring. At around 7 the next morning, he and his wife were up and ready to help me search. After setting up their metal detectors, it only took about 20 or 30 minutes before John found my ring! I honestly couldn't believe it, I had been sure that my ring was a goner. The hours I had spent searching with my eyesight alone were almost pointless in comparison to a mere number of minutes of searching with metal detectors!

I am unbelievably grateful to John and his wife for helping me, a perfect stranger only a few days ago, find my ring!! Thank y'all so much, I am so so happy to have it back on my finger!!

Sarah & John

Sarah & John

The Found Ring!!!

The Found Ring

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Lost Wedding Ring found July 2011:

(Lost Item #79)

I found LostMyStuff after Googling "how to find a lost wedding ring on the beach".

We had been vacationing at Sandbridge Beach near Virginia Beach, VA. My husband had forgotten to take his ring off one evening last week when we went down to the beach. I told him to put it in a ziploc bag that I kept my camera in inside my beach bag. The next day the ring was seen while we were taking pictures on the beach. By the next morning, however, I discovered I was missing both the ziploc bag AND the ring.

After retracing my steps and tearing apart the rental house, I realized that the ring most likely fell out of the ziploc bag when we were taking the camera in and out. I went down to the beach with my two sisters and mom, and kicked around sand for 45 minutes. We tried again with a flashlight in the dark. We even tried again after it had rained.

I reported the ring missing to LostMyStuff.net on Sunday, July 24 (after realizing it was lost on the 23rd). The same day I contacted six rental operations only to find out "no one" rents metal detectors! Jack W. of Chesapeake contacted me later that day. We exchanged emails and he came out on Wednesday morning. By this time, the ring had been lost for almost 4 complete days. The beach had been packed. Multiple families had set up in that location. My mom even mentioned that birds frequently collect shiny items for their nests.

Jack arrived at 9:00 a.m. I showed him the area where I assumed the ring had been dropped. My mom had staked our claim to that section of the beach "early" in the morning. Jack let her keep her spot while he searched down to the shoreline and up the path to the rental house. Approximately 45 minutes later he'd had no luck. He said he would have us move the beach chairs where we had situated that morning and if he didn't find anything there, he would head into the water. He even offered to let us keep one of his metal detectors for the duration of our vacation so we could continue the search.

But there was no need!

We moved the chairs and Jack resumed his search. Thirty seconds into it (and less than an hour from the time he initially started) I heard him say over my shoulder, "Here ya go." I saw something shimmering in his basket. I knew he had a ring, but I couldn't get my hopes up that it was the one "I" was searching for. I reached into the basket and THERE IT WAS!!!

I honestly couldn't believe it. I had given up hope of finding that ring. I had even contacted the jeweler back home to find out about replacement costs and checked the internet for new styles.

Jack asked if I had a camera to take a picture. I ran up to the beach house to get it. When I opened the door I yelled, "HE FOUND IT!!!" No one else could believe it either.

I am so thankful to Jack for his time and his talents in finding our ring. We had exhausted all chances of finding it ourselves. He made our day and our vacation! Thank you to the Lost My Stuff group. You guys rock!

Beth D.

My husband, Matt and my hero, Jack W.

Matt & Jack

The Found Ring!!!

The Found Ring

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Lost Hearing Aid found July 2011:

I'm a member of "LostMyStuff" Group and recently, while my husband and I were vacationing in Ontario, Canada, we did some shore fishing at White Lake. A boat came in at the boat ramp we were fishing near, and a group of fellows got out of their boat and started looking all around the ground. After about 20 minutes or so, I asked them what the problem was. One fellow stated that his buddy had lost his hearing aid.

They figured he'd lost it when he put on his polaroid glasses, right before they got into their boat to go fishing. They had looked all around and were about to give up, so I asked them if there was any metal in the hearing aid. They said, the only thing on the hearing aid that was metal was the tiny battery. I went and got my ole Sovereign GT. I had the fellow take off his remaining hearing aid and tested it with my metal detector. It wouldn't detect it at first, so I set it to "All Metal" and then had to adjust the sensitivity down. That worked and I was able to hear a signal for the remaining hearing aid. I started searching and within 10 minutes or so, heard a sweet sound -- It was the lost hearing aid!

They asked me, "What do we owe you?". I said, "Nothing, just glad to help". Found out these fellows were all from Michigan, not far from where we live (small world). Ended up being a good day for that fellow, as he was profoundly deaf. We didn't do so good fishing, but it was still a really good day!

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Lost Engagement Ring found July 2011:

A Lost Item Report was never filed for this ring... But one of our Volunteers happened to be out detecting when he was "found" by someone needing help! Here's the story as told by our Volunteer:

While out MD'ing along the beach at Pineapple Willy's today I was approached by a gentleman named Marcus who asked if I would please come look for his fiance's lost engagement ring --- a white gold ring with a Marquis diamond. Of course I said YES!

On the walk there (it was about a mile to where it had been lost) we discussed the spot. Marcus had a pretty good idea of where it had been lost, but he sounded a bit doubtful that we would find it since it had been lost 2 days prior. But like I said, he seemed to have a good idea where to look and as it turned out, he practically put me right on top of it!

When we got to the spot, Marcus got me started searching and he went and got me an ICE COLD bottle of..... I bet you thought it was going to be a beer?... water! I started a grid search pattern and had only made about 15 lines when I got that sweet sound of GOLD. I gently scooped up the target and sure enough, there it was in the bottom of my scoop all sparkly and shiny. As an added bonus, I picked up $1.17 in clad in the 15 passes I'd made looking for the ring.

Marcus was about 50 feet away from me when I looked up and said, "Uh, Marcus... I've got it", as nonchalantly as I could. I don't think he touched the sand 3 times in the 50 feet. It sure was a great feeling to find that ring and the look on Marcus's face would have been worth 12 hours of searching for it.

Marcus called his fiance immediately (she had already gone back home) and promised her that she'd be wearing her ring again Thursday night, when he got there. Marcus said she was "ecstatic" when he got off the phone.

So... Marcus got the ring back, we exchanged contact info and I made two great new friends. They come for bike week and we've made plans to get together for dinner when they're in town.

Mike & Marcus with the found ring

Mike & Marcus

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Lost Wedding Ring found June 2011:

(Lost Item #54)

I checked my email this morning and saw that yet another poor soul had lost a ring and summoned help from the Lost My Stuff crew. I clicked on the email, guessing what state it would be from... Texas? Illinois? Florida?

Well lo and behold, this one is in Colorado! In the metro area as well, although 20 miles from home. I wrote an email to the lady explaining who I was and that I would be willing to help her find her ring, for her to just give me a call to set up a meet, which she did.

I showed up at the park, which is HUGE at 11:45 AM. Acres and acres of grass, and I thought to myself "Good luck finding this one dude". She had said that she, her daughter and grand daughters sat in a couple of different places watching her grand son play rugby, but that she didn't know at which spot it was lost. So after jogging the kids' memories they figured out the general areas they were at and I went from there. I had already scanned one spot pretty well before they showed up, having got the info before I left the house, so I figured I would try the next spot about 100 yards away.

I met the daughter up there and she pointed around the area they sat at, told me good luck, and went back to the cool confines of the mini van. I started scanning away, trying to make a mental grid as I went along. I was on my 3rd pass, when I got a strong +26 VDI at 0 inches, and I knew I had found her ring! I took my screwdriver and flipped it out of the grass, a nice little gold wedding band, about 3/16" wide. I didn't even get the karat I was so excited, I just kept it in my hand and almost sprinted back to where the ladies were at.

I was walking up to them when the grandma turned around and asked me if I had found it. I smiled real big like and opened my hand, revealing her ring. She took her ring and screamed "thank you" several times, the kids were all excited and clapping their hands, and I felt like a hero. It felt really good to help some total stranger find a ring that's sentimental to them, it made my day!

Not Even Close Yet!!

Not Close Yet

And a note from the owner...

One of your volunteer searchers, Troy, met me, my daughter and granddaughters at the park today and Troy actually found the ring! I cannot tell you how surprised and delighted I am. I feel like my faith in mankind has been boosted 10 fold! Troy was very nice and he seemed quite pleased himself at finding the treasure.

My ring has taken on a new meaning... in addition to "I'm married", it signifies to me that a stranger was willing to help me out and make my life a bit more whole again. I truly never expected to see that ring again! What a wonderful day. Troy is no longer a stranger and I hope to stay in touch with him on some level.

Angels with metal detectors!

Thanks to all your volunteers and their efforts of kindness.


Jamie with her ring


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Lost Wedding Ring found June 2011:

(Lost Item #50)

I met Jesse at his work site and we drove over to a farmer's pond with a small dock where he pointed out that he had lost his ring when his dog jumped on him in the water. The water was murky on the surface, and I knew it would be worse at the bottom. Fortunately, I'd done a similar underwater recovery a few years ago so this wasn't intimidating.

I assembled my scuba unit and slipped into the BC. Because I was diving alone, which is a no-no, I gave Jesse a quick safety briefing. "If you stop seeing bubbles, jump in and save me." I did a controlled seated entry off the dock as the water was only 6-8 feet deep. I took a compass reading on the surface and let the air out of the BC. I slipped into the warm brown water and lost all points of reference. Almost immediately my feet sank into the muddy bottom and I drifted further down onto my knees. I turned on my detector which was already on my right arm and checked my compass, but it was too dark and too murky to see the dial as I pressed it against the tempered glass of my dive mask. Even though I was lined up on the surface, it's very easy to lose your bearing's underwater, even when you can see. Direction and distance all become relative and skewed. And because I was blindfolded with mud, I could only guess which direction to start in.

I slowly worked my detector coil back and forth across the surface of the mud while walking on my knees, adjusting what I think I remembered were the volume controls. I created in my mind what was happening around me. Every now and then that imaginary world would be broken by a quick nibble on the leg or the arm by a perch. I'd prefer to pretend that I was alone down there, but I wasn't.

Feeling I had gone too far, I filled my BC and floated back to the surface. I saw Jesse on the dock and judged that I was way off track. Jesse was kind of laughing at me and drew an imaginary line across the water in front of him where my bubble trail had gone... which was way off track. I had to start over from the dock. This time I made sure I was lined up and didn't twist or turn on the way down. I descended and sank back into the mud. Working directly ahead I came across a target but it was too large to be a ring and decided to pass on it. About four feet past that, I heard another higher-than-expected tone but a small target so I navigated my plastic yellow handheld scoop down the shaft of the detector and to the coil to feel exactly where I should put the scoop in and in what direction. This was more difficult than it sounds.

After the first scoop, I swept the area again and was pleased to hear only the threshold. The mud was too thick to sift through the scoop while submerged and as I shook it, the water around me went from brown and green to black. I surfaced with the scoop held upright and swam toward the dock, sifting out mud while I paddled with my other arm. I had gotten most of the mud out when I looked inside and saw the ring coming out of a mudball.

Jesse was very excited to be reunited with his ring and I was glad to have been able to blow some bubbles and help someone out in the process.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Lost Drivers License found June 2011:

No one ever filed a Lost Item Report for this, but one of our members managed to get the lost items returned to the owner anyway!!! Here's the story, as told by one of our members...

Well... it happened again. I found another Driver's License (plus a library card, and a Police Benevolent Association member card) in my scoop along with a quarter. I Googled the owner and got his phone number in NY, called it and left a message hoping they would be checking messages remotely or someone was home and didn't get to come on vacation. Didn't get a call back so after I got done hunting I took them to the Sheriff's office at the county pier and turned them in. I got a call later in the day thanking me for turning them in from first the owners Dad (at the # in NY), and then from the owner (here in Panama City Beach).

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Lost Wedding Ring found June 2011:

(Lost Item #49)

Kevin lost his platinum wedding ring in his backyard while playing with his kids on a slip-n-slide. His lovely wife and he had rented a detector with no success prior to contacting lostmystuff.net.

I ran pinpoint mode on my V3i in a grid search of the entire backyard while Kevin worked willy-nilly with my ACE 250 where he thought it might have fallen. Discriminating out all but foil to nickel either one of the machines should have screamed if the platinum ring was in the lawn... it wasn't.

We sat and talked about the incident, his wife made burgers. We imagined the slip-n-slide to be harboring the ring somehow. We thought about the canopy that was over the deck (he climbed up to look), he took a pretty good spill when he flung it off so it was possible. Then we spoke about the stone deck itself but he said he would have heard that bouncing around. I suggested waiting for fall to take down the vegetation around the bushes and look again. I remember saying but those evergreens will never give up their leaves.

Bushes ummmm.... we had laughed about it being in a bush earlier in the hunt. I said my good nights, and Kevin was very gracious about the EPIC FAIL, but I guess those bushes just kept him going. After I got home he called and sent these pictures.

Moral of the story: Shake the bushes!!

Kevin's yard was so clean! Newly built, one owner, and a pleasantville fenced-in lawn of perfection, but the ring was in the tree...

The Hiding Place

The Hiding Place

There it was!!!

There it was!!!

The Found Ring!!!

The Found Ring!!!

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Lost Wedding Ring found June 2011:

(Lost Item #38)

The ring was lost while on a family boat outing on Lake Livingston, near Trinity Texas. Former Marine Naaman was confident of the general area as it was a popular local swimming area and his wife noticed soon after getting in the water that the double ring (engagement and wedding, soldered together) was missing. It was not only expensive (19 diamonds total, one over a carat), it had a lot of sentimental value to them both as he had it custom made for his wife.

I live about 2 1/2 hours from that area, not including boating time and knew I wouldn't be able to help for a few days at least and asked him to call me back if nobody else closer could help. When he did call we scheduled the trip.

It was a hot day (98 and not a cloud in the sky) and I was actually glad the ring was in the water as Naaman got us close on his boat. I brought both my Minelab Excalibur II and my AT Pro for the water recovery job. I laid out a rough grid and set about cleaning the lake bottom of pop-tops, bottle caps, bullets, and fishing lures. The bottom was covered with 2-8 inches of fine sand over a harder layer of sand/clay mix. After about an hour I switched to the AT Pro and Naaman and his buddy Jason kept up with the Excalibur. After another 1/2 hour I was in about 4 feet of water and had a nice sounding, clean signal (I actually couldn't see the screen, it was submerged and the water is brown). I knew even before I brought it up that I had the large ring and just smiled to myself. I yelled out to Naaman and Jason, "does it look anything like this?" They were stunned but ecstatic and Naaman yelled to me he really never expected to see it again.

I'm happy to have been able to help. The sunburn will fade, but the feeling of returning that ring will be with me for a long time.

Searching the lake

Searching the lake



The Found Ring!

The Found Ring

And a note from the owner...

This is Barbie, Naaman's wife. I am sending some pics and I was wondering if you can post a comment from me on your website?

I really want to thank Lostmystuff.net SO much first and foremost for just being willing to help people without any other purpose other than to help them. I am 100% certain that I would have never seen my wedding ring again if my husband hadn't found you guys. I want to especially thank Clayton for donating his time, effort, and equipment in helping us search!! My husband came home after the search and never told me they had found the ring. About an hour later he called me over to look at a "cut" he got on his foot only to pull my ring out from behind his back and asked if I would marry him again. All I could do was scream! I can't begin to explain how much this ring means to me and I will be forever greatful. It is so refreshing to see that there are still people in this world that are willing to help others without expecting anything in return. And if I know my husband, Clayton has a friend for life. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


The Happy Owner

The Happy Owner

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Lost Wedding Ring found June 2011:

(Lost Item #32)

Joe of Orange, California lost his ring while out walking his dogs and posted a lost ring announcement on Lost My Stuff asking for help. I had already planned a family vacation at Laguna Beach for Memorial Day weekend and was going to pass by the location, so I responded to the ad. Here's what happened, in Joe's own words:

"I had had surgery on my left wrist in 2010 and my wedding band wouldn't fit due to my hand swelling up. My wife asked me a few times in 2011 if my ring fit back on my finger and I tried however no luck so finally I made a plan to go back to the jeweler and have it resized. I put the ring on my pinkie finger and decided to take the dogs out for a walk before I leave the house.

I take my dogs on a short walk to the corner and have them sit before crossing the street. I was petting one of the dogs and praising him for obeying and he was shedding really badly so I continued to pet him on his side at a fast pace when I heard a "tinggggg" and looked at my hand and the ring was gone! I quickly grabbed my phone and took a picture where the dog was sitting and thought I had a general idea of where the ring flew off and in which direction. That night I told my wife of the dilemma and the next morning got up early to do my search and thought to myself "How hard could it be? I'll just systematically remove the foliage, inch by inch, and find the shiny ring."

I spent about an hour and a half on the corner where I lost the ring and got about a 4'x4' area cleared and still no ring. I had given up all hope of finding the ring without an army of people tearing up the hillside. I decided to do a search on the internet of people who have lost rings and found Lost My Stuff. I submitted my loss report and waited. A man contacted me a few days later by email and said he would be in my area on Friday. He was very helpful and came out and spent less than 20 minutes scanning the area and found the missing ring. It was not in the area I was looking either, it was behind me! Thanks to Chris and his knowledge of the metal detector that found my ring.

The Happy Owner

The Happy Owner

The Found Ring!

The Found Ring

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Lost Wedding Ring found June 2011:

(Lost Item #35)

After receiving an E mail about a ring lost for a gentleman in Chino Hills, I contacted Kyle, a young man who explained to me that several months back, his wife had lost her wedding set outside the front door of their apartment.

I made arrangements to meet with him that week, and when I went to his apartment he explained that he and his wife had been arguing (as young couples do) and his wife had thrown the wedding set out the front door of the apartment. Kyle assured me that the rings couldn't have gone too far, and I proceeded to search a couple bushes that were adjacent to the front door.

Turning up nothing but trash, I asked him to re-visit the event and he showed me exactly how the door had been open, and from where she threw the rings, I followed the path and figured the rings had more than likely gone much further than Kyle had originally thought, across the walkway and into another planter. I started my search there and had almost given up hope when I got a really good low tone on the MXT Pro and there it was, the Engagement ring, just slightly under the dirt in the far back corner of the planter.

I retrieved the ring and called Kyle over and he was really excited that I had found it, but we still had the wedding ring left somewhere in that planter, so I continued to search, but after about another 10-15 minutes, we both decided that the wedding ring portion of the set must have bounced a different direction and had probably landed on the concrete where it more than likely had been found by another tenant or the gardener.

Kyle and his wife were more than happy to just have the Engagement ring back though because that was the more expensive ring of the set. I was just glad to be able to help in the reuniting of that ring to Kyle and his wife, and Kyle was nice enough to cover the cost of my gas to come over and offer some refreshments while I was there.

The Happy Owner

The Happy Owner

The Found Ring!

The Found Ring

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Lost Wedding Ring found May 2011:

(Lost Item #34)

So as you know, last week I signed up as a volunteer for lostmystuff.net. I didn't realize I would be called to action so soon. This weekend, my parents were in town so this morning Dad and I hit the beach at sunrise. We didn't do too bad with clad, but no gold or silver. At about 10:30, we left as the beach was getting crowded. As we were driving out of Galveston, I saw on my phone that I had received a lost ring report from lostmystuff 15 minutes prior and it was in League City, just a few miles north of me. We would be going right through there on the way home!

I pulled over and gave Lisa a call letting her know I was in the vicinity and had I had my detectors and could help out if she was available. She didn't answer so I left a voicemail. About 15 minutes later, as we were approaching the last League City exit, the phone rang and it was her. As I answered, I exited and found that the location of her brother's house which is where she lost the ring was only about a mile away, so about 10 minutes later, I was meeting her brother and starting up my Dad's DFX, as it was much better suited than my Excal 2 for this job.

He gave me a quick synopsis of what had happened and where he thought it might be, and within 5 minutes I had located the platinum band where he had expected it to be. Lisa's parents showed up and I followed them to meet her so she could thank me personally. I dont believe it was a coincidence that everything came together so perfectly, and I'm glad I could help out.

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Lost Earring found May 2011:

(Lost Item #33)

It was a beautiful Sunday morning. My kids and I walked to the village for breakfast and bought some plants for our yard at the farmer's market. When we came home I went right to work on the yard since I was so excited about the new plants. Unfortunately, I didn't even think about removing my jewelry. I trimmed the tree in the back yard and hung up the tire swing, dug up my planter in the back yard, mixed new dirt in, and planted the new plants. After a full day of working outside, I came in to clean up and realized I had only one earring in my ears. I was completely devastated; I had bought them as a reward for earning my Master's Degree about 4 years ago.

The next day a colleague told me a metal detector might be helpful, so I rented one. Unfortunately, the detector didn't pick up the mate of the lost earring and was not useful to me. So, I spent hours on my hands and knees searching for my earring. But, didn't find it. I was looking on line to find the local paper to place an ad and somehow found a link to your website. I thought I would give you guys a try. Rudy contacted me the next day and came out within a few hours. I explained to him where I had been that day and he got right to work. As he was working, a glimmer caught my eye and there it was! An entire week after it was originally missing, after spending hours of looking in the grass, after emptying the entire green bin and shaking every branch I cut, after the yard had been tended to, there it was, right where my ladder had been.

I have no way of expressing my gratitude! I had already taken the mate back to the jeweler to see about finding a match, so I wrote him and told him we found it. He just let me know that he found a replacement and it was going to be almost twice what he had expected! I am so grateful!!



The Found Earring!

The Found Earring

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Lost Class Ring found April 2011:

(Lost Item #14)

I lost my brand new class ring yesterday while I was watering some plants in my yard. I went and rented a metal detector to see if I could find it myself, but quickly learned that metal detecting isn't as easy as it sounds. The detector "beeped" so often I couldn't make any sense of it. I started looking online for another solution and found the website for the Lost My Stuff Group and decided to send them an email and give that a try.

What a response!! First a guy named John called me and after finding out what type of metal detector I had rented, he made some recommendations on how to adjust the detector's sensitivity & discrimination controls to help me search for the ring better. Then a few hours later a gentleman (Clayton) and his wife came by to help me search. They both spent several hours looking, even after dark, but couldn't find the ring. Then this morning another gentlemen and his girlfriend (Martin & Linda) came by to help. While Martin was searching in the front yard, Linda yelled from the back "I FOUND IT"!!, and she did so using only her hi-tech eyeballs, just walking around my back yard. The ring ended up being next to my back fence, behind my pool where I never walk, at least 20 feet away from anywhere I had been... Luckily for me she hadn't listened to my explanation of the particular areas of the yard I was working in when I lost the ring!!!

I have a lot of squirrels that run on top of that fence, and all I can think of is that one of them picked it up and dropped it -- luckily on my side of the fence!!

I have to say how grateful I am with the response I received from the Group -- I had no idea there were people like this out there willing to help so unselfishly.

Best regards, Ron

The Found Ring!

The Found Ring

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Lost Wedding Ring found March 2011:

(Lost Item #12)

I got the email from our group yesterday late afternoon and called Ed, the guy who lost the ring, almost immediately. We arranged to meet at the golf course where he lost his platinum and silver wedding ring. While having lunch he removed his golf glove and the ring went flying into a large row of thick bushes and vanished. When I got there it was immediately apparent my AT Pro was going to be almost useless if the ring was really in the hedge; it was just too thick. I went ahead and scanned the area and even the tops and sides of the bushes in case the ring was hung in the branches, but it was becoming clear this was going to be a job for my Garrett Pro Pointer (man I love that thing). Apparently the bushes next to the restaurant are considered a de facto pop-top, bottle cap, and penny disposal area because there were a LOT of signals in there (and a lot of golf balls). Complicating things was about 2-3 inches of dead leaves and sticks in the bushes. Dark set in after about an hour and Ed headed home but I kept up the hunt after I was able to borrow a good flashlight. Two hours of crawling in the bushes, pulling every signal, eventually led to the recovery of his ring. I called Ed, who was super excited and surprised and then I delivered it to the very appreciative owners nearby home.

The Found Ring!

The Found Ring

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Lost Wedding Ring found March 2011:

10 year old boy recovers lost gold ring,
his first time to use a detector!!!

(Lost Item #10)

I live in the Houston area but was in Frisco, TX (north of Dallas) visiting my brothers this weekend. We were just getting out of church and for once had some free time when I saw the email on my phone that someone had lost their wedding ring in McKinney, which was just about 7 minutes away. I had my AT Pro and my son's Ace 250 in the trunk (you know, for um, metal detecting emergencies) so we zipped right over after calling the owner of the ring. The newly wed husband had been laying mulch the day before at his new house and thought he lost the ring somewhere in the front yard. Normally my youngest son (8) is my hunting buddy but this time he sat out and let Matthew (10) use our Ace 250 in his metal detecting debut. We worked the mulched areas in a grid and after about 15 minutes Matthew yelled from around the corner, "Dad, I think I found it!" He had in fact found the large man's gold band and we immediately returned it to the very grateful owners. I think the total time from when I got the email that it was lost to them getting it back was less than an hour. The owners kept raving about how great the group is, and we were appreciative to play a part this time.

The Found Ring!

The Found Ring

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Lost Wedding Ring found February 2011:

(Lost Item #9)

On February 20th, 2011 I went walking with my family around our neighborhood pond. We stopped to feed some geese (against the law I know...). I threw a piece of bread into the water and watched my wedding ring sail right off my finger into the pond. My husband immediately went in, but it was too cold for his bare feet. Of course I felt bad. Later that night, he mumbled something about a metal detector so I did a search and found metaldetectingforum.com. From there, a nice person directed me to Lostmystuff.net and the MAN, Jim Wagner, responded with the right words: waders and a "specialized" waterproof metal detector. My husband was nervous about leaving the ring in the pond for a week, but Jim made us feel that it would be alright and that he would find it. He did! He "detected" for under an hour in our pond. It would have been less, but I thought it landed out further than it had and I misdirected him.

I don't think we expressed our gratitude enough on the afternoon of Feb 27th, 2011. I was so giddy after he left, I thought I had gotten engaged again. Easily, one of my happiest days. The day in fact, turned out to be even luckier, we went home and found out we are expecting our second baby. There just might be another Wagner in the world soon.

I hope that at his monthly club meeting, you vote him "Best Find of the Month"


The Found Ring!

The Found Ring

Jim, Susan & Addy

Jim, Susan & Addy

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Lost Wedding Ring found January 2011:

(Lost Item #7)

I lost my wedding ring in the snow while out shooting a couple weeks ago. I had taken my gloves off to set up a target and my ring came off in the gloves. Except, I didn't notice right away. I scoured the grounds for a good hour when I realized it, but I wasn't sure even where I dropped it. To make matters worse there was about 4 inches of snow. I had thought of using a metal detector, except that as I researched how to use one, it became clear that it would take years to be able to tell the difference between gold, copper, brass, lead, and everything else that the ground is covered with underneath all the snow. So I started looking for metal detector clubs to ask how I'd go about figuring that out. I found the Cascade Treasure Club and clicked the guestbook link on that site and found a post advertisting the lostmystuff.net site.

I posted to the Lost My Stuff site and heard back from Robert who came out and after walking the ammo littered ground found it within about 5 or 10 minutes.

I've attached 3 pictures. One is the ground where it was found, the 2nd is the ring on my finger, and the 3rd is Robert handing me the ring.


Robert & Owner

Robert and Owner

The Found Ring!

Ring on Finger

What the ground looked like

The Ground

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